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Posts posted by ghost1

  1. Hey there,

    We're currently looking for a pixel artist for Technicolour Rain. You'll mostly be making tiles and sprites which are 64x64\. Here's an album of screenshots from the game, you'll need to be able to copy this sort of style: [http://imgur.com/a/mehJT](http://imgur.com/a/mehJT)

    And here's the announcement trailer for the game:

    There is payment involved. The payment will be revenue share and the percentage is something we can discuss. If you're interested, we can discuss things further via PMs.
  2. [http://aegis-rpg.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=13](http://aegis-rpg.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=13):

    > Hello, and I'm here for another development blog! I've not done much since the last one (oops ![](http://aegis-rpg.com/forums/images/smilies/biggrin.gif)), but at least I've got some multi-player done. This includes seeing other players online and chatting…yep, that's pretty much it:
    > >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/klhSOrJ.png?1)
    > So, now that we've got this done, my next objective is programming NPCs. My plan for NPCs is there will be a big variety of AIs to use. I'll be programming the AIs server-side and McAdams is gonna be able to choose which AI to use for the NPC in the editor. This will hopefully make every single NPC monster unique, and of course, boss battles will be exciting.
    > This system shouldn't take long and I'll update you guys with my progress…once I got something to show.
  3. [http://aegis-rpg.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=4](http://aegis-rpg.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=4):

    > Hello, today I'm here with the first "development blog" of Aegis. I've been wanting to make this one for quite a while because there has been a drastic change of plan with the game's development. First of all, I've dropped Java for both the client and server and decided to use the .NET framework with the XNA framework for graphics, input and audio. I've done this for two reasons:
    > 1\. I'm more experienced in .NET.
    > 2\. I had _serious_ problems with Java which just stopped development for a few days because I wasn't able to fix it.
    > This is all I had to say referring to the language change.
    > **If you're going to come only to flame me about how you think Java is better than .NET or you think my decision is bad, please don't waste your time. I'll ignore you; this was my decision and I'm not going to change it.**
    > Moving onto actual development of the game…
    > We are pretty much at the same state we were with Java right now. We've got a main menu, we've got player movement, however one thing we didn't have before is a map system!
    > ![](http://i.imgur.com/XfilDSx.png?1)
    > Maps work this way:
    > - If you need a map, you will download it automatically from the server and save it.
    > - If you already got your map, the client will check if there hasn't been any edits to it. In case there is, it will get them from the server, and save it.
    > - They are pre-rendered to an off-screen texture and then that texture is rendered on the screen. This will help to not reduce FPS with big maps.
    > That is all! I hope to have some more cool updates soon.
  4. > By digging around, they appear to be using Java, so this is unrelated to Eclipse. If they were using VB6, I'd want to know: what the hell are you using to speedily render vector graphics. xD

    I recall seeing the admins post in their announcements section of the forums they were rewriting the game in Go like one year ago.
  5. > Im not trying to say people should release their work , but rather help others try to understand how they coded the systems in place , so as a community we evolve.

    The bad thing about that is that most of the people that come here don't give a shit about how it was coded and just want the system in their games.
  6. Actually bothered to do a crappy calculator that can only add.


    Option Strict On

    Imports System

    Imports System.Windows.Forms

    Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

    #Region "Namespace"

    Namespace ExampleApp

    #Region "EntryPoint"

    Public Class EntryPoint

    Public Shared Sub Main(args As [String]())

    System.Console.WriteLine("Now Executing Custom Application...")

    Dim FrmMain as New Form1


    End Sub

    End Class

    #End Region

    #Region "FrmMain"

    Public Class Form1

    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

    Private Withevents Button1 as New Button

    Private WithEvents Button2 As New Button

    Private WithEvents Button3 As new Button

    Private WithEvents Button4 As new Button

    Private WithEvents Button5 as New Button

    Private WithEvents Button6 As new Button

    Private WithEvents Button7 As new Button

    Private WithEvents Button8 As new Button

    Private WithEvents Button9 as new Button

    Private WithEvents ButtonAdd As New Button

    Private WithEvents ButtonEqual as new Button

    Private WithEvents ButtonClear As new Button

    Private WithEvents Textbox As New Textbox

    ' values

    Private Val1 As Integer

    Private Val2 As Integer

    Sub New()

    With Textbox

    .Text = ""

    .Top = 10

    .Left = 10

    .Width = 170

    .Height = 10

    End With

    With Button1

    .Text = "1"

    .Top = 35

    .Left = 10

    .Width = 50

    .Height = 50

    End With

    With Button2

    .Text = "2"

    .Top = 35

    .Left = 70

    .Width = 50

    .Height = 50

    End With

    With Button3

    .Text = "3"

    .Top = 35

    .Left = 130

    .Width = 50

    .Height = 50

    End With

    With Button4

    .Text = "4"

    .Top = 95

    .Left = 10

    .Width = 50

    .Height = 50

    End With

    With Button5

    .Text = "5"

