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Posts posted by game_heaven

  1. I am not sure if this is in the write section(its not a question regarding game making)
    Hi I was wondering if someone here is a tileset artist and is not in a project? If you are but you are free please post or reply ..It would be very helpfull thank you.
  2. :cheesy: Good job guys I am testin this right now ^^ It looks nice,saves noobs like me who can't get vb6 some time  :cheesy:  How much time did it take?

    EDIT: Just a question what are the slash commands if they are any like /pm ??
    EDIT: found a bug, map proprieties: subscript out of range
  3. :cheesy: Nope you gessed right my primal language is french but who cares,Sorry for those maps,
    The mining cave was badly made I am improving those right away,Byson please could you explain to me if I make my maps not square ,how to do that? Other dudes thx for feedback I am improving  right away now,next time I will make my post more clean,This was made fast because I had to rush,And now I am making Er the zone and its some elemental area it looks pretty well but I had one problem is my maps being square…,Making a more organized story editing my site.Snowstorm what do you mean by no full stops?And how do I make my features different from other games..Reality is most Orpg are all about war and medieval stuff.I really don't know what to add to make it 'special' :(
  4. :cheesy:
    Hi evryone my name is Sam(samir), and today I will show you Anotia Fantasie a game obviously made with elcipse origins.
    [spoilerOnce upon a time was born a boy with no home no family nothing…till a king addopted him when he saw the flaming eyes of a future hero,that king happened to tell the story of the REIGN lords of Emerald ruins -Sorusam-Irino-Athenia-Earthelia    till one day the lord of evil sent out a horirible deassise cossing the friendly  monsters who where in peace with humans,even humans to transform into coarrupted evil beasts with no mind,ever since YOU hero forgot your memory and woke up in a lost beach,will you find the truth if the lord turned to coarrupted or where inprisoned?will you lead Anotia to trust and peace enough with there already going problems with the skull heads to defeat the coarrupted from the upper sky Emerauld ruins the fathfull world of Af and Er are counting on you...choose your destiny boy]

    >! Cool epic items,quest system,Pet system,Entetainement after main story till level100,TO come:Level over player,Friend system,guilde system and so much more
    They are donjons,there is PVP,mission maps: Shadow land,Paladin's Krak,Emerald(THIS IS NOT A COPY OF A GAME I SAW IN PROJECTS NAME,I PLANNED THIS WAY BEFORE AF),Trainers, and more


    >! At the beginning you get warrior,mage,healer,archer who become> Berseker>Sorcerer>Priest>Bulban archer that you buy at the trainers.Special classes>Paladin(paladin's krak) Undead necrotizer(shadow land) Regenerade(Er)
    Here are a few screenies of some areas(The maps are square because I want it that way)

    credits:ME,Superaf,Kimon&Damon,moderators: Chris Maboso(Link),SouleYman,Yann, Site:Kimon&SuperAF.Engine:EO Robin, Scott for features that will come>DopeyBiach for custom graphics soon,(Don't say I din't do nothing :D I managed abbit the site,Made two type of game(Thx hamachi,and my huwai for host) You for playing soon,Paypal,If I forgot you just mension your name
    EDIT: ty for reading and critique me to know my mistakes
  5. Hello as I said when i am on the item editor and I click on some specific items(Hey are spell scrolls) I get runtime error invalid property value,I don't know why is I could delete them I would but when I click on them I get that,Just for info i had 8 classes and i deleted 4 of them if this helps because some of this spells where for those classes,from where can I delete them?
  6. :cheesy:
    Thx for the anwsers guys,first im doing this as a hobby for the fun before i take real serious classes to learn coding,I will keep the graphics o enterbrain but if im lucky and it gets commercial ill start doing and recruting people to help me make some custom graphics ^^ I was planning hiring and paying people to make me some custom stuff,but just not yet as Im still learning
  7. Hello ,Im not sure if this is what caused my problem, my connection was working fine, I was disconnected when I loged back in it happened again,no one noes my eclipse account info
  8. :cheesy: Hello evryone , I din't mention what we where looking for in the title because it would be too huge .About us:
    Anotia fantasie known as AF is a game taken in the medieval times,
    This game won't be let down no matter what,Currently we have a few staff but we don't have what we need. our current features: -quest system(Alatar)
                                                      -Pet system(made custom by me)
                                                      -Multiple drops(comming soon by scott)
    and were not done where still looking for a programmer,sprite artist,and someone who can make custom tilesets, Its asking alot ,sorry. If you need more info of us ,our site,our how we pay you please pm me like this
    Making a game or not
    often busy or free
    what you do
    your requierments

