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Posts posted by Wulfie

  1. Oh noes, looks who's back!

    S hit, s hit, s hit, Roar's again on this s hitty beat, working like a plumber, killing like a number, I'm back, opening your ballsacks, cummin' to the game, walking thro the roof, eating vaginas, breaking chaina's.
    Ill open ur ass, bless you on xmas, and have fun with your dog !

    I'm raping mammals, rapist 2.0, opening the game, registering my name, want more, come buy it in the wallmart, b itch, I'm coming, cuming, walking thro the roof, you want some puff?, go hug a teddy, it's ready for you, to f uck you in ass, yeah…

    Richy's feelin' too good, he needs some debuff, -30 dmg, dead noob!
  2. Yoo!, Bitchez are sleepin', soz daddy's back, I'm again on this track, coming back like a cat, my rhymes are animals, that rant out off zoo, you'ill try to stop them, Ill put you here too!
    F **uck** F **uck**!, Who's there?, It's Roarbree… Oh, hey there Roarbree! Hai!
    You like it?!, I'm sucking balls!, I don't know how to rhyme, but I'm keepin' my style, I'm walking like a rat, and flyin' like bat. Don't yo' no' Dash, your nickname reminds me of Crash, becouse I'm crashin' you like a s hit, so don't dance to this beat!
    Peehole, Peehole!, that's it Richy, your face reminds a glace, soz' yo' are in space!
    I'm killin', rapin', and trillin', you're scared, you should be scared, yeah...!
    I'm killin' yo all twice, soz I'm a killer!
  3. Yo!, My name's Mildren, and i like little children.
    My rhymes are raping, while I'm fapping.
    Yo' are all s hit, not good for this beat, I'm the best, you're all worse than crest!
    Dash opens his ass, while I'm withdrawing my cash, he thinks he's a boss, but I think he got lost, dat little s hit can smock my d ick!
    Fogger is lame, he loses the game, hes a little prick, with a small d ick!
    Richy tries to rhyme bass, but he can wipe my ass!
    Zombe smells like a s hit, not suitable for this beat, he can drink urine, but it's not his turnin'!
    I'm raping and faping, yo' all lose, becouse you're… you're... s hit!
  4. F uck you Thorn, you give ass to a teenagers class, while i'm playing bass on my guitar tracks!
    Richy is a b itch, his asshole is thick, becouse i put here my d ick!
    Zombe is lame, go feed sharks with your face, becouse your ugly!
  5. Duck you  b-i-t-c-h , duck you  b-i-t-c-h , duck you all, yeah bitchezzz it's ducking ducker motherducker Roar ducking wait for ducking it Bree, killing with his rhymes like a ducking McDonald hamburger with a ducking fish,  b-i-t-c-h !
  6. Hey guys, I dunno if there was a game like that/smiliar to that here before, but screw it.
    So, one person puts here a song, and another one rates it and puts another one, got that? :)

    Lemme start:

    Next person rates this one from 1 to 10, and puts another, and again, and again.
  7. Well, I just cleaned this up, and added an better version of sprite. I think I like how it looks right now, and won't change anything. So here it is:

  8. Hey everyone.

    Since last few feeks, I was searching the net for some interesting mmo games to play.
    At one beautiful day I've found Smite, an MOBA game with DOTA ruleset in 3D (!), that has been put into a world full of gods from all religions.
    The game is awesome and really fun, the only thing it lacks, is european server.
    Second thing, Smite is currently in Closed Beta, and you'ill need a key to get into, I got 3 free keys to giveaway, if you want to try Smite, just shoot me an PM, or write here.
    My IGN is Moarbree :).

    Site: https://account.hirezstudios.com/smitegame/

  9. Hai again :), I decided to enlarge the mockup a bit. First thing to change are the sprites, but as always, I can't decide which colors look better, you may be able to help me, so here's two versions of my new dwarfish/chubby sprites ^^.
    ![](http://oi46.tinypic.com/2m7un8h.jpg) (It's still a WIP, tho.)
  10. Hello everyone, here's a result of my today's two hours boredom ^^. I was aiming for simplicness, I also always wanted to create a very simple ORPG with cute graphic's and loads of fun activities, too bad, I'm too unskilled to do that :).
    I was kinda lazy at end, so you won't see here a large variety of sprites and enemies, but I may add something more, sometimes ^^.
    So, here is it, enjoy :).
  11. Thanks for a warm welcome :), I'd definitely check that section, and who knows maybe sometimes Ill start a project myself ^^.

    I would ask also for inviting me to ,,launched,, projects, I don't like to repeat the situations from other forums, wherer I was the only one person working, that's really annoying.
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