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Posts posted by MadalinV

  1. I'm sorry for not updating in a while, I don't have as much time as I used to have with school going on and all, however this only slows down my portfolio updating schedule, if you need a commission feel free to contact me through my portfolio contact form (for better understanding).
  2. ![](http://img00.deviantart.net/b099/i/2015/299/9/0/cube_os_by_madalinvlad-d9egttb.png)
  3. Sorry for the late work, I was busy with a student exchange program, but I'm back and my work schedule is empty again ^^
  4. [http://madalinvlad.net](http://madalinvlad.net) for individual details.
    Guess what, guys! UI design projects are available again and I added web designs (.PSD only) as possible project requests! The prices have been updated on the about page here: [http://madalinvlad.net/about.html](http://madalinvlad.net/about.html) . Can't wait to see what you guys have in mind :)
  5. @'Carim':

    > You've definitely improved, it's hard to imagine you were once one of the more irritating members of the site!
    > I do have two qualms though:
    > 1) On your site, your most recent (and generally better) work is at the bottom while the older (and generally worse) stuff is at the top. Please invert the order!
    > 2) Waaaaay too much work is displayed and there are a few that __really__ shouldn't be there (massively inferior quality to the rest like the Epoch Explorer or the PMD Online logo). You should pick only the very best of your work and display that if you're showing your portfolio to prospective clients.
    > I may be in need of a GUI and a logo shortly if what I try making continues to suck, so just throwing that out there. :>

    :< Nobody told me I was irritating. I might do a clean-up some time later, maybe add an archive page and keep the latest 9 works in the main page.
  6. Check http://madalinvlad.net for individual project details ^^

  7. ![](http://orig01.deviantart.net/f5d7/f/2015/184/2/6/ui4_by_madalinvlad-d8zrzqb.png)![](http://orig11.deviantart.net/60db/f/2015/184/a/5/ui5_by_madalinvlad-d8zrzue.png)![](http://orig01.deviantart.net/c318/f/2015/184/4/9/ui6_by_madalinvlad-d8zrztn.png)![](http://orig11.deviantart.net/58bc/f/2015/184/5/1/ui7_by_madalinvlad-d8zrzsy.png)![](http://orig15.deviantart.net/a593/f/2015/184/e/0/work39_by_madalinvlad-d8zrzy1.png)![](http://img15.deviantart.net/5cd4/i/2015/184/5/4/dungeon_world_logo_by_madalinvlad-d8zs019.png)

    The camera app icon concept is for sale ^^
  8. ![](http://img11.deviantart.net/bf5b/i/2015/143/3/a/etherion_logo_by_madalinvlad-d8uec9o.png)
  9. > Agreed. if you have any sites that offer free-to-use renders or vectors let me know, I been looking around but most of the images on the site aren't worth using.

    For vectors you can use flaticon or freepik. Both free services that provide content with CC license.
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