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Posts posted by boasfesta

  1. Hello folks! :)

    My nick is boasfesta, i work with game engines since 2009 and i can develop your desired systems for your project :)

    Actually i work as C#.NET developer for the food delivery app "iFood" in South America, also i have knowledge on VB.NET, VB6, SQL, PHP, ASP.NET, and other boring things that maybe are useful for you.

    Im the author of Universo Z project and Orion+ Automapper system, also miscellaneous systems like object Serialization for Data/Network etc.  That is just some of principal systems, so i got some relevant knowledge for your needs.

    If you're interested, contact me we can talk ;)



    Discord: boasfesta#8721

  2. Thanks for the reply Mohenjo!

    Yeah the system have an configuration window for tilesets, so it wont use house tiles on cows hahhaha
    Anyway, i forget the selling idea and released the system as open source!
    >[Here its a full information post and download](https://www.ascensiongamedev.com/community/topic/1026-automapper-system-sourcecode-vb6/)<
    Sorry for the external link but its just for you to see it, i'll make a post for it on Eclipse Origins soon as i can ;)
  3. Hello!

    Before anything, sorry for my bad english  :(
    My name is Lucas Tardivo, nicknamed boasfesta  :P
    Im here to announce my new system, i think no one did nothing similar before and i think will be very useful aswell, so i develop a automapper system on server that make a lot of maps on your game and connect its teleports, finishing with a big and beautiful island!
    The system doesnt make a game at all, cause if he dids we doesnt need more game developers anymore hahaha. It just make a lot of beautiful maps, gaining a lot of time, just leaving for the developers some details, cities, bridges and caves(for now, maybe in a future update… hahaha).
    The system intention is to make islands in a really small time, so developers can go in game and check if the result is on a perfect format for their game. In my last test, a Core i5 8gb ram notebook make 100 maps (100x100 each) in 140secs.
    All graphic resources are configurable easily inside code

    **Automapper System**

    **Features (Click on features names to see an example image):**

    * [A form with all configuration things and time information](http://i.imgur.com/dtLJ3vZ.png)
    * Island model maker

    * It makes a rectangle island with configurable size (4x4 maps, 5x5 maps, etc…) also map size (50x50 tiles, 80x80 tiles...). The system automatically makes [coasts/beachs](http://i.imgur.com/9QeJUH2.png), and inside the island it makes exclusive features like mountains, paths and rivers. The beachs size in coasts its configurable too.
    * Map small details (Flowers, rocks…)

    * Easily configurable
    * [Tall grass](http://i.imgur.com/juHxRA7.png)

    * Autotile it and place in every map.
    * [Paths](http://i.imgur.com/qMQ2KJK.png)

    * It starts on center map so odd total maps works better, the paths goes along the island having 75% chance of changing direction after every map, it stops when find a coast or beach.
    * [Rivers](http://i.imgur.com/5fYsf64.png)

    * A random number of rivers is set and then they are placed on a random inside map (not coast map), when the river born it have a fixed size along the all river and 5% chance to change direction every step (the river never goes up, just left, down and right).
    * [Mountains](http://i.imgur.com/Ah2Nxc6.png)

    * Mountains doesnt have autotiles, so i make a simulation on server. Every inside map have a random number of mountains depends on its grass count, the mountains are placed just on grass (avoiding rivers and paths) and have a random size. After set a mountain place the system start to map it like a autotile.
    * [Resources](http://i.imgur.com/hgeNCnS.png)

    * Easily configurable and it is placed on whole grass island, including mountains but avoiding paths and rivers.

    **The system automatically insert:**

    * Blocks on rivers, mountains and similars
    * Teleports between maps

    **Some notes:**

    * The system doesnt include any graphic resource
    * The system have 99% precision, but it doesnt discard human interaction to fix some things and make your maps get better and better (Remember, the system its just a machine, it doesnt thinks, it just do!)
    * For add this system, your engine must be a **DX8 Engine made on VB6, that support autotile system, such as Skywire and similars**. The system was developed on a Skywire engine v5 and works perfect on every version.

