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Posts posted by Scratso

  1. Woops, completely forgot about this thread. :P

    Anyway, PythianRealms 0.5.9 was released recently. You can check that out here: [http://indierising.net/community/index.php?topic=23.msg1418#new](http://indierising.net/community/index.php?topic=23.msg1418#new)

    Also, you can now support PythianRealms on IndieGogo! [http://igg.me/at/pythianrealms/x](http://igg.me/at/pythianrealms/x)

    Thanks. :)
  2. Hi!

    So, I have things, such as the programming and storyline aspects, to do on PythianRealms and I personally, am horrible at graphics.

    As such, in order to actually get the amazing updates of PythianRealms kicked off, I need graphics artists! You'll get full credits in the game, along with an NPC or item of your choice in the game… the only catch, of course, being that you'd have to design them. Or, you could just have me add a message somewhere in the game, of your choice. ;)

    Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments below, or see my topic on PythianRealms for more information.


  3. > any ideas on a release date?

    The official release of the game should be this year… I'm pretty sure about that. However, I don't plan to release it officially until I get it fully developed - coding out of the way (mostly - and get a mapper and graphics artist. When I get them, the actual storyline will begin appearing in each update as more maps get developed.
  4. And 3.9 is out. Next update is 4.0! Woot!

    Anyways, overview:

    * Moved craftable items list to the right of the game window.
    * Added "chat" bar. This replaces the area where the craftable items list once was and NPC chats will now go there. It also now has a nice startup message ![](http://indierising.net/community/Smileys/aaron/smiley.gif) Since the purpose of this was to move away from tkinter entirely, tkinter has then furthermore been removed from imports.
    * Bug fixes.

    Enjoy. ![](http://indierising.net/community/Smileys/aaron/smiley.gif)

    Download: [http://1drv.ms/1IR97ql](http://1drv.ms/1IR97ql)
  5. This thread is all about my suddenly highest-development project PythianRealms. PythianRealms will become/is a cross between Construction sandboxes and RPGs (Role Playing Games). It is being developed in Python and is currently in Alpha stage with releases for general feedback and suggestions. This thread will have a link to the project, along with some development and game information such as game mechanics etc.

    PythianRealms is a "multi-realms" construction sandbox. In many other games "realms" would be known as worlds, dimensions, etc. but PythianRealms aims to be unique from the general idea of sci-fi and rather leaning towards more medieval ideas with hints of modern/future ideas. You start in the bottom realm, for realms are on top of each other, like layers. Each realm has better and more advanced stuff, but each realm will also have harder challenges to overcome before you get to the "building chunks". Each realm is made up of 15 chunks with the player defaulting to the top-left chunk when they move between realms or start the game. Access to each realm is guarded by a portal located on the realm beneath it, which will teleport you to the new realm, which will contain new blocks and new NPCs - some friendly, some neutral, some with quests, and some hostile. Most storyline-critical NPCs will have different sprite graphics and other not-so-necessary ones will have generic textures based upon key information. Some chunks in realms (known as "Wild Chunks") are completely randomly generated whilst others will have been made by me. Chunks which are wild can be completely modified to your heart's content - building mansions, villas, whatever! - Whilst chunks that are part of the storyline, and thus built by me, will not be editable. These chunks will not be editable due to issues with a player, for example, building over an important castle or ravaging a gold mine for no reason, which could potentially break their game.

    You may be wondering, "okay, you're obsessed with realms. Step back a little, what's the endgame here??" and I understand that - most of the game will be centred around realms, chunks, and stories. But the endgame is that you ascend to the highest level. The highest level of what, you may ask. Well, it is half-building! The intention of the game is that as you collect blocks from the wild chunks of the realms and get more and more objects to use at your disposal, 3ou will eventually ascend to the highest level in the game - the final realm. I haven't decided yet how many realms there will be, but I have decided that whichever it will be will end with building. In all the other realms wild chunks are either equal or minority to pre-defined chunks, however, in the endgame realm there will be a majority of wild chunks all clustered around one area, designed for large scale builds that span across chunks.