    .Top = 95

    .Left = 70

    .Width = 50

    .Height = 50

    End With

    With Button6

    .Text = "6"

    .Top = 95

    .Left = 130

    .Width = 50

    .Height = 50

    End With

    With Button7

    .Text = "7"

    .Top = 155

    .Left = 10

    .Width = 50

    .Height = 50

    End With

    With Button8

    .Text = "8"

    .Top = 155

    .Left = 70

    .Width = 50

    .Height = 50

    End With

    With Button9

    .Text = "9"

    .Top = 155

    .Left = 130

    .Width = 50

    .Height = 50

    End With

    With ButtonAdd

    .Text = "Add"

    .Top = 210

    .Left = 10

    .Width = 170

    .Height = 20

    End With

    With ButtonEqual

    .Text = "="

    .Top = 235

    .Left = 10

    .Width = 170

    .Height = 20

    End With

    With ButtonClear

    .Text = "Clear"

    .Top = 260

    .Left = 10

    .Width = 170

    .Height = 20

    End With

    With Me

    .Text = "Calculator"

    .Width = 205

    .Height = 330

    End With














    End Sub

    Private Sub Button1_Click(Sender as Object, E as eventargs) Handles Button1.Click

    Textbox.Text += "1"

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button2_Click(Sender as Object, E as eventargs) Handles Button2.Click

    Textbox.Text += "2"

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button3_Click(Sender as Object, E as eventargs) Handles Button3.Click

    Textbox.Text += "3"

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button4_Click(Sender as Object, E as eventargs) Handles Button4.Click

    Textbox.Text += "4"

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button5_Click(Sender as Object, E as eventargs) Handles Button5.Click

    Textbox.Text += "5"

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button6_Click(Sender as Object, E as eventargs) Handles Button6.Click

    Textbox.Text += "6"

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button7_Click(Sender as Object, E as eventargs) Handles Button7.Click

    Textbox.Text += "7"

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button8_Click(Sender as Object, E as eventargs) Handles Button8.Click

    Textbox.Text += "8"

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button9_Click(Sender as Object, E as eventargs) Handles Button9.Click

    Textbox.Text += "9"

    End Sub

    Private Sub ButtonAdd_Click(Sender as Object, E as eventargs) Handles ButtonAdd.Click

    Val1 = CInt(Textbox.Text)


    End Sub

    Private Sub ButtonEqual_Click(Sender as Object, E as eventargs) Handles ButtonEqual.Click

    Val2 = CInt(Textbox.Text)

    Textbox.Text = CStr(CInt(Val1 + Val2))

    End Sub

    Private Sub ButtonClear_Click(Sender as Object, E as eventargs) Handles ButtonClear.Click

    Val1 = 0

    Val2 = 0


    End Sub

    End Class

    #End Region

    End Namespace

    #End Region

    'Thank you for trying .net Simple Compiler

  7. So, while I was writing the networking system for my game, I obviously came across the packet system. The way I wanted to do it was by using byte arrays, and seeing as how Eclipse uses a perfect class for building up byte arrays, I decided to rewrite it to work with VB.NET, and decided to share it in here.

    Imports System.Text

    Public Class clsBuffer

    ' ********************

    ' ** Main Variables **

    ' ********************

    Private Buffer() As Byte

    Private BufferSize As Integer

    Private WriteHead As Integer

    Private ReadHead As Integer

    ' *****************

    ' ** Constructor **

    ' *****************

    Public Sub New()


    End Sub

    Public Sub PreAllocate(ByVal Length As Integer)

    WriteHead = 0

    ReadHead = 0

    BufferSize = Length - 1

    ReDim Buffer(0 To BufferSize)

    End Sub

    Public Sub Allocate(ByVal Length As Integer)

    If BufferSize = 0 And Length > 1 Then Length -= 1

    BufferSize += Length

    ReDim Preserve Buffer(0 To BufferSize)

    End Sub

    Public Sub Flush()

    ReDim Buffer(0)

    BufferSize = 0

    WriteHead = 0

    ReadHead = 0

    End Sub

    Public Sub Trim()

    If ReadHead >= Count() Then


    End If

    End Sub

    Public Sub WriteByte(ByVal nByte As Byte)

    If WriteHead >= BufferSize Then Allocate(1)

    Buffer(WriteHead) = nByte

    WriteHead += 1

    End Sub

    Public Sub WriteBytes(ByVal nBytes() As Byte)

    Dim nLength As Integer = nBytes.Length

    If WriteHead + nLength - 1 > BufferSize Then Allocate(nLength)

    For i As Integer = WriteHead To nLength - 1

    Buffer(i) = nBytes(i)


    WriteHead += nLength

    End Sub

    Public Sub WriteShort(ByVal nShort As Short)

    If WriteHead + 1 > BufferSize Then Allocate(2)

    BitConverter.GetBytes(nShort).CopyTo(Buffer, WriteHead)

    WriteHead += 2

    End Sub

    Public Sub WriteInteger(ByVal nInt As Integer)

    If WriteHead + 3 > BufferSize Then Allocate(4)

