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Rainbow Dash

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Posts posted by Rainbow Dash

  1. @aoeu/asdf:

    > That set looks pretty nice. I mean, "why do more work when you can just as easily get your work done?"

    Because those are fantasy tiles. They're awesome, don't get me wrong, but they don't fit in. If Draconix needs Steampunk resources they're all over the internet like Robin said. It's and easy way to make it work and make it look interesting. I'd be a bit apprehensive of playing a fantasy game that called itself Steampunk when I downloaded it.

    Oh, and Draconix, I hope you don't mind, but I stole your game for a College assignment. We were tasked with making covers and I couldn't think of a concept, so I opened up touchofdeath and had a look through here. I'll post the finished result if you want it (Don't expect it to be epic, though)
  2. > story: leon has built a empire leone and leo in his jelousy has killed leon and so leo demanded to be crowned since his
    > brother leon is dead but he had an heir named finn and leo soon killed finn then leo was finnaly crowned king and not
    > only was his people aginst him there was a dark force attacking leone so leo didnt know what to do so leone
    > surrenderd to the dark force and that dark force had exacuted leo so now leone (known as dark leone).

    Leone's borders stretched further than was thought possible. The uncharted lands were discovered and established as flourishing trade areas, strong military bases and homes for the expanding, happy population. Emperor Leon was at the fore of the endeavour, at the bow of his flagship and first over the walls of undiscovered civilisations.

    Leone was set for a bright future. The fearless warriors and skilled alchemists worked for the betterment of everyone. When the beloved Emperor eventually died, the empire would pass to his son, Finn. Finn was a Warrior Prince and fought bravely. He was brought up to ascend to his Father's position - ruler of the known world and Emperor of Leone - the ultimate authority.

    Leon's brother Leo was an Archduke and Captain of the Leone army. The power and wealth his brother's endeavours brought twisted his mind. He became evermore greedy and foul, obtaining and hoarding sapphires, gold and diamonds, drinking the finest wine and eating rich food. His assets were second only to Leon's.

    In a flight of jealousy, Leo hatched a plan to murder his brother and take the throne of Leone. He met with Leon two days later and slit his throat whilst he was helpless. The body was found in Finn's suite at the Palace of Leone, and Finn was trialled for murder.

    Leo used his power to make sure Finn was convicted. His punishment was ritual sacrifice, to appease the vengeful spirit of Leon and to ensure the spirit of Finn could never enter the afterlife.

    The sacrifice of an innocent man arose a storm of chaos from the Underworld. The dark forces that guarded the gates of hell took to the skies in search for Leo and swarmed over cities. They devoured crops and killed livestock, burned houses and smashed city walls.

    Leo was found hiding in the Palace. His throat was slit in vengeance of Leon and his body was dismembered and scattered throughout the land. His heart was taken by the dark and entombed in the underworld. The Dark King rose to power in Leone, projecting his hate onto the citizens. People were eaten alive and tortured for entertainment.

    This is where you come in. You can fight for freedom or join the oppressors. You must decide.
  3. In the long harsh past, Many lives were lost Because of it. That Simple Thing that had pushed it over the edge into Oblivion. Now all Nations are Leaderless and The World is Tattered with War Marks Everywhere. Strange Monsters also Roam the Nations, Seeking Revenge. The Same as all other Living Things on this Wretched World!

    8 Months have passed but im still uneasy. I Feel Something is Coming. Yet i dont know what. This thought in the back of my head keeps scratching a wisper to me, but hearing it is impossible. The Lands seem better then before, but still have Taints of War platinum pressed unto the soil of the earth. I wonder if we can keep it up. But at the pace were moving, it hasnt moved much.

    10 More months have passed, But It dosnt seem better, its only getting worse. That itch in the back of my head still keeps up its futile attempt to warn me. But in the end it will never tell me, And the unnexpected will Become a destruction Stronger then anything we have ever known.