    **If you want to see more, ->Click to [check my album on imgur](http://imgur.com/a/q60x3)**

    The system price is for **50$**, that includes its module and configuration form. If you want to adquire it, contact me via Skype: **lutardivo **or PM me  ;)
    Thank guys! See ya.
  4. A reference is nothing but an another way to use an variable, using an existing memory address instead of making a new one for the method usage, i dont know how this can solve this problem.
    Anyway, i found the component are you using, is the TabStrip component.
    The method usage is correct, so the only visible problem is that you didnt set the project components or the VB didnt found it on start, so the component start as an PictureBox instead of a TabStrib, to be certain about this, please go to the frmEditor_Events and check if the tabPages is really an TabStrip and not a PictureBox.
    Finally, try this method to solve:
    -Open the Project tab > Components
    -Select Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0
    -Close the project and save only the .vbp one

    If you dont have this component on your list, download MSCOMCTL.OCX and put it on your System32 folder, register the ocx using Windows + R > regsvr32 MSCOMCTL.OCX > Enter
  5. 'Method or data member not found' means "The vb couldnt found the method are you using" (Method Add)
    Maybe the number of parameters are wrong (You are using 3 ", , Str(i)")
    Check the add method parameters
    What component are you using? Its SSTab?
  6. First Step: Download all the OCX and DLLs required, only the 32bits version!
    Second Step: Move all of it for the System32, and then register them using regsvr32 dllname.dll (Use Windows + R to Run)
    Third Step: Open VB6, go to Project > References and add the DLLs you download.
    Fourth Step: Go to Project > Components and add the OCXs you download.

    Dont forget to select the DLLs and OCXs on VB6 after add them!
  7. Thanks everyone for the replies!
    The android will get a remaster for the next 6 months, i will update when its ready, the idea will be very different.

    I changed the post, the AFK system is a kind of small. I only posted it because i think its pretty hahaha
    Anyway, the english client will be released about an year after the official release i think. Because of this im recruiting members to franchise the game on other countries and make them unique Universo Z versions, if you know and trust anyone, tell me :)

    Sim ele errou o nome e falou Projeto Z hahahhaa
    Muita coincidência de ser justo o mesmo nome que o seu projeto, gostaria de conhecer haha
  8. Hello Guys!
    There is a long time since i come here to post about Universo Z project.
    Well, when i did it i dont updated the project topic for a long time, so here i am again to annunciate the project.


    The project start his development in 2013 by GoPlay Games administration, a full Brazilian project. After 1 year of secret development the game was release on public social webs with his official name: Universo Z Online. The website was released after a few days with the game screens and videos, and so the project go on. Until now the project was online in December/2014 when the project launched the 12 hours version and August/2015 with 72 hours. In August/2014 the project was invited by Avalon to be show upon a stage in UNAERP University here in Brazil. After a few months, the project was invited again and climb upon a new stage in Liceu Salesiano on Campinas-SP/Brazil. So then Universo Z become a little trademark, start to distribute itself in other platforms (Like android version) and now GoPlay Games is working on franchising initiation to help the project reach other countries. Actually the project is under development and dont have release date already.

    Universo Z is a DBZ Based MMO where you can make your own Sayan and live the adventures of Goku!. Here you can custom your character hair model and skin color, dress however you want, and evolution his stats at your way!. The freedom of a character build is infinite, both appearance and combat are fully customizable. The character sprite base const with 88 frames and more than 20 animations positions!. All hair models have his own and unique Super sayan version til level 3!. The character stats are distributed in our new evolution system where you add the character power level and upgrade the stats level. There is a lot of skill types and evolutions, you just select what skills you want to use and make a own unique character!.


    **New evolution system**

    >! ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t1.0-9/p206x206/11695912_429547200563542_1184145199942304154_n.png?oh=35a938b897f039aa6a3acafd64345e66&oe=5680D449&__gda__=1448189787_a8fcff25c633994190d1cd1fd31e5526)
    **Details:** With the new evolution system, the character only get power level while he gain XP, and have no more StatPoints to distribute. His stats grow as he distribute PL, and then rise his Stats level!

