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Everything posted by Orbegon

  1. > Nothing that the current engine has. lol, I'm not using the current engine, I'm using Mirage Legacy :D Thanks for your comments though so far guys! -Scott (Orbegon)
  2. > Or taking an already working idea and make it better. Like polishing the game and making it more accessible. Very true, I believe that now-a-days 97% of the newest mmorpg's are based off of pre-existing ones with their own special features. What would be better is originality because sometimes it could be better to introduce new aspects of mmorpg elements in a form of self-creativity. I'm currently doing research and getting some type of genre most gamer's want to see in a new original game. I want to make new systems or elements in a game never before seen or brought up in a long time. Keep it up guys! :P -Scott (Orbegon)
  3. The search button is right across the screen from your name to the left or upper left corner.
  4. Thanks to those who posted so far! We will all learn from this one day of how we can improve our own games. Keep it up!
  5. **Hello!** What things do you guys think makes a **good** online rpg for eclipse or in general? Examples: -Features -Events -World layout -Storyline -PvP What do you guys think? -Scott (Orbegon) :(
  6. Well, Basically you make a copy of your client folder (this will be the one you RAR) and delete the "src" (source) folders/files. Then compile it into RAR or whatever and upload to some file sharing or your own website as a download link or something and share it. Make sure to go to into the config and make save=0 and password/username = (nothing). You dont want to accidently make your account information available to anyone. This way you still have your personal client folder with source files and a anyone client folder without source files so that they cant edit your game. :D That's how you compile the client folder. This is the basic idea but also depends on what engine you are using. Hope this helps! -Scott (Orbegon)
  7. Looks neat, like a home-made calculator.
  8. Orbegon

    Quest Icons?

    Or do it cheap and make the NPC sprite have a "!" above its head in the picture. ;)
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