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Posts posted by dayrock

  1. Hello!

    I am trying to boost the player base on this amazing 2D fantasy game called Illutia.

    Everything you want to know/see is on IndieDB, I am currently in the processes of making videos and getting screen shots.

  2. Well, I was thinking that the humans would have their own suits. not all humans have the suits some are cyborgs, while some are trained to use the suit.

    Putting random robots around the world would make the game more like a RPG. The idea of having suits be less stealthy and have a higher chance to get spotted is good though.
  3. Ya… so that was thesetting so make the story the person you ate playing as correct? The syory will be played throught the game quests ect. Ir do you mean somthing different?
  4. **Unnamed game!**

    >! Earth… Such a beautiful world full of life, never ending growth. Humans... The parisite of earth, selfish beings only wanting what is best for themselvs not caring about the planet, the animals, taking everything for grantied! Despite their selfishnes they have always been able to survive, through any war they prevail until they came. it all started in the year 3025, everything was normal until people started noticing things in the sky. At first everyone was freaked out wondering what they were, until the first one landed. Out of the massive object came a being, human like, but much more perfict looking.
    >! They called themselvs the Animaphagist, claimed to come in peace, needed a place to live because their world ran out of resources.
    >! At first the leaders of the human race were wary, not sure of what all of this was. Was it truth or was it lie?
    >! The Anima were accepted by the humans and agreed to share techonolgy with eachother, although humans had little to actually teach that the Anima didnt already know. 200 Years past and the two races lived in harmony living off eachother.
    >! In the year 3250 the first act of rebelion happend, a group of human rebels attacked the Anima for no other reason other than they wanted their world to be just theirs again. The attack had little affect, but startled the Anima causing them to keep to themselves.
    >! Over the next 50 years more rebel groups formed continously attacking the "alians", While the anima payed little attention until one of the biggiest and most planed attack almost took out their leader. they quickly went from sharing their medical technoligy to bringing out machines of mass destruction!
    >! Animaphagist decided to destroy the humans once and for all! Humans tryed running in all directions some trying to go to the moon but quickly got shot out of the sky by their machines. Others running underground, undetected by the anima.
    >! Underground, homless, hungry, the humans were desperate! This obsticale did not cause them to lose hope though! they quickly found a massive cavurn underground and regrouped and started to build, descovering new animals that had gone mileniums undetected, some usefull some deadlyer than ever. A century past and the humans were still alive and rebuilding their structer they quickly gained electricity back and order. Soon they started to learn new things, things that have been lost for thousands of years. The closer to earths core they got the more they felt this power in them! soon they learned they had abilitys, they practiced these ablities until they masterd every single possiblity.
    >! NOW:
    >! The humans are preparing to attack! over the years they have perfected the use of the "sorce" and were able to steal some of the Anima's technology, most importantly one of the war machines. they studied all of the technology until they were able to recreate everything! The humans had one advantage though, they were able to enhance their war machines with the sorce of the earth!
    >! I know this is bad... and there is alot of mistakes and needs to be writen alot better... can you help me out abit? give me some crit

    >! Have you ever thought about it? Think about it's endless bounty of treasures scattered through out it, it's exquisite endless beauty, the purity of the planet's glorious evolution in the thriving planet full of life. Of course I mean Earth, what else could I be describing, every other thing pales in comparison to earth's peerless glory.
    >! For a millennium the primal planet has survived and evolved in perfect balance and unblemished purity. That was until the virus infected the virgin planet. The virus has a simple name…Humans. Humans are devouring parasites and are an unholy blight upon the earth. Uncaring, selfish, monstrous creatures that consume life without rhyme or reason. Like a virus, humans have endlessly consumed and spread across the world like an infection. Like a virus, the humans were constantly evolving violently and instantly, insuring their survival.
    >! In the year 3025, an event happened that caused the humans to question their supreme superiority. An alien race dubbed the "Animaphagist", landed on the planet. The Animaphagists came in peace and required aid as their planet's resources were quickly being depleted. The humans seeing an opportunity to advance their evolution, offered the planet's resources to the alien race, but in return the Animaphaghists must "share" their advanced technology with the nation's of the world.
    >! For many years both species lived in perfect harmony, however a dark shadow began to creep over the world. The nation's of earth began to bicker amongst themselves and tried to keep the alien race from sharing their technology with other nations. It's unsure which country struck first, but the Animaphagists were assaulted by several nations of earth, in an effort to hoard all the ancient technology for themselves.
    >! Alliances were made and a constant stream of bloody war began engulfing the entire world. Countries began to attack each other and worse the Animaphagists were caught up in the violent struggle for power. The a Animaphagists tried to promote peace, however during a peace conference their leader was assassinated by a sniper of unknown origin using their own technology against them.
    >! The Animaphagist council quickly convened and agreed that humans needed to be wiped out. The humans were nothing but devils and savages, unable to understand the beauty and philosophy they hoped to gift upon the lesser race.
    >! The warring nations quickly were overran by the Animaphagists, forcing the remaining nations to join together or flee. Millions of people tried to take shuttles to escape the planet to the moon, in hopes they could escape the Animaphagist's wrath. Unfortunately not a single fleeing shuttle left the atmosphere. In response the remaining humans were forced underground, as it appeared the alien race had no means of tracking them in the dark depths of the earth.
    >! The humans remained homeless, hungry, and desperate for a year. Whipped and beaten, the battered human race decided to lay down and die, however a savior emerged. The man spoke of a better time and promised to lead the people back to the surface, reclaiming their rightful lands. It was rumored that he was half human, half Animaphagist, however the human races had no choice but to accept his leadership or they would fall into further ruin.
    >! The humans began to mine the ores of the earth and use the core of the planet as a forge for their weapons and machines of war. In addition primal animals long since forgotten, were discovered deep in the bowels of the earth. The humans under the leadership of the man, supplied with food, weapons, machines, and weapons of mass destruction, prepared to make their final war on the alien race. The humans will reclaim their superiority and their rightful place as lords of the planet.

