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Posts posted by Wyz

  1. @Crest:

    > well I was browsing for fonts already I was more asking if you had any suggestions of a specific clean font

    Its time to put on the big boy pants and make decisions for yourself. I am tired of holding your hand.
  2. @Crest:

    > Here's the first logo
    > ~~image~~

    Read what Pete posted. Its got a log of good information in it. Anyways, I figured a visual example might help you. I saw your logo, and I figured, hey, its at least got some sort of potential, so I remade it. **You may not use it for any other reason than as inspiration.**

  3. When I think of 'innovation,' I think of my business, only because "Innovation for today" is our slogan.. lololol


    > I loved the comparison of the Coca Cola logo the the numerous Pepsi logos.

  4. @Zeropan:

    > How is it possible that if you add the perimeter of the pyramid and divide it by 2 time the height will be exactly pi (3.14159…*with 15 decimal accuracy!) Do they have a calculator?

    They had brains. Math is and always has been the universal language. Why wouldnt Egyptians be able to figure out pi?
  5. Whats wrong with it is just that it looks extremely childish. Youre using many effects and overlays that I would have used when I didnt know any better either. Your original logo as it is now, is actually not a bad concept. But youre using an ugly, sharp gradient, a blue outer glow? and a reflection which you did wrong anyways. (as to your sig, that is). What you need to find out, is that simplicity is best, when dealing with a corporate style logo, which seems to be your goal.



    Heres a small chunk of the logos I've made;

    >! ![](http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/020/d/8/logo___gamecards_by_ndugger-d4n10vq.png)
    >! ![](http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/020/d/9/logo___propiercing_by_ndugger-d4n0wv2.png)
    >! ![](http://mwschoolofdiving.com/home/images/logo.png)
    >! ![](http://localhostr.com/file/5lsKdGt/logo_dark.png)
    >! ![](http://localhostr.com/file/fPjAVzt/logo_site.png)
    >! ![](http://localhostr.com/file/65n2kuM/logo.png)
    >! ![](http://localhostr.com/file/kIZoKN5/logo.png)
    >! and the one here:
  6. @Crest:

    > -_- there is no satisfying you people… uhh.... if I drop the skull and the diamonds there's basically nothing and I'm going to use that space just give me a bit I'm still writing out a plot

    What would please us, is a logo that wasn't bad.
  7. @Grim:

    > I posted the wrong picture sheesh ._.

    No, you're just terrible. First off, a banner is not a logo. Learn the difference. Secondly, ripping a copyrighted image and shoving ugly text onto a terrible background does not make for happy viewers.
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