    Now, let's talk NPCs!

    * Hostile NPCs are all based on storyline or suspense, and they will rarely spawn in wild chunks. Wild chunks are intended for building and for breaks from the storyline… and places where you can save safely and log off. Wild chunks attempt to be disentangled from the storyline as much as possible, since they will have anti-NPC codes which prevent any npc from graphically rendering there or having any effects on there. However, hostile npcs will be located at every portal, and portal npcs will be ruthless, for they will be the same difficulty as the weakest npcs of the next realm... which will be a lot stronger than the average npc on the current realm.
    * Neutral NPCs are basic. They roam the world and sometimes will have something to say. However, they are not useless! If they have something to say, don't ignore it. Neutral NPCs do not take sides, so they are neither for you nr against you. As such, they will sometimes have some help for your journey - be it some angry muttering or some singing in the trees, they are centred around being clues that are hidden in plain sight.
    * Quest NPCs do as they say on the tin - they hand out quests! All quest npcs are just addons to the game, in effect, since they will not help the storyline at all - the storyline in itself, is a quest. Just check that they don't mention anything about portals, snakes, or angels - if they do, it's a good idea to do their quest, because they WILL have help.
    * Friendly NPCs are on your side, and should always be taken seriously, unless stated otherwise. They have valuable information that won't be shared unless you initiate a chat with them, since they're your friend - but they're not psychic! Just be careful that a friend does not betray you, for some are intentionally thrown in as curveballs to the plot, since you can't go killing people with your friend blabbing his mouth, can you? Only one way to silence him…

    How do realms work?

    I've been contemplating this and have decided that it will consist of a folder for each realm. Each realm's folder will contain maps for the blocks on each chunk etc and will be the base data storage system for PythianRealms. There will then be a further "chunk.txt" in the realm folder of the realm you're currently in, which will mark your chunk (from left to right, top to bottom. Like reading) and a realm.txt in the main data part which will record the realm you're in… But cheating doesn't win you anything! Try and take on the big boss with only the experience of 5 minutes and you'll die. GG.

    So how can you help?

    Since this game is being built from the ground up and I'm only one guy, I need suggestions and inspiration. In order to help me develop PythianRealms, all you guys need to do is give suggestions and follow the game's updates and progress. Each suggestion will be listened to and ones that fit well with the game will be implemented. This thread also only currently contains preliminary notes that I wrote up as a base, and some things won't be done and some things will be done that aren't in these notes - they're just base development notes. Update 3.0 will involve NPC work and bug fixes, whilst update 3.2 should involve chunks.

    [Latest Release - v3.8](http://1drv.ms/1IR97ql)

    (Also, I do need some graphics work done. If you could do any graphics work for me (and get due credits for said graphics), PM me on here. Thanks :) Edit: Mappers also welcome.)


    >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/yQeiScL.png)

    Donations: Programming PythianRealms takes time and effort. In order to pay other bills, I thrive off donations. If you have the spare change to donate, please feel free below. Furthermore, if you PM me that you've donated (through Indie Rising), I will give you the choice of:

    * A custom NPC in the next update and onwards.
    * A custom message (subject to my approval) shown in either the welcome message or at a point in the game specified.
    * A custom item (subject to my approval).
    * Credits in the game.
    * Or, if so inclined, nothing.

    Feel free to ask about items and messages before donating if so desired. All options include an official "thanks" on this thread, unless explicitly stated, or the option "nothing" is selected. If the option nothing is selected and you do want the official thread message, tell me.
  6. Hey guys.

    So, basically, this tutorial tells you how to make chat stated ingame get posted to an IRC channel as well as all ingame players. This is especially useful for **moderating** ingame chat, and is a nice thing to add to your feature list  ;)

    All this tutorial is mine, and I would like for people to credit me if you use this tutorial.