    Its been another 2 Years. Oh how time flys. But something has come up, A large stirring in the Ground. It happens every Day at 3pm. Im not sure what it is but the scratch is keeping up its futile attempt to warn me of the dangers that i never knew would happen to this world. I never Immagined it would be worse then that time.

    Its Been 5 Days, The Shaking stopped, But not before making a huge Hole in the Ground. Monsters of all different Types are swarming out and taking over the Nations. Ive been Bitten by something. Im not sure what it was, but i know it wont be long before im gone as well. My last words to you adventurer are these.

    "Do not Fight them, Train until you have the strength. Gather Allies and Fight Back. Maker sure these damn fools know who is the top of the food chain! *cough* *cough*…. But for me, I will make my way to the next life.."

    > Not much is known of the atrocities of war. Time has lost all gravitas in these realms. The noble leaders of our tribes, gone. Wiped out quickly. Brutally.
    > Who knows when? The ensuing chaos has caused humanity to turn against itself and it's values. The fractured clans' anger burns eternally as the fires of the Underworld. Wars have raged for what seems like centuries, the castles besieged for millennia. The churches desecrated. The idols burned.
    > Those of us who choose peace have uneasy alliances. The doors are locked, the houses guarded. Shifty eyes suggest the barely masked fear caused by the midday earthquakes. For something to shake the earth from thousands of miles below is no mean feat - we must prepare for the coming. Whenever, whatever and however it may be.
  4. I only read about 70% of this. The spoilers are a massive pain.

    Well, first of all, your story is meh. It's unoriginal and badly written. I don't know why you felt the need to capitalise every other word, either. It's not fun reading through sections of jolted text and failed dramatic devices. I'll rewrite it for you if you want, but I'm going out right now. I'll edit this post when I get back.

    The classes are also unoriginal. I'd rather be a Dark Hero than a knight, or a Mercenary than a Warrior. Try to add your own thoughts and themes than just copy others who have copied others.

    I'll write more on this when I get home.
  5. @tntboss2:

    > Omg kids -.-

    The fact we can't understand you is a testament to your grammar, not our intelligence.

    Basically, he took an unclothed character and clothed it. They weren't made by him, they were modified by him.

    And if you think that all major companies use each other's assets, you  clearly don't understand IP and copyright.
  6. Read the official guides I linked you to, they explain everything.

    That character is an example NPC. If you want to remove her, go to your server, go the the players tab, right click on your name and grant administrator access. From there you can get to the admin panel by typing in /admin or pressing Ins.
  7. First of all, your story is really dull. 'Your village was killed by monsters, get revenge' has been done over and over, it's lost any form of originality or interesting parts.

    Second, your classes are also boring. They're also done to death. Since this is Israeli (I'm guessing from the Asmodeus  reference) try centralising around ancient civilisation instead of stereotypical high fantasy classes. Add some middle-eastern themes and mix it in with Christian renaissance where Asmodeus was popularised through some new myths and legends.

    Since Nerus sounds slightly Greek, try adding Grecian and Roman themes into new areas and build them on sand tiles. This could be achieved by modifying some RPG Maker tiles - there are some pillars and neoclassical buildings and sculptures sat about in XP tilesets that could do with hue-changes and detail addition.

    It's nice to see a couple of original feature ideas, too. It could be a good idea to alter the constant companion idea into a party system, like the original Final Fantasy or Seiken Densetsu III, where you alter two NPCs and a character in the register menu.

    Looks promising, for a simple start. If you can pull it off properly it would be a very interesting game.
  8. What does this do if you have conflicting code? Say if you've installed one source edit already, will it check that it's the default EO code that you're editing and give you a warning if not, or will it simply say that it can't find the code?
  9. Well drawn, but if you're blowing it up to double it's size, whilst using small sprites, there's no way to get detail in there. You should use at least twice the height to get anything in.
  10. Byson, that's not what Steampunk is.

    It's as if the future existed in the past. Robots from the industrial age, and the like. There's little to no fantasy involved, and there's definitely no modern technology.

    Nothing runs from electricity just clockwork and steam.  This is Steampunk:

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