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Posts posted by santa-clause

  1. Checked and they match as far as i know.

    Ok i found out that it's not sending update data to client or something .

    I'll search some more :D

    I think i can handle this myself but if anyone got any tips left please reply ;)
  2. Hello everyone,

    So i made an editor and when i press save @ editor my server-sided vb6 just crashes, anyone had this bug before then plz tell me how to fix it.

    I don't give any code atm becuz i don't know what i did wrong :(

    Normally i don't get any errors for this.

    Regards Santa,
  3. First think about what you want to make and then pick to correct engine for that then search together a team and start developing the game :D
  4. Maybe you should take a look at my dx8 tutorial for beginners ;)

  5. Somebody gave Eclipse 3.0 to me yesterday and i thought why not just make the dropbox file public so here is the link:

  6. > This is a useful tutorial for those who don't know a single thing about how a GUI renders. Don't say it's easy, you had to learn how to walk just like the rest of us.

    It's called a basic tutorial for something :p

    I'm also aiming for beginners not for ppl like general awesome but whatever.

    Tnx for reply ;)
  7. Hello everyone,

    Some info about tutorial:

    Difficulty: normal

    Supported engines:


    -Mirage source

    -Eclipse advanced

    -All other engines based on CS:DE

    -It can work with other dx8 engines like EO3.0 and all others but the modules and some names of classes are different that's all but the logic behind it is the same.

    Credits: Santa-Clause

    Special Thanks to: Thomas And Robin (for making these awesome engines)

    **Chapter 1: Rendering a guiwindow**

    So here i will explain how to render a guiwindow

    The first thing you do is go to modrendering and scroll all the way down.

    Then make a sub (in this example we will use DrawTest)

    Public Sub DrawTest()
    Dim X As Long, Y As Long, Width As Long, Height As Long

    X = GUIWindow(GUI_TEST).X
    Y = GUIWindow(GUI_TEST).Y

    Width = GUIWindow(GUI_TEST).Width
    Height = GUIWindow(GUI_TEST).Height

    Directx8.RenderTexture Tex_GUI(2), X, Y, 0, 0, Width, Height, Width, Height
    RenderText Font_Default, "Test Window", (GUIWindow(GUI_TEST).Width / 2) - EngineGetTextWidth(Font_Default, "Test Window"), Y + 5, White
    End Sub

    (GUIWindow(GUI_TEST).Width / 2) - EngineGetTextWidth(Font_Default, "Test Window") This line of code does the following:

    Guiwindow(GUI_TEST).width gets the width of the window ofcourse and he devides that by 2 so half the window.

    Then he does Enginetextgetwidth whit fontdefault and for test("Test window) and he also devides that by 2 so this text will be on top of the window and centered

    And Directx8.rendertexture TEX_GUI(2),x,y,0,0,width,height,width,height simply renders the image whit the name 2.png from the gui folder.

    Warning: make sure you all numbers in gui folder are consecutive.

    Now in initialisegui in modgeneral:

    ' 21 - Test
    With GUIWindow(GUI_TEST)
    .X = 300
    .Y = 100
    .Width = 257
    .Height = 152
    .visible = False
    End With

    So this just defines the posision and the height and width of the window(picture).

    At the end of Public Enum GUIType

    add GUI_TEST

    Warning: put it above GUI_COUNT

    In Public Sub DrawGUI() Add:

    If GUIWindow(GUI_TEST).visible Then DrawTest

    **Chapter 2: Clicking**

    Here i will talk about how to make windows clickable

    Ok so what you wanna do first is test if the window you've rendered is actually rendering correctly then go on and follow this

    Now in Public Sub HandleMouseUp(ByVal Button As Long)

    add this at the end before end select:

    Case GUI_TEST

    So this just sends the client to another sub when it sees that GUI_TEST is clicked (mouseup)

    (no need to explain it i think)

    Public Sub Test_mouseup()
    Dim X As Long, Y As Long
    X = GUIWindow(GUI_TEST).X
    Y = GUIWindow(GUI_TEST).Y

    If GlobalX > X+35 And GlobalY > Y+54 Then 'Point 1
    If GlobalX < X+3 And GlobalY < Y+23 Then 'Point 2
    Call Something
    End If
    End If

    End Sub

    So this actually does what it needs to do if you click it

    Normally you just put all those coordinates in one if but i devided into 2points and i'll explain in the picture under this text:


    I can add extra Chapters if you want

    I hope you all enjoyed this tutorial and i hope it's usefull it's pretty basic but i didn't wanna make it too hard for a first tutorial on this forum about rendering in dx8.

    Please like tutorial if it helped you or if you just like it :)

    You can also use Paint.net for coordinates i also use it its very handy you can see pixel coordinates at right bottom. :)

    Regards Santa,
  8. Hello everyone,

    So i'm trying to render the map,npcs,players,… on the place on the screenshot where the map is now but now it's actually just a picture over the map.

    So you can actually walk behind the gui and thats not what it needs to be because you can't see the map behind the gui :P

    I'm using Miracle Reborn as base.

    *Screenshot removed due to not allowed to share screenshots of this project*

    Regards Santa,
  9. Some more screenshots i made:

    >! ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/57f9ac5e96440e3bae144d29abd12ced.png)
    >! ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/32af8ba7617be9a077b08fcf0b9defe7.png)
    >! ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/6dadb93510eb8a94300486d81aca8ff7.png)
    >! ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/0ac8d1df2d49576ca1c8a52004ba311b.png)
    >! ![](http://eatenbrain.com/filehost/files/700d54b85d5ee2aa83c8c00adebf939f.png)
    >! ![](http://eatenbrain.com/filehost/files/c81062cb034ac7894a35f7a15b14d8c0.png)
    >! ![](http://eatenbrain.com/filehost/files/0963f2aca104d0052f27a6f6fd78444c.png)
    >! ![](http://eatenbrain.com/filehost/files/527c034143c895645a391633912296c0.png)
    >! ![](http://eatenbrain.com/filehost/files/acd580e22b29414d66b569afbcc4e106.png)
    >! ![](http://eatenbrain.com/filehost/files/30f4cec455749c22d8b057969947253f.png)

    The Escape Menu still needs some rendering i will first finish the menu before i render it.
  10. > How to use this in EO 3.0 :(?

    You first have to render everything to frmmain before you can actually use this in EO 3.0 and that's what thomas actually did in Eclipse Advanced.

    He rendered everything to frmMain.

    Use [this](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/127753-eo-event-system-30-resolution-changer/) for fullscreen in EO3.0
  11. > Ok hope we don't encounter another big bug soon because we had done few maps etc…
    > And we had to start all over again ... 
    > Today I'll make them again as fast as i can...

    Okay great but you'll have to wait with making maps cuz i'm having a little bug with layersystem :P

    i'll fix it as soon as possible until i fixed it you can work on gui and items and other stuff ;)

    €dit: Bug fixed i forgot a "," -_- Fail for me.
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