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Posts posted by Zzbrandon

  1. Hi I was wondering why cant you change other peoples sprites wth Admin controls in 3.0 and if there is a command to for admins. If their isnt can i edit their sprite in the .bin file of their account in the server folder because I making member characters and I would like to know how.
  2. Go to Map editior in admin and change dimensions ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)
  3. Ecclestio I just retextures background that came with Eo 3.0 and it dont appear Where It say welcome to Eclipse in that middle black box and plus I retextured inventory background to and image I see a little part of it put it not covering whole inventory it like cutoff
  4. ' New Resolution BEGIN

    Private Sub ComboResolution_Click()

    Dim resWidth, resHeight As Long

    Dim res() As String

    res() = Split(ComboResolution.List(ComboResolution.ListIndex), "x")

    Direct3D_Window.BackBufferWidth = res(0)

    Direct3D_window.BackBufferHeight = res(1)

    MAX_MAPX = res(0) / 32 - 1

    MAX_MAPY = res(1) / 32 - 1

    HalfX = ((MAX_MAPX + 1) / 2) * PIC_X

    HalfY = ((MAX_MAPY + 1) / 2) * PIC_Y

    ScreenX = (MAX_MAPX + 1) * PIC_X

    ScreenY = (MAX_MAPY + 1) * PIC_Y

    StartXValue = ((MAX_MAPX + 1) / 2)

    StartYValue = ((MAX_MAPY + 1) / 2)

    EndXValue = (MAX_MAPX + 1) + 1

    EndYValue = (MAX_MAPY + 1) + 1

    ' Change Background

    frmMain.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\data files\graphics\gui\main\main" & ComboResolution.ListIndex & ".jpg")

    picScreen.Width = res(0)

    picScreen.Height = res(1)

    ' Move GUI

    imgHPBar.Left = 518 + (ComboResolution.ListIndex * 160)

    imgMPBar.Left = 518 + (ComboResolution.ListIndex * 160)

    imgEXPBar.Left = 518 + (ComboResolution.ListIndex * 160)

    lblHP.Left = 632 + (ComboResolution.ListIndex * 160)

    lblMP.Left = 632 + (ComboResolution.ListIndex * 160)

    lblEXP.Left = 632 + (ComboResolution.ListIndex * 160)

    lblGold.Left = 568 + (ComboResolution.ListIndex * 160)

    lblPing.Left = 568 + (ComboResolution.ListIndex * 160)

    imgButton(1).Left = 523 + (ComboResolution.ListIndex * 160)

    imgButton(2).Left = 603 + (ComboResolution.ListIndex * 160)

    imgButton(3).Left = 683 + (ComboResolution.ListIndex * 160)

    imgButton(4).Left = 523 + (ComboResolution.ListIndex * 160)

    imgButton(5).Left = 603 + (ComboResolution.ListIndex * 160)

    imgButton(6).Left = 683 + (ComboResolution.ListIndex * 160)

    picParty.Left = 541 + (ComboResolution.ListIndex * 160)

    picOptions.Left = 541 + (ComboResolution.ListIndex * 160)

    picSpells.Left = 541 + (ComboResolution.ListIndex * 160)

    picInventory.Left = 541 + (ComboResolution.ListIndex * 160)

    picCharacter.Left = 541 + (ComboResolution.ListIndex * 160)

    picSSMap.Left = 800 + (ComboResolution.ListIndex * 160)

    picCover.Left = 824 + (ComboResolution.ListIndex * 160)

    picAdmin.Left = 544 + (ComboResolution.ListIndex * 160)

    picTrade.Left = picScreen.Left + (picScreen.Width / 2 - picTrade.Width / 2)

    picShop.Left = picScreen.Left + (picScreen.Width / 2 - picShop.Width / 2)

    picBank.Left = picScreen.Left + (picScreen.Width / 2 - picBank.Width / 2)

    If (ComboResolution.ListIndex = 0) Then

    picHotbar.Top = 399

    picEventChat.Top = 442

    txtMyChat.Top = 565

    txtChat.Top = 442

    frmMain.Width = 11865

    frmMain.Height = 9315

    ElseIf (ComboResolution.ListIndex = 1) Then

    picHotbar.Top = 399 + 96

    picEventChat.Top = 442 + 96

    txtMyChat.Top = 565 + 96

    txtChat.Top = 442 + 96

    frmMain.Width = 14250

    frmMain.Height = 10770

    ElseIf (ComboResolution.ListIndex = 2) Then

    picHotbar.Top = 399 + 216

    picEventChat.Top = 442 + 216

    txtMyChat.Top = 565 + 216

    txtChat.Top = 442 + 216

    frmMain.Width = 16665

    frmMain.Height = 12570

    ElseIf (ComboResolution.ListIndex = 3) Then

    picHotbar.Top = 399 + 384

    picEventChat.Top = 442 + 384

    txtMyChat.Top = 565 + 384

    txtChat.Top = 442 + 384

    frmMain.Width = 18975

    frmMain.Height = 15080

    End If

    End Sub

    ' New Resolution END

    I keep getting Variable not defined at highlited
  5. Ok first what does an auto updater do because i dont want to keep giving out clients and the tutorial for it is very confusing Robin posted if someone could help and also does it add new items into their Graphics folder if auto updating thank you.
  6. Ok I want to make my own runtime installer instead of using Eo one. I use Install Creator (I bought full version) First I want to make installer for 64bit and 32bit.

    1\. Where I make Installer Install files if they 64bit

    2\. Where I make Installer Install files if 32bit?

    3\. How I make it Register the files

    4\. What files need to be Registered

    And the files I am talking about are the .dlls and ocx etc located with Eo Runtimes Installer.

    Thank you, Sincerely Zzbrandon
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