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Posts posted by Mumzy

  1. > you guys are too quick to throw the 'LOOKS LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!' down on people, EO is a hobby game creator, not for serious use.. No one in RMXP/RMVX communities do that to people.

    I totally agree with that. Tilesets aren't what define a project when it's first starting out. I got that a lot, and tilesets really weren't my first concern with Wolf Lands.

    Anyways, as for features and classes, that is one thing that could make it different from all other games here. If you really want to stick out think of some classes on your own. Give us some detail about these classes, and add them in to your story.

    Other than that there's really not much else here to comment on.
  2. > Personally I think the argument that video games are making kids violent is complete and utter liez.
    > These kids would end up violent even without violent video games influencing them, there is just too much ducked up shit in this world.

    Oh yeah that's true. I mean, for instance videogames don't cause mental illness. Or any other reason someone would want to kill random people for usually no reason. I'm just saying im sure it doesn't help. Over all corruption of government and the whole word is how it all originates, really.
  3. I would really like to know what others my age or older think about this? I don't play war videogames myself, because I don't like war. Pretty simple, but I think killing humans on video games may desensitize young adults to perhaps killing and violence, or even encouraging people to go to war without coming to realize the consequences.

    I do play halo though, it's more sci-fi related and your just killing aliens. But as for games like Call of Duty, I think it's a little messed up. Of course, I don't believe in going to war at all either, especially at this point in time.

    Now, I don't want to be one of those people that push their opinion on others, I would just like to get everyone elses opinion. Please no being rude, thanks.
  4. I take _prescription_ drugs.

    Yeah I've been taking medicine since I was 11, I was practically agoraphobic, it was awful. Now I can talk to people and step outside of the house without the fear of dying from a flu epidemic! YAY! Anyways all I wanna say is don't take street drugs, obviously, it's awful. Go to a PSYCHIATRIST. Not a family doctor, a specialist!

    So yes, I do. Everyday, just to establish normality. And I tend to forever.
  5. > It is 7-11-2012\. Members no longer can post their entries. Just to make that clear. It's pretty clear that this competition failed, and I meant no offense in saying that.
    > Also, you posted four times in a row. Stop multi-posting or else a warning will be issued.

    I feel that people saying the competition failed indicates they think my art sucks? Ah well…

    > Wrong Soc, I deleted all the hate inbetween, there used to be far more posts!

    Ok I get it now, thanks! <3 I really shouldn't have replied at all.

    > final day to post your entries, a winner will be chosen tomorrow

    Anyways as for this, high, How close are you to getting the rest of your team? Since your editing the GUI I only assume your far along?
  6. > Just a tip, but when using strange, new or abstract game concepts, you should either leave a story out, or make sure it's completely and well written and elaborative. A classic example of this is Mario Bros franchise. Most of the games lack a story or any explanation. It was a simple and fun concept, due to their approach, the strange characters, the world and it's creatures, and the game objectives aren't questionable. If the developers instead tried to explain their existance, suggesting the mushroom kingdom was in a different dimension, and gave bowser more in-depth reasons for his tyranny and his minions, it would damage the franchise and possibly leave a lot of plot holes and questions.
    > Designing a world a few decades in the future where all of humanity is extinct, and wolves and bears are now civilised, mining, using man-made weapons, sounds absurd. If you want to try something new and abstract, don't feel inclined to have to give a lot of reasoning for it, or you'll ahve to answer to the questions you've raised. Keep it simple, you live in 'wolfland' or whatever, as a 'wolf', and you stab bears and go fishing.

    Whats a in-depth game without a story? I've based quests around the wolves trying to find what humans left behind in terms of technology.. That would make no since if it didn't have a story. Of course it's absurd! it's a Sci-fi. Even so I've already elaborated any questions that could be answered. Even since all I have written down in the thread is a intro? So, I guess I don't really understand?
  7. > . Lol no bueno. Eh ill take as I need to learn more and get better.

    Yeah, it's not the prize (I don't really know what V.I.P is supposed to mean?) but I've always tried to take what ever opportunity comes my way.

