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Posts posted by willzter

  1. Ok, thanks. I've actually never heard of CSDE, but then I'm still kind of a noob here (only been here for 1.5 years and I have been offline alot) so it was probably out long before I even heard about eclipse.
  2. I might sound like a total noob right now (which I kind of am) but for some reason I can't seem to find modRendering, I'm using EO 3.0 - Electrified Events which (from what I know) was the first Eclipse Engine using DirectX 8\. If the rendering module simply is named something else in EO 3.0 and somone knows it, please answer me. I have found a class module called cGDIpRenderer, however, since I don't want to mess something up I would rather take the safe before the unsafe and ask here on the forums first. cGDIpRenderer is located in the client.vbp if anyone wants to know.
  3. Thanks for the quick replies, sadly I had to go soon after posting this and as I have been pretty busy today I have not had time to reply earlier.I have now found where the max_levels are located, for some reason the finder thing didn't show me it when I searched for it earlier, it might be case-sensitive.. When it comes to the variabels I am still pretty confused tough, is there a way to change the max stats from 255 to something higher or will VB6 not allow this? When I changed the max level constant I also noticed constants such as max_items that were set to 255 and as I changed these to a higher number I got no errors when I started it, nor when I made say 256 items instead of the original 255\. However I didn't find anything about stats in the same area, such as STR and END, and as these are something I would like to increase the maximum of, I would like high level players to perhaps have 500-1000 STR, I would like to know where I can change these. I have been trying to look for it myself, both manually and with CTRL+F, however without any succes. If there is any tutorials or the alike already existing on the forums I am sorry for not looking well enough, but if there are then they are probably very old and as I am still human I can't look through every single post in the tutorial section but belive me, I have tried searching for stuff like this on the forums.
  4. So, recently I got my hands on a copy of visual basic 6\. After playing around with it and changing some basic stuffs such as damage formulas and followed a couple of tutorials I would like to get abit more "advanced", I am still pretty early in the learning curve but I have had some experience with visual basic.net earlier and I'm a pretty quick learner so I don't think I will have to hard of a time with the stuff I'm thinking about, but before I do this I'd like to know some basic stuff about eclipse first.

       Firstly I'd like to know where I change the max level, I have tried looking in the code on my own and tried alot of diffrent possible combinations in the "finder" (CTRL+F) however I haven't had any luck yet so I wonder if someone could point me in the right direction for this. If possible I would also like to know how I change the exp needed for leveling up.

       Secondly I'd like to know if the performance loss would be to great if I would change bytes such as STR, weapon damage and more into longs, if I remember correctly a byte can only contain numbers between -255 to 255 while a long can contain numbers between ca. -30k to 30k but longs will take longer for the computer to work with and it will therefore be some kind of a performance loss. If the performance loss however wouldn't be to bad I would also like to know where I should change these.

       As I am still pretty new to programming overall, as mentioned abow I do have some previous experience with VB.NET but this is really nothing more than first following tutorials and later making my own version of old classics, so please don't tell me I'm a noob because I can't figure out how to change the max level or such..
  5. > 1.The players must have the folder client 
    > 2.You must portforwoard
    > 3\. if you want an updater you should create a program with vb6 or a anything you want
    > if you want the players re-download a version you must only upload the data (if you have not change the src folder) and users replace their data with the data you upload :)

    Thanks for your answer, what do you mean by portforwarding? If you mean the same thing as I think you mean then I would have to configurate the players router wich is not allowed by the operator.
  6. Hello everyone, I am pretty new here but I have used Eclipse Origins for a while now. I know that this is Q and A for EO 4.0+ but I am currently using eclipse event system 2.3\. I am soon done with my game but I am not sure how to upload it and how to connect it to the server. Right now I am creating my game on an old computer that I borrowed to create this game on, but when im done with my game I want to place the default server program on another computer. My first question is: What am I supposed to have in .zip format for the player to download, should the folder called src be downloadable? My second question is: How am I supposed to connect the client with the server program wich is on another computer, is it enough to change the config.ini file from IP:localhost to the IP of the computer that got the server program on it? And when it comes to an updater I am not sure how to do this either, should I create a program myself that updates the game if it finds any (In this case how am I supposed to do this? I don't really know how to program myself.) or should I make it easy for myself and tell the player to redownload it? It should also be noted that I am from the beginning just creating this game for some friends of mine and perhaps some of their friends if they would like to download it.

    Thanks for any he

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