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Tic Tac 2

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Posts posted by Tic Tac 2

  1. > I think this works. I'm not sure it wasnt tested i wrote it now without vb6.
    > Well one way is to convert your .mp3 file to .wav file then paste .wav file in Sound folder, after that you should add new Server enum on server and client side
    > ```
    > SPlayBattleSound
    > ```
    > in modConstats(Server) add 
    > ```
    > Public Const BattleMusic as String = "Battle.wav" 'or whatever filename
    > ```
    > Then in modServerTCP(Server) add:
    > ```
    > Sub SendPlayBattleMusic(ByVal Index as Long)
    > dim buffer as clsbuffer
    > set buffer = new clsbuffer
    > buffer.writelong SPlayBattleSound
    > buffer.writestring BattleMusic
    > senddatato index,buffer.toarray
    > set buffer = nothing
    > end sub
    > ```
    > Now on client side in modHandleData add 
    > ```
    > Sub HandlePlayBattleSound (byval index as long,byref Data() as byte,byval StartAddr as long,byval ExtraVar as long)
    > dim sound as string
    > dim buffer as clsbuffer
    > set buffer = new clsbuffer
    > buffer.writebytes Data
    > sound = buffer.readstring
    > playsound sound
    > set buffer = nothing
    > end sub
    > ```
    > Also (client side) in sub initMessages copy last line before end sub and paste it in the same sub then replace SSomething with SPlayBattleSound and HandleSomething with HandlePlayBattleSound
    > This will play music (sound).To make it in battle  on server side in PlayerAttackPlayer you need to add  
    > ```
    > Call SendPlayBattleMusic (Attacker)
    > Call SendPlayBattleMusic (Victim)
    > ```
    > I dont know line where you should paste this because I dont have VB6 here right now I wrote all this from my head , but I think this should work.
    > If you want to play music when you attack npc add this (I dont know wich line) in PlayerAttackNPC sub
    > ```
    > Call SendPlayBattleMusic (Index) 'I'm not sure if its attacker but i think its index
    > ```
    > Good luck

    Nice done, but i'm not sure if this is a good way to do it, because map music would play over this. Even if i put some kind of command to stop all music playing before playing the sound, you could walk to another map and music would start playing over it again.

    Thanks again for taking your time to write this.

    Could you do something like this but with playMusic()?

    Maybe tell server to playMusic("battle!!.mid") whenever you deal damage to something.

    I want music to start playing when you deal damage to other players or monsters, not when they damage you.
  2. > @[member="lurv"] are you asking for someone to do this all for you? Without pay? Some stuff I might be able to do (not huge things, small things) but seriously consider paying someone to program. It is possible to do the guild mini game in events I believe you might not be able to do the guild part but you could do a public mini game that matches your description in events. Although I would rather program it as you would also have to make a mini game selection window etc.. when you talk to the mini game npc or you press the hotkey. etc… I'll get on the anti-speedhack ASAP as it might be useful for a lot of people. I'll post a tutorial with the link here once I figure it out.

    Lol chill, it's called "Requests" for a reason

    I'm just giving my ideas out to the community.

    Whether or not you take my REQUESTS is completely up to you.

    I'm not paying you anything at all.

    You can move on now.
  3. I have an item type that calls custom scripts, and i'd like to make a bomb script that works like this:

    1. When script is first called, places a 32x32 sprite of /items/100.png on the ground where you were standing, calls a sound effect /sounds/example.wav to everyone in the map.
    2. A timer of three seconds passes
    3. After three seconds have passed, remove bomb sprite from map, call animation /animations/10.png and deal 20 damage to everybody in the 3x3 radius, the bomb being in the middle. Also call a sound effect /sounds/boom.wav
  4. Requests for EO 3.0:

    Note, this is a requests thread, you don't have to do any of these.

    There are simply ideas for tutorials that you can do if you want.

    * Ammo system for magic, like RuneScape's Rune system. Let's say your spell requires 2 Water Runes and 1 Earth Rune, it will take those two kind of runes from your inventory upon casting. And if you don't have it, you can't cast the spell. This feature should be optional as a checkBox.
    * Unique 'camping' house system, you would have an 'Enter House' teleport button. Upon pressing it, you would be teleported to your instanced house map, leaving a 32x32 masked house tile behind from the spot you teleported to your house from, letting players enter your house by pressing CTRL. If in a safe zone, locking your house from visitors should be optional, but not in a PVP zone. Entering your house in a PVP zone makes your house a PVP zone.
    * Anti-speedhack for projectile system. A check that makes sure you can't fire at a higher speed than your weapon's attack speed.
    * Guild minigame: Control the fort. There's a fort, where in the middle there's a flag that can be pressed CTRL on to claim it as territory for your guild. Each second of having the fort controlled would give your guild +1 point to a database where your guild's points is stored. This could be expanded with a Forts highscores for all the guilds.
    * Weapon special attacks. Pressing a button makes you call a custom script depending on what you set the weapon to call in the items editor. You can also set the amount of mana it will take per use. This would also incur your weapon's attack cooldown(your set attackspeed), so you can't use a special attack and do an attack right after that.
    * Player high-scores.
    * Spells that call custom scripts, to allow more complex spells than the few options we have in EO3.0.
    * Random piece of equipment drops upon death. Item can be from either your inventory or equipped items.
    * Anti movement-speedhack: There would be a timer that checks if you've moved more than 5 tiles in one second, and if you have, it kicks you instantly. Doing this instead of processing movement server-side would make movement still feel good, rather than unresponsive and clunky for those with higher ping.
  5. Requests for EO 3.0:

    * Ammo system for magic, like RuneScape's Rune system. Let's say your spell requires 2 Water Runes and 1 Earth Rune, it will take those two kind of runes from your inventory upon casting. And if you don't have it, you can't cast the spell. This feature should be optional as a checkBox.
    * Unique 'camping' house system, you would have an 'Enter House' teleport button. Upon pressing it, you would be teleported to your instanced house map, leaving a 32x32 masked house tile behind from the spot you teleported to your house from, letting players enter your house by pressing CTRL. If in a safe zone, locking your house from visitors should be optional, but not in a PVP zone. Entering your house in a PVP zone makes your house a PVP zone.
    * Anti-speedhack for projectile system. A check that makes sure you can't fire at a higher speed than your weapon's attack speed.
    * Guild minigame: Control the fort. There's a fort, where in the middle there's a flag that can be pressed CTRL on to claim it as territory for your guild. Each second of having the fort controlled would give your guild +1 point to a database where your guild's points is stored. This could be expanded with a Forts highscores for all the guilds.
    * Weapon special attacks. Pressing a button makes you call a custom script depending on what you set the weapon to call in the items editor. You can also set the amount of mana it will take per use. This would also incur your weapon's attack cooldown(your set attackspeed), so you can't use a special attack and do an attack right after that.
    * Player high-scores.
    * Spells that call custom scripts, to allow more complex spells than the few options we have in EO3.0.
    * Random piece of equipment drops upon death. Item can be from either your inventory or equipped items.
    * Anti movement-speedhack: There would be a timer that checks if you've moved more than 5 tiles in one second, and if you have, it kicks you instantly. Doing this instead of processing movement server-side would make movement still feel good, rather than unresponsive and clunky for those with higher ping.
  6. As a Diamond V, i blame my loss entirely on myself. It doesn't matter how much of an arsehole all my teammates are, or how much they're feeding. YOU have to take the responsiblity to carry your game. And if you flame, or flame back people flaming you, you're just gonna weigh yourself and your team down.

    If you lost, it's all on you. You are supposed to carry every single game. Go 20-0 without fail, and completely destroy the enemy.

    If you think like this, you'll be climbing the ranks faster. Discipline yourself and you'll be growing in skill very fast.

    I know you just made this post in the moment out of sheer frustration, but hopefully you can find some kind of helpful education in my reply.

    And yeah, i know Diamond 5 isn't good, but it's better than most people.
  7. A few of the original soundtracks uploaded by the main composer:


    Please check it out and follow him if you'd like.

    Day/Night system made, lots of patches made and changes to combat and more content added.


    > Graphics are really nice! Did you make them?

    Yeah, thanks.
  8. > ResourceCache(mapnum).ResourceData(Resource_Count).cur_health = Resource(Map(mapnum).Tile(x, y).Data1).health
    > spitting error when i try to run it using preexisting maps.. i take it i do infact have to remove old maps?

    I get this error.
  9. > Okay, so, here are some questions I have about servers.
    > Are Eclipse Origins hosted servers still available?
    > If yes, where do I purchase one and when do I get more info?
    > Can someone make a tutorial with pictures or a video to teach how to get a server running (a real one btw, not a no-ip redirection to my Ip)?
    > If not, can you at least tell me briefly what to do?
    > What kind of servers can host an EO game? (I mean, web servers or other games servers cannot, i think)
    > Do you know any good service that can host an EO game freely or cheaply? (about 3$/month).
    > Thanks for anyone replying to this.
    > EDIT: OMG, I had a bug, and it uploaded this multiple times, can an administartor delete the other ones? X(

    Look up Virtual private server.

    Most services can host EO.
  10. How would i do this with spells?

    I tried adding the server side code to CastSpell

    but apparently CSScriptNumber gets highlighted with error "Method or Data Member not found"

    I got CSScriptNumber as byte in types

    in enumerations i got SPELL_TYPE_CSSCRIPT defined too
  11. > Hi, I thought you found someone who was about to fix this. Seems that it didn't turn out well :/.
    > Anyway. I have a question.
    > Since you made the tutorial 3 times to add hunger, thirst and energy, does this happen with other bars?
    > If not, then there HAS to be a mistake done while copying the code to your game. Try redoing the tutorial to add another hunger bar. See if it works. It should, if other bars do. Then delete your first bar.

    Yes. It happens with all bars.
  12. After using an item, the item stays in your inventory as a graphical bug, but if you drag it or click it it disappears.

    Under this:

    'Custom Script
    'get the item script number
    n = Item(ItemNum).CScriptNumber
    Call CustomScript(Index, n)
    Call TakeInvSlot(Index, invNum, 1)

    Put this

    Call SendInventoryUpdate(Index, invNum)

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