    Thank you for your pm or anwser in advance and sorry for my english, Im french(No worries ,game in english)
    EDIT: sorry I can't post out screenshots of AF yet because 1\. not our graphics yet and 2.I haven't donwloaded a nice screenshotter yet
  9. That wouldn't praticly be your game then
    if you din't do nothing and just asked it wouldn't sound much like your game
    :) For quest just find alatar's thread and download his version
      mining and fishing is already there you just have to have some graphics and /editressources, and also make items to what you have when your done
    Pet system(sorry do lightning's pet system) I can't give my custom made one with no source edits needed(I found a way,its not the best but it works)
    The rest you have to enter  them mannualy with vb6 or hire some one whom you will give your source and he will do it for you(mostly that requires money if its big source edit)
    Hope I helped evven if its not much
  10. ok..
    Copy paste your image
    go data files>graphics>character, paste it there, then right click ,click  edit, on MSpaint orwhatever save as bmp and rename it o Example: if you have 11 sprites rename it 12
    EDIT: I had the same problem a while ago ,just do what i said to do,Nothing is wrong with the image
    I just did it myself right now to check,Also if you don''t 'save as' bitmap image it won't work , because now the image is a jpg
  11. Hi evryone I'm currently working on Anotia fantasie and evrything is going fine the only probllem I
    have  :cheesy: is that I can't find shield paperdolls , I tried making oe myself..but it was horrible
    If its yours and you made it customly i would credit you ,but if it belongs to other please tell out who ever or what it belongs to so I could credit them,if its for your game made by you please keep it.

    Ty. :)
    EDIT:  oh I forgot to say that the PDs could be for any shields,Don't care if its specific or not
  12. Salut mec(hello evryone ,great game)
    off topic: eh mec je suis aussi en train de crée un jeu xPP pr mes potes e tt mai j aucune idée de comment ta fais pr mettre le jeu en francais?

    great game dude ill look foward to play when I got ze time , evry one here mostly got there on project to work on lol tell me when its online
  13. Our version of vb6 dosen't work on windows 7 :/ we just lack a few scripts not the hugest
    I came to request and not recruit a talent because weve got to much staff right now ,
    I would like this to be free as we have alot of people to pay already, tho there is one thing that I could do is add you to the credits, and you will be grately appreciated by AF
    Public Const MAX_PLAYERS As Long = 1000
    Public Const MAX_ITEMS As Long = 1000
    Public Const MAX_NPCS As Long = 1000
    Public Const MAX_ANIMATIONS As Long = 1000
    Public Const MAX_INV As Long = 35
    Public Const MAX_MAP_ITEMS As Long = 1000
    Public Const MAX_MAP_NPCS As Long = 50
    Public Const MAX_SHOPS As Long = 1000
    Public Const MAX_PLAYER_SPELLS As Long = 100
    Public Const MAX_SPELLS As Long = 1000
    Public Const MAX_TRADES As Long = 30
    Public Const MAX_RESOURCES As Long = 1000
    Public Const MAX_LEVELS As Long = 100
    Public Const MAX_BANK As Long = 99
    Public Const MAX_HOTBAR As Long = 12
    Public Const MAX_PARTYS As Long = 35
    Public Const MAX_PARTY_MEMBERS As Long = 4

    ' Website
    Public Const GAME_WEBSITE As String =http://gamemana.webs.com/

    -The level on top of the head
    -mini map(thats maybe alot its not forced but i would really apreciate it)
    -level on top of npc

    ive already got pet and quest covered up
    Magikx-AF all help apreciated an crdited, if it really requires som time (ill pay but only if i get cash out of the game)
  14. send a pm and AF will send you further info, we pay our staff if we get in game players who purchase stuff tho 1/4 goes to charity,we have 1composeur,4moderators,1 pixel artist(1 where waiting for response),2 game developers,1co owner, tester(programmateur our version of vb6 we gave him dosen't work for him)  game is online for staff only to help edit , it will be out the next holi day days
    to come for public in 2 versions, a version with hamachi ( yes we keep it always on) and a port fowarded version( a few lags but its ok and still being tested) ,the staff version is with hamachi because its faster and easier to connect,and our chat system is our site chatbox,hamachi,and our fb grp
  15. AF is currently develloping we would like to have another pixel artist on our side as we have already 1,4moderators,1tester,2owners,1composeur (its sad he isnt here now till end of christmas hol.)
    1 co owner,1programmateur became tester as he can't install our version of vb6 we gave him,1 pixel artist, AF is soon being released in the few days to be comming, we have 2 versions , af online with hamachi, af port fowarded, we are online but only mods as its not released yet the version we use now for editors to edit and help creation is hamachi because its faster if you need more info pm me
    and ill also tell our payment system even if you offered free i want to pay all staff and 1/4 of the money also goes to charity ^^
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