    **Title system**
    >! >! ![](https://scontent-gru1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xat1/v/t1.0-9/p206x206/11760288_428637120654550_5996373016654172254_n.png?oh=4421a0a6a869b2f0837e922edf561b8f&oe=5642B660)
    >! **Android**
    >! >! ![](https://scontent-gru1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10984304_361140974070832_2802829807125793193_n.png?oh=2918353770d8158cf527bb90fb876c9c&oe=567FF443) ![](https://scontent-gru1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10968589_362901613894768_5416413729727399068_n.png?oh=dbe4846e878eadcfaee14ddc31671b28&oe=564F7CD7)
    >! **Maps (Low cut quality, sorry)**
    >! >! ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t1.0-9/11695418_425369970981265_3481275763028805607_n.jpg?oh=c9391fa28aa5a82cbe2ce5039f057451&oe=5639BF4E&__gda__=1447154884_c3e84d8703ff0c670b671f888bfd71da) ![](https://scontent-gru1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11168022_421044944747101_8304365813010472547_n.jpg?oh=4a8d32f63a261ba4c0caaa28f0d5241d&oe=5651837D)
    >! **Videos**
    >! **Universo Z show off on Campinas-SP/Brazil Stage**
    >! >! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SWyyZoAVLc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SWyyZoAVLc)
    >! **Universo Z show off on Ribeirão Preto-SP/Brazil Stage**
    >! >! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5b3ZOoCyMw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5b3ZOoCyMw)
    >! **Shenlong**
    >! >! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_vDUEa5niQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_vDUEa5niQ)
    >! **Techniques**
    >! >! [https://youtu.be/VGleSymehyI](https://youtu.be/VGleSymehyI)
    >! **Interface**
    >! >! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmclPzdF40U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmclPzdF40U)
    >! **Transformation**
    >! >! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQ0iVg1mXw4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQ0iVg1mXw4)
    >! **Transports**
    >! >! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pb7nGNBGgLg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pb7nGNBGgLg)
    >! **Scouter**
    >! >! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48Os-t5_4Do](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48Os-t5_4Do)
    >! **Combat 2.0**
    >! >! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoliuyagtnM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoliuyagtnM)
    >! **Combat Matrix**
    >! >! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MdlzXAMc_w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MdlzXAMc_w)
    >! **Fight againt Vegeta!**
    >! >! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNcoFFdPu2U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNcoFFdPu2U)
    >! **Hair evolution (Ssj1 to Ssj3)**
    >! >! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9csmGDXK5o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9csmGDXK5o)
    >! **Website**
    >! [**http://www.goplaygames.com.br/universoz**](http://goplaygames.com.br)
    >! Thank you and enjoy Universo Z!
  9. The both engines are made in the same structure, it only change the graphics, making systems on DX8 in Eclipse Worlds is more complexious but less workest than DX7 on Eclipse Origins.
    If you dont have any knowledge about system development i recommend you to start with Eclipse Origins.
    Needing help just ask! :)
  10. Hello everyone!
    My name is Lucas, knowed on internet as "boasfesta", actually im doing Analysis and Development of Systems and Computer Science university, also i teach Game Programming on a professional school here in Brasil. Worked with games a long time in my life, launch games a thousand times and keep servers online for most than years.

    A lot of people come to ask me for systems in my country, i also sell some of them for interested people, so i come here to show my work for you guys, considering that i dont have too much clients from other countries already.

    I can sell great quality systems for you and for a good price, also i make a budget to keep you aware of your buy and have a prize of 7 days for each system.

    Here is some of my portfolio:

    1. [My actual project: Universo Z](http://goplaygames.com.br), also his [appearance first time on a stage in Ribeirão Preto](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5b3ZOoCyMw) and [the second time on Campinas - SP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SWyyZoAVLc)
    2. [Shenlong System](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_vDUEa5niQ)
    3. [Transport system](https://youtu.be/Pb7nGNBGgLg)
    4. [Transformation system](https://youtu.be/wQ0iVg1mXw4)
    5. [Combat system](https://youtu.be/AoliuyagtnM)
    6. [New NPC/BOSS AI](https://youtu.be/-MdlzXAMc_w)
    7. [Interactive Menu](https://youtu.be/kmclPzdF40U)

    Sorry for just have videos about my project… but a lot of people become inspiring on it and think on system for his games. The above systems and much more can be did on any type of game as long and how as you want.

    Also im selling my old **DBZ engine** for beginners, for who is interested, the engine was online for 3 years and have no problems during this time, the **price become 3,5x lower** when converted for USD$ and for full payment you get **5% of discount** in total value: [DBZ Elite](http://www.tabernarpg.com/t1227-dbz-elite-engine-disponivel#3671) (Sorry for the Portuguese)

    Anyway, i just require payment for making systems, but i **offer help for free** and whenever you want, so you can add me for asking questions and get some tips, i will be very greateful to help.
    **For infos and contact, PM me or add on skype (On my profile).**
    Thank you for your attemption!
  11. Hello!
    I am boasfesta, pleasure to meet you :D

