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Posts posted by hisherwin

  1. Are you mad bro? Or are you just impatient enough?

    There are only few programmers that are online at this time, So please be patient -.-

    To fix that




    on both server side and client side modEnumeration

    before this code



    Next time i check your post, and you are being impatient again.. i won't help you..

    Avoid using Caps on your whole sentence, Because i might view it as people who are mad or being impatient
  2. > I love Cyberpunk and Mechas, hopefully you'll have both. :)

    Well my idea on this game is, player will create their own weapon,items,pet and everything useful on battle like the whole idea is centered on Crafting.. the graphics will be mecha that's why it's Steampunk game.. 

    You gather materials on the resource field like mines, forest, caves, enemies and craft them to make equipment and weapons to fight.. Also there will be a few dungeons that you can get rare materials that are being guarded by a boss, that boss is a monster that is hard to beat (This is where i took some idea on SAO that it's hard to beat a boss by yourself) and after you beat it the dungeon will be open for everyone for a few hrs and the boss will respawn again..

    Well that's the whole idea i have for now..
  3. > Looks good, you should get away from using trademark names. It's awesome to use an anime to use as inspiration for a game though.

    Ye i was thinking about that.. i have my own graphics and resource so i should probably make my own game without using a trademark names..
  4. I haven't seen a MMO that have a Permadeath, also wouldn't that feature make people mad and quit the game O.o, like when they work so hard on their character then suddenly it lag and the player dies, that would make them angry and quit the game isn't it?
  5. > I like the idea of perma death and shutting down the PC on death. It would make for an interesting mmorpg and the die hard SAO fans would love it.

    ALRIGHT!! I'll change the game concept!

    This will now be Alfheim not Sword art online!  ;)
  6. > I know what you said. I was replying to someone else.  Don't like then oh well…

    Well i also meant that reply to everyone so they won't bother about the death system anymore :D

    Edit: i'm going to use a Death Penalty on the game, like your skill will go down or something
  7. > The name choice isn't a very good idea. Alongside blatantly infringing on SOA itself, you leave little hope for actually getting people to find your game in the first place.

    Ye i'm still thinking about it, maybe i'll just add a sub text after Sword Art Online itself

    > But there isn't a computer shut down in the anime, it's a perma death based anime in the first and third series.

    Lol, i'll ask a murderer to kill those who die in game? how's that? :D

    > I'd suggest adding a secondary mode to the game to suit both types of players needs. Normal mode where it's like any MMO where when you die you respawn and hardcore mode where when you die your character is deleted.

    I'll think about it

    > This is just so not SAO! SAO is death upon death. So keep as simple and as real as possible. You die you start all over at lvl 1 in the starting town. You 1/2 your stats or all and then you lose all but like the first 3 items in your bag.

    I just said it "The game will have the 80% features that are showned on the anime"

    > Its not SAO if you dont kill the players when they die in game. If you cant do it with your hardware you need to hunt them all down one by one.
    > alternately you could just make a hardcore server and a regular server like collonello suggested. the game will work perfectly fine without permadeath since reguardless its not going to be exactly like SAO if you dont murder your players.but it wouldnt be exactly like it anyway.


  8. > Tackling the idea of a sword art mmorpg will be complicated. I do hope you plan on implementing a perma death system. It's the only way this game will work. It will need to lean more towards a survival mmorpg if anything.

    Perma death lol no…

    How about force computer shutdown when they die? :D
  9. ![](http://i.imgur.com/s2Np8CO.png)

    Hello everyone, Today i'm going to present a Steampunk 2D ORPG Game that i'm currently developing. That's all for the introduction , Thank you~ 

    What do you think of a game where you yourself create the equipment or items that you need? Here on Spiral Mech you will play the role as a crafter, Create the Weapons you need before you go hunting for materials. Explore alot of places for new Materials to unlock more Craftable item. Party with your friends and battle the Area Bosses.

    There's too many Features that i can list, But I'll just list the important and awesome features.
    - **Character Customization**: As you can see, This game works on crafting. So it must be pretty boring if you see all players are look alike isn't it? So i added a Character Customization on New Character Menu

    - **Crafting**: The main feature of the game, You can craft Consumable Items, Weapons, Equipment, Materials, and some Misc Items like ~WorldMap~ Item.

    - **Advance Combat**: Are you bored on pressing one key (Like: "Ctrl") to attack and wait for the enemy to die? Don't worry this game will provide you a new key's that will give trill on your combat experience
           - Shield Key (When you equip a shield, There's a key that you can press to trigger the shield and block all incoming attacks. But only in the front, You can be attacked on sides and back)
           - Range Weapon (When you are equip with a one handed range weapon and a one handed melee weapon you can use them at the same time, But there's only one attackspeed for those two)

    - **Crafter's Rank**: There's a ranking system where it rank your crafting level and set your rank title
                - Apprentice Crafter
                - Amateur Crafter
                - Master Crafter
                - Legendary Crafter

    - **Seamless Map**

    I just took some pictures of what i've done so far, I still haven't made a Decent maps so what will you see are just templates for screenshots


    **Owner:** Sherwin
    **Graphic Artist:** Sherwin
    **Programmer:** Sherwin
    **Mapper: **Sherwin

    **Email us for suggestions or questions:** [email protected]
    **Like our Facebook Page:** [https://www.facebook.com/spiralmech](https://www.facebook.com/spiralmech)
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