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My Brave Shine

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Posts posted by My Brave Shine

  1. Yep, i understand this.. 

    But, i think, in my test.

    In ServerSide, ModCombat, have one code…

    "+/- this…

    "Damage = rand(1,Damage)"

    the damage "total" randomize the damage for 1 util damage total valor… the chances of damage low appaer is high.. '-' but this create a big variable of damage.

    if add the "getplayerdefense" or "getplayerprotection" after this, the damage is impaired sharply...

    i add th code

    "Damage = Damage - GetPlayerDefense(index)"


    "Damage = Damage - GetPlayerProtection(index)"

    but, i Think, the SUB (TryNpcAttackPlayer), not understand What is the defense of the target player '-' i make change in data items, add more , or add other equipment.. and the calcule not change.. the damage of npc is egual. '-'

    simplifying ... 

    I think the SUB'' can not understand that GetPlayerDefense or GetPlayerProtection is the player.

    and now?
  2. ```

    Function GetPlayerDefense(ByVal index As Long) As Long
    Dim Armor As Long
    Dim Helm As Long
    Dim Shield As Long
    GetPlayerDefense = 0

    ' Check for subscript out of range
    If isPlaying(index) = False Or index <= 0 Or index > Player_HighIndex Then
    Exit Function
    End If

    Armor = GetPlayerEquipment(index, Armor)
    Helm = GetPlayerEquipment(index, Helmet)
    Shield = GetPlayerEquipment(index, Shield)
    GetPlayerDefense = (GetPlayerStat(index, Stats.Endurance) \ 3)

    FullArmor = GetPlayerEquipment(index, Armor) + GetPlayerEquipment(index, Helmet)

    If Armor > 0 Then
    GetPlayerDefense = GetPlayerDefense + Item(Armor).Data2
    End If

    If Helm > 0 Then
    GetPlayerDefense = GetPlayerDefense + Item(Helm).Data2
    End If

    If Shield > 0 Then
    GetPlayerDefense = GetPlayerDefense + Item(Shield).Data2

    If Armor > 0 < Helm Then
    GetPlayerDefense = GetPlayerDefense + FullArmor
    End If

    End Function

    and it? if i add this in modCombat, and add call of sub in formule damage in TryNpcAttackPlayer??



    My Sub GetPlayerDefense, would be very high defense items?




    If Armor > 0 < Helm Then
    GetPlayerDefense = GetPlayerDefense + FullArmor
    End If
    Work? '-' i never test , and I am new to programming ù.ù


    Not Work. I desist. rs.
  3. no… Npc Damage is igual of EO 3\. I not edit..

    my only edit is put


    In Sub TryNpcAttackPlayer


    ' * 1.5 if crit hit
    If CanNpcCrit(npcNum) Then
    Damage = Damage * 1.5
    SendActionMsg mapnum, "Critical!", BrightCyan, 1, (MapNpc(mapnum).NPC(mapNpcNum).x * 32), (MapNpc(mapnum).NPC(mapNpcNum).y * 32)
    End If

    If Damage > 0 Then
    Call NpcAttackPlayer(mapNpcNum, index, Damage)
    End If
    End If
    End Sub

    before If Damage > 0 Then..

    I add...

    Damage  =  Damage - GetPlayerProtection

    index in the case...
  4. ```

    Function GetPlayerProtection(ByVal index As Long) As Long
    Dim Armor As Long
    Dim Helm As Long
    GetPlayerProtection = 0

    ' Check for subscript out of range
    If isPlaying(index) = False Or index <= 0 Or index > Player_HighIndex Then
    Exit Function
    End If

    Armor = GetPlayerEquipment(index, Armor)
    Helm = GetPlayerEquipment(index, Helmet)
    GetPlayerProtection = (GetPlayerStat(index, Stats.Endurance) \ 3)

    If Armor > 0 Then
    GetPlayerProtection = GetPlayerProtection + Item(Armor).Data2
    End If

    If Helm > 0 Then
    GetPlayerProtection = GetPlayerProtection + Item(Helm).Data2
    End If

    End Function


    GetPlayerProtection : 3
  5. Hey darlings Eclipcians… i stay working in my owne project.. and.. making tests and more tests... 

    when I encounter one situation.. In ModCombat [Server Side] the calcule of "damage" 

    Npc and Player 

    [Npc x Player] and … [ Player x Player ~ ] 

    This not add GetPlayerProtection in reduction of damage total '-' 

    that cause a slots of equipaments.. helmet… armor.. and etc.. does nothing work '-' use or not use is whatever... :x ???

    i test modific the values (in game) .. values of.. possible Armor of Helmet and Armor... not reduce the damage of Npcs or Player...

    Therefore, use equipment is useless.


    I have add in ModCombat, i think.. Sub TryNpcAttackPlayer and TryPlayerAttackPlayer.. on last 

    "Damage = Damage"

    After all calcules and process of blockamount, and etc... i add...

    "Damage = Damage - GetPlayerProtection" 

    its correct? has worked, but have cases of the Npc Attacker give HitKill and kill the player '-' 

    Anyone can you help me put a calculation that actually works? or, teach my to add in my code one calcule where work.

    Att ~ 

    (srry my bad english... )
  6. [sebacame1](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/user/78153-sebacame1/)
    In ModGameLogic, Client Side, Search for..


    Sub ProcessMovement(ByVal Index As Long)
    In this sub u can change the Speed of Walk and Run.

    Look this in the sub:


    ' Check if player is walking, and if so process moving them over
        Select Case Player(Index).Moving
            Case MOVING_WALKING: MovementSpeed = ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (WALK_SPEED * SIZE_X))
            Case MOVING_RUNNING: MovementSpeed = ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (WALK_SPEED * SIZE_X))
            Case Else: Exit Sub
        End Select
    change this sub. To edit the Speed mov..
  7. [joaopaulo988](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/user/85389-joaopaulo988/)

    "wallpaper" of engine EFF, is save iin Client Side (inside the client), not in data files(paste)**… you need modific it using Visual Basic. 

    Going in FrmMenu and editing a Bitmap image... 

  8. You have tested another engine? 

    My "Tip", Suggestion… its to you test another, conection client <> server.. of other engine. 

    test and coment here.. ever is good try all. 

    because, we are not seeing exactly your machine .. would be even better, provide a sourcer to do tests.

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