    BitConverter.GetBytes(nInt).CopyTo(Buffer, WriteHead)

    WriteHead += 4

    End Sub

    Public Sub WriteLong(ByVal nLong As Long)

    If WriteHead + 7 > BufferSize Then Allocate(8)

    BitConverter.GetBytes(nLong).CopyTo(Buffer, WriteHead)

    WriteHead += 8

    End Sub

    Public Sub WriteString(ByVal nString As String)


    If WriteHead + nString.Length - 1 > BufferSize Then Allocate(nString.Length)

    Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(nString).CopyTo(Buffer, WriteHead)

    WriteHead += nString.Length

    End Sub

    Public Function ReadByte(Optional ByVal MoveReadHead As Boolean = True) As Byte

    If ReadHead > BufferSize Then Return 0

    Dim val As Byte = Buffer(ReadHead)

    If MoveReadHead Then ReadHead += 1

    Return val

    End Function

    Public Function ReadBytes(ByVal nLength As Integer, Optional ByVal MoveReadHead As Boolean = True) As Byte()

    Dim Data() As Byte

    If nLength = 0 Then Return Nothing

    If ReadHead + nLength > BufferSize Then Return Nothing

    ReDim Data(nLength)

    For i As Integer = 0 To ReadHead + nLength - 1

    Data(i) = Buffer(i)


    If MoveReadHead Then ReadHead += nLength

    Return Data

    End Function

    Public Function ReadShort(Optional ByVal MoveReadHead As Boolean = True) As Short

    If ReadHead + 1 > BufferSize Then Return 0

    Dim val As Short = BitConverter.ToInt16(Buffer, ReadHead)

    If MoveReadHead Then ReadHead += 2

    Return val

    End Function

    Public Function ReadInteger(Optional ByVal MoveReadHead As Boolean = True) As Integer

    If ReadHead + 3 > BufferSize Then Return 0

    Dim val As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(Buffer, ReadHead)

    If MoveReadHead Then ReadHead += 4

    Return val

    End Function

    Public Function ReadLong(Optional ByVal MoveReadHead As Boolean = True) As Long

    If ReadHead + 7 > BufferSize Then Return 0

    Dim val As Long = BitConverter.ToInt64(Buffer, ReadHead)

    If MoveReadHead Then ReadHead += 8

    Return val

    End Function

    Public Function ReadString(Optional ByVal MoveReadHead As Boolean = True) As String

    Dim sLength As Integer = ReadInteger()

    If sLength <= 0 Then Return vbNullString

    Dim val As String = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Buffer, ReadHead, sLength)

    If MoveReadHead Then ReadHead += sLength

    Return val

    End Function

    Public Function Count() As Integer

    Return Buffer.Length

    End Function

    Public Function Length() As Integer

    Return Count() - ReadHead

    End Function

    Public Function ToArray() As Byte()

    Return Buffer

    End Function

    Public Overrides Function ToString() As String

    Return Buffer.ToString()

    End Function

    End Class

    If you happen to run into any errors, please post here so I can go and fix them.

    Credits are appreciated, but not needed.

    Original class credits go to Jacob from MS4.
  8. I need to get a few more stuff done until we get an alpha release. I'm looking to temporarily make a spells window for the default EO system so you can have spells and you don't have to melee everything. Of course, as I said that'll be temporal, and won't be anything related to how the skill tree system is going to work, but just so you have a bit more of fun.

    Other than that, I need to get the new equipment slots working for the character window. I guess that's the last thing I need to do before the alpha release.
  9. 1\. Crea el NPC. Luego edita el mapa y ve a 'Properties', y ponlo en la lista.
    2\. Edita la .JPG en 'data files/graphics/gui/menu'.
    3\. Habría que editar el chat mucho, y si no sabes como hacerlo no te recomiendo intentarlo.
    4\. No te preocupes, un juego hecho en Eclipse no suele tener muchos jugadores.
    5\. Necesitas un dibujo BMP con múltiples frames, copiando los que están predeterminadamente.
    6\. Necesitas instalar un sistema para ello, el de Alatar es ideal.
    7\. También necesitas hacerlo tú. No hay ningún tutorial para eso.
    8\. Necesitas hacer un mapa con propiedades de PvP, o un nuevo atributo de mapa para arenas.
    9\. Edita el item y pónselo en las propiedades.
    12\. En el servidor, classes.ini. Para que avancen, tendrías que programarlo tú mismo.
  10. I guess it's time to reveal myself. :)
    I've been working on Cinder's programming since Socks started posting some of the alpha-blended GUI. I can explain what I have done but I've made a dev log for it on my YouTube channel, so you can see for yourself while I explain it.

    You can find the video [here](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOk43gmVclo&feature=plcp) here, and sorry for any pronunciation errors I had in there, as I said at the start of the video, English is not my native language and I can't speak it perfectly. Also sorry for the audio and quality, I'm using my laptop's Microphone and I need to get Fraps back, so at the moment I'm using Hypercam.
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