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Everything posted by jsorr2

  1. jsorr2

    Coding pet system

    a few issues I've found so far: The compile error comes up saying: method or data member not found. For all of the bolded commands bellow. With MapNpc(n) .Num = Buffer.ReadLong .x = Buffer.ReadLong .y = Buffer.ReadLong .Dir = Buffer.ReadLong .IsPet = Buffer.ReadByte .PetData.Name = Buffer.ReadString .PetData.Owner = Buffer.ReadLong ' Client use only **.XOffset** = 0 **.YOffset** = 0 **.Moving** = 0 End With He also mentions: "_After you have done this, you will need to create five buttons or labels to trigger each of the commands. Place them in the options menu, or in any other menu you wish_." Would I just make the spawn npc button, the 'login' button of your game? So that when people login, it calls the pet to spawn where you are at? And the logout button as the disband button?
  2. jsorr2

    Coding pet system

    edit: fixed it. Now I'm curious, with all this code implemented; how do i make the pokemon sprite permanently there following me, in-game? He suggested to add options in-game, but obviously I wouldn't want this. Would I need to code the server or client to permanently have the npc pet?
  3. jsorr2

    Coding pet system

    EDIT: yead I did, Any other ideas?
  4. jsorr2

    Coding pet system

    I've been trying to add the base pet system lightning made awhile ago for my pokemon game: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/116108-eo-lightnings-pet-system-completely-bug-free/page__hl__pokemon__st__0 I've been trying to add it to Eclipse advance 3.0.20 if that's an issue? I keep getting stuck at: IFor i = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS 'If Map(PlayerMap).Npc(i) = 0 Then If MapNpc(PlayerMap).Npc(i).**SpawnWait** = 0 And MapNpc(PlayerMap).Npc(i).Num = 0 Then PetSlot = i Exit For End If Next it says compile error: Method or data member not found. (and highlights spawnwait). This is under **sub SpawnPet**. I'm not sure if this is enough information, but if you could help that would be greatly appreciated!
  5. Edit:Nvm, portforwarded and it worked perfectly. thank you!
  6. Hey guys, this may be a really simple issue, but I've been making a game on eclipse advance v3.0.20, and when I input my own ip address 60.1.******* it won't let me connect to the server. Nor will it let my friend connect to the server using my ip address either. I can only connect to the game using localhost as the IP. Any ideas? Thanks
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