    Okay… Okay... I know. "Another DBZ Game? Booooooooooooring...". But i only ask to you see this topic til the end ><
    This is not a common DBZ project, its a attempt to remove every past bad thoughts brought by bad DBZ servers.
    The game is not made on Eclipse engine, i did start the project on zero just to create an type of "Frankstein Engine", getting systems of known engines and developing my own. As much Eclipse Engine was one of my most based systems, it can be consider in this forum as a Eclipse Based project.
    Not only system was got it, as you guys can see in previous prints GUIs and some Graphics was got it too, but as time passed our owns are developed. Anyway, thanks for all help that you Eclipse Engine Developers and associates brought to us :D
    Im sorry but the project is from Brazil, so the main language is Portugues, i didnt made an International version til now :/
    If the game get sufficient players out of brazil, we will release a international server!, [visit our page on IndieDB!](http://www.indiedb.com/games/universo-z-online)
    The game its in development and have no official release date. 

    I introduce you guys my newest project, or better, the newest project from GoPlay Games. Universe Z Online!
    Make and costumize your Z Warrior as you want and live the adventures of Goku!


    **What is Universe Z?**

    Universe Z is a DBZ fan game that represents an alternative reality of Dragon Ball Universe, where you live the Goku's destiny and make your own history!. The game have no responsability with the original history and no own of any character ou anime features.


    New GUI


    Combat 2.0




    Death Screen





    [Login interface](https://www.youtube.com/v/kmclPzdF40U)

    [Combat Movements](http://www.youtube.com/v/boMRHWV2guQ)


    [Paperdoll and costumizations](http://www.youtube.com/v/C1fHGZVzwUc)

    [Death and ressurection](http://www.youtube.com/v/Pb7nGNBGgLg)


    [Techniques and transformations](http://www.youtube.com/v/wQ0iVg1mXw4)

    [Scouter and his interaction with transformations](http://www.youtube.com/v/48Os-t5_4Do)

    [Combat 2.0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoliuyagtnM)

    [Combat matrix and AI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MdlzXAMc_w)

    [Combat with Vegeta](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNcoFFdPu2U)



    Make your account on our site and get a link to your friends vote on you! With votes you get rewards on the game release!

    Like us on facebook to participate Closed Beta Contests!

    [Visit our facebook page!](http://www.facebook.com.br/universozonline)

    **Android Version!**


    Universe Z have his own Android Version! It is on alpha period and you can download it here!

    Remember: The android version is single player and have no relationship with the official windows version



    I hope you like!
    If you have any critics, suggestions… just comment here or contact us on facebook or via site ticket ;)
    Remember, if you dont like the project, i expect you be honest and say that giving a explanation why you doesnt like the project, this is important for me, Thank You!
  12. Hello,
    Im here to post my game, is a simple game made by me in VB6, its just for single player and i only made for fun hehe  :cheesy:

    I want you to rate it, i will be very greateful  :P

    Here are some prints:


    And the [Game download](http://www.4shared.com/rar/K6knHxMK/Middley_Medieval_World_War.html)

    Thank you for your time  :embarrassed:
  13. Hello,
    My name is Lucas, known as boasfesta, its my first post here so… don't mind with my english if have some errors okay?  ;)

    Well... I started a project when im bored some days ago, with a stupid idea of move my mouse with a webcam, so i made this software, i dont have any plans for it, maybe if i dont use it for nothing i post the source here for someone who use it with a better intention.

    Okay, here we go!

    First, you need a object(Small), and this object need to be of a unique color that you dont have in any part of you webcam image. (I used a red strip)

    **Step 1:** Download iCAMove (My software) [http://www.4shared.com/file/0KzQqvy8/iCAMove.html](http://www.4shared.com/file/0KzQqvy8/iCAMove.html)

    **Step 2:** Start iCAMove in your pc

    **Step 3:** Click on "S. Dispotiv" and select you webcam device.

    **Step 4:** Click on "Video", if your image dont appear, try to click on "S. Dispotiv" again

    **Step 5:** Put the object at your webcam imagem and click on it.


    Look, its a beautiful man in the picture, dont you think? haha, any comparison with John lennon its coincidence

    **Step 6:** Click on "PIC", the image will render on the another picture, showing all pixels founded (Try to show only 5 or 6 pixels, max 20, you can configure the filter writing the number on the text "Filtro:" and pressing "Atualizar")


    **Step 7:**  Now, just click on "iCAMove" button and move the object on image, and your mouse will move too :D

    Any suggestion, problems or bugs comment here.

    See ya  :P
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