    >! Have you ever thought about it? Think about its endless bounty of treasures scattered throughout it, it's exquisite endless beauty, the purity of the planet's glorious evolution in the thriving planet full of life. Of course I mean Earth, what else could I be describing, every other thing pales in comparison to earth's peerless glory.
    >! For a millennium the primal planet has survived and evolved in perfect balance and unblemished purity. That was until the virus infected the virgin planet. The virus has a simple name…Humans. Humans are devouring parasites and are an unholy blight upon the earth. Uncaring, selfish, monstrous creatures that consume life without rhyme or reason. Like a virus, humans have endlessly consumed and spread across the world like an infection. Like a virus, the humans were constantly evolving violently and instantly, insuring their survival. At first the humans were innocent, unable to even make a dent in the planet they lived on; soon they started rapidly advancing becoming more and more dangerous slowly killing their planet. They believed themselves top of the food chain, nothing could stop them.
    >! In the year 3025, an event happened that caused the humans to question their supreme superiority. An alien race dubbed the "Animaphagist", landed on the planet. The Animaphagists came in peace claiming they required aid as their planet's resources were quickly being depleted. The humans seeing an opportunity to advance their evolution, offered the planet's resources to the alien race, but in return the Animaphaghists must "share" their advanced technology with the nations of the world.
    >! For many years both species lived in perfect harmony, however a dark shadow began to creep over the world. The nations of earth began to bicker amongst themselves and tried to keep the alien race from sharing their technology with other nations. It's unsure which country struck first, but the Animaphagists were assaulted by several nations of earth, in an effort to hoard all the ancient technology for themselves. Although the humans attacked the Animaphagists with all of their power it wasn’t able to make a dent. Soon the attacks against the Animaphagists became attacks against eachother.
    >! Alliances were made and a constant stream of bloody war began engulfing the entire world. Countries began to attack each other and worse the Animaphagists were caught up in the violent struggle for power. The Animaphagists tried to promote peace, however during a peace conference their leader was assassinated by a sniper of unknown origin using their own technology against them.
    >! The Animaphagist council quickly convened and agreed that humans needed to be wiped out. The humans were nothing but devils and savages, unable to understand the beauty and philosophy they hoped to gift upon the lesser race. Quickly the Animaphaist changed from a peacefully race to becoming the nightmare of all humans. Advanced medical technology around the world disappeared, diabolical machines of death appeared instead. Machines so big so powerful seemingly unbreakable.
    >! The warring nations quickly were overran by the Animaphagists, forcing the remaining nations to join together or flee. Millions of people tried to take shuttles to escape the planet to the moon, in hopes they could escape the Animaphagist's wrath. Unfortunately not a single fleeing shuttle left the atmosphere. In response the remaining humans were forced underground, as it appeared the alien race had no means of tracking them in the dark depths of the earth.
    >! The humans remained homeless, hungry, and desperate for a year. Whipped and beaten, the battered human race decided to lie down and die, however a savior emerged. The man spoke of a better time and promised to lead the people back to the surface, reclaiming their rightful lands. It was rumored that he was half human, half Animaphagist, however the human races had no choice but to accept his leadership or they would fall into further ruin.
    >! The humans began to mine the ores of the earth and use the core of the planet as a forge for their weapons and machines of war. In addition primal animals long since forgotten, were discovered deep in the bowels of the earth. The humans under the leadership of the man, supplied with food, weapons, machines, and weapons of mass destruction, prepared to make their final war on the alien race. The humans will reclaim their superiority and their rightful place as lords of the planet.
    >! (This is where you will begin, beginning your adventure to destroy the Animaphagists.)

    Please give me feedback!
  5. No, it was a amazing game. The owner had a fight with the "co owner" and they decided to shut it down and she made a new game (illutia) and went from over 200 people daily to under 20… People wish aspereta stayed up...
  6. Well, i wouldnt be recreating the game. i want to use it as a backbone, i haver permision… and i cant just play aspereta beacause they shut it down to create illutia about 7 years go ish...
  7. Okay, so i have been messing around with a game called aspereta.

    It's a private server that someone made of the original game. I was using it and had people use the old client to connect but then the creator

    of the game also the creator of Illutia got ahold of me and told me im not aloud to use her client but i can use the server side that a old member of her team took and made open (when he wasnt saposed to).

    Would it be worth it to have someone make a new client for the game because its writen well and i know it well, i just dont know anything about connections and client.

    If it would be worth it, does someone want to join me?
  8. Just wondering, how do games read and show graphics? Is it done in the client? and if it is what is used, i ask this because i am trying to figure out a file that a game uses… i have the server but im not sure if it converts the file in the server or if it is all done through the client.
  9. Well it will work out lke this… you buy 100 coins... then after the transaction is done it needs to send a verified code to the server... then the player get those coins in game and is able to spend them at a shop
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