    > You have two incredibly terrible UI's to choose from. Congratulations at creating a useless competition.

    Either way there's no exception for being rude, and I'm surprised that such trolling is tolerated here.
  8. > I thought I had posted on this topic..
    > This looks like a good game, it's definitely a good base for someone desiring to get into game development, it's obvious you've put a good amount of hard work into it, and that's what will separate Wolflands from other projects. Keep that dedication up Mumzy, it's inspiring.
    > That aside, love the non-human player concept. We're so used to playing as humans, it's always cool to see how games use other races/creatures. Make sure to make it different from playing as humans, as it's something that you'll obviously be portraying as a main feature. I don't know your limits, but try build the game around Wolf senses, or the concept of 'Packs' as that's something I think of instantly when thinking of Wolves.
    > (EDIT: That's all my opinion, of course. Take what you want)
    > Looks great, awesome concept art. Looking forward to progress. (:

    ;A; thanks!! :3 it really helps me to work faster with comments like this. I can really see your game taking off as well, it's already really popular in the forums. Aaaw and you have the button in your signature too! If you play the game, I'm totally giving you a special item or something XD

    I'll make sure to take your advice, thanks again!


    Well things are moving slow for the engine but I've got some really great sprites coming up! Once I add these in to the game things will start taking off. I know general things about events and animations so when I program the game, it'll be cake to release in to beta!

    Thanks to everyone whose kept track of this thread!!

    EDIT: here's just a couple of sprites I have made for the game [http://i49.tinypic.com/qoesmh.png](http://i49.tinypic.com/qoesmh.png) ©-Mumzy (not to be used)
  9. Wow, $200? I'm sorry but for eclipse how do you even know your game will go far enough to get that money back?

    For instance I'm using eclipse to kind of get a better feel for gaming.. and make a awesome game. But what I'm really aiming for is buying a 3d game maker when I actually know what I'm doing.
  10. > Never try to save money on decent equipment!
    > It might sound silly, but if you can try calling in a few favors or borrow some money you know you can slowly pay back.. Do it. Trust me, you'll want a decent sized tablet if you're going to use it often.

    Really? See, I wasn't sure how big of a difference it is.. I draw 24/7 btw, and I thought at least I won't be using a mouse anymore. It,s just I've never really seen a graphics tablet, or have had any experience with one at all. Do you have one joyce?
  11. > I recommend getting this one:
    > [http://www.wacom.com…o/bamboo-create](http://www.wacom.com/creative/products/pen-tablets/bamboo/bamboo-create)
    > I have the bamboo Fun, which is what that one was before they remodeled/rebranded it. It's the size of a half sheet of paper. It is more expensive, but that extra room really does make a difference. $200

    I would**love** that! But I never have that much money to spend. Splash is really all I can afford when it comes to being _especially_ for graphics.
  12. > I'm not feelin' it.
    > Granted, the retro style is the style I'm least acquainted with, but this just doesn't strike me as anything special.
    > In retro games, trees are particularly useful for adding contrast and giving a sense of the boundaries. Your trees don't offer that, and their foliage is completely mismatched in value to the rest of the tileset. Try to have some continuity in the colors as well. If you're going the make the dirt that red, don't make the trees so blue. Hue needs to be consistent in order for it to come together as a whole.
    > Sorry if this comes off as harsh.

    Come to think of it that makes sense.. Like in the old final fantasy the trees were more like large patches instead of individual sprites. unless they were to represent boundaries.

    Also if your going for FF some of the tops few trees were visible. Correct me if I'm wrong but Pokemon is the same way.

    In your map, in my opinion, I think if your that far away you should see the overview.

    I do like your grass and the detail in everything though. It does remind me a bit of tactics.
  13. > >ucoz


    > It isn't the fact that it's 3 column that's the problem. The problem is that the site looks pretty bad. The navigation is hard to maneuver, the site looks blank, and it's overall very confusing.
    > The point of a site is to convey information. If your site is too confusing to do so properly, then it fails to meet it's purpose.

    Alrighty, I'll just keep working on it and ask later then.

    of course the more feedback the better!
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