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Posts posted by GeminiXcasorm

  1. okay, thanks. and im opening it all through client.vbp. okay, where on the screen am i supposed to make the chatbox? it all kindof confuses me. i wish ryoku would have made full screen pictures of what he was doing and not just little snip-its.

    also i think i figured out where im supposed to put it, its just i dont know how to put in the little (1) or the (2) on the options. i understand u have to do it in the properties menu but where?
  2. okay, my biggest issue is how do u open frm.main? vb6 dosnt even load it, i dont know. i open my src file, and it wont appear, so i change the file type to all files and i open the file and it says fail to load. all it says is fail to load and it wont tell me the code. am i opening the wrong file?
  3. on the aria of popularity, i am going to school, and i already have 30 people or so planning to spread the word of my game on to more people making a spiderweb effect out to more and more people. if someone is going to max out there server, i plan to be that person :)
  4. hey, could you just put up a copy of your src folder on media fire or 4shared or something and give me a download link? ive restarted trying to do this like 8 or 9 times and i'm kinda getting tired of something coming up that causes me to have to restart so please just give me a download of it.
  5. ummm… i have an issue. the frm.main isnt in english its in coding. how do i put in the buttons?


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  6. i understand that the npc's have the chat box when you make them, but so far they only chat when you kill them. is there a way to make it so you press a button when your next to them and they will say what you want preferably with the same layout as it is in christalshire? or at least say it just to you in the chat bar? if it is possible, thanks for the help!  ;)

                                                                      :bstar::star::rstar: Gemini Xavier Castorm :rstar: :star: :bstar:
  7. i need someone who can create a program that can bypass the entire port forwarding for my modem. it would be extremely helpful. my game is in the middle of nowhere and will continue to be that way until i gain some sort of way to bypass my modem. any help will do, you may get paid but i will be unsure about this 'till a later point in time. Thank you

          Gemini X Castorm
  8. i was wondering if anyone could give me a therough tut on how to change the size of the whole game so that it all shows up full screen no matter what the pc?
    thanks for the help,

  9. Okay, so i dont get the fact that ingame the only type of music that works is MIDI, is there any sort of way to change that so that other music works as well??? Ive hit a dead end and if i dont get this to work im kinda S.O.L. (sorry outta luck)

    thanks for the help, Gemini
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