    1. mIRC, or another IRC client with a scripting interface. (I recommend mIRC because I am fluent with its scripting system.)
    2. EO2, I don't know if this tutorial works with other versions  :P

    The mIRC bot is only recommended because some channels/irc servers **block** "external chat messages". Basically, you have to be in the channel to chat, and it didn't join the channel for me.


    Right, let's get down to it.

    * * *

    First, go to frmServer, and create a Winsock there. In this code Winsock is called "Winsock1" but you can change that if you want.

    Once that is done, open the Code View for frmServer and find

    Private Sub Form_Load()

    and add

    Winsock1.RemoteHost = "irc.editingarchive.com"
        Winsock1.RemotePort = "6667"

    to that sub.

    add below that:

    Private Sub Winsock1_Connect()
        Call TextAdd("Connected to ArchiveIRC!")
        Winsock1.SendData ("NICK nickname" & vbCrLf)
        Winsock1.SendData ("USER username x x :server" & vbCrLf)
    End Sub

    Private Sub Winsock1_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
        On Error Resume Next
        Dim sRecv As String
        Winsock1.GetData sRecv, vbString
        If Split(sRecv, " ")(0) = "PING" Then
            Winsock1.SendData "PONG " & Split(sRecv, " ")(1)
            Call TextAdd("Ponging.")
        End If

        Call TextAdd("IRC: " & sRecv)
    End Sub

    Private Sub Winsock1_Error(ByVal Number As Integer, Description As String, ByVal Scode As Long, ByVal Source As String, ByVal HelpFile As String, ByVal HelpContext As Long, CancelDisplay As Boolean)
        Unload Me
        MsgBox ("WINSOCK ERROR!")
    End Sub
    now in modHandleData find

    Private Sub HandleSayMsg(ByVal index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long)
    and add just above
    Set Buffer = Nothing
        frmServer.Winsock1.SendData ("PRIVMSG botname [Map #" & GetPlayerMap(index) & "] " & GetPlayerName(index) & ": " & Msg & vbCrLf)
    and in
    Private Sub HandleBroadcastMsg(ByVal index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long)
        frmServer.Winsock1.SendData ("PRIVMSG botname " & s & vbCrLf)
    Now we're done in VB6! Now to mIRC

    In mIRC's Script editor, add this:
    on *:TEXT:*:*: { If $nick = youservernickname msg #channel GameName: $1- }

    Now run the server, and voila! I get the distinct feeling I missed something, so report any errors. Also, I hope you enjoy and spin off to make it amazing! :D
  7. > Hmm, see I really would like a copy - but I don't want to pay the silly prices, nor do I want to do anything illegal.
    > EDIT: I've found a way to legally get VB6 from microsoft's MSDN but it costs over $1000.

    Microsoft aren't distributing it anymore though, so it may not neccessarily be a legal copy. Plus, **technically** any copy of VB6 obtained, that you have not purchased **from Microsoft** is a pirated copy, and since Microsoft are no longer selling it themselves, the only way to obtain a copy is through piracy, but as growl and Officer Johnson said, Microsoft don't care anymore.

    (Purchasing it from someone who purchased it off Microsoft is still, in theory, piracy, due to the fact that your money is not going to Microsoft, and the fact that **the reseller is not losing anything**, as due to the nature of copying files, they wont lose their copy and you will gain a copy.)

    Going off this, I could send you a copy, but since Microsoft wouldn't get anything it wouldn't be legal, _technically_.
  8. Okay,

    So I've searched google loads and none of the solutions worked, as they all suggested winsock, and then winsock chose to go ahead and not work for this task.

    What I want is:

    1. Someone sends a message
    2. The Server recieves that message and posts it into a channel in an irc network.

    But I can't figure out how to make it post the message, or connect to the irc network. Any help would be appreciated.

    Edit: I've worked out how to complete this. I've posted a tutorial to [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/136072-eo2-posting-chat-to-irc/#entry929537](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/136072-eo2-posting-chat-to-irc/#entry929537) Hope it helps people looking for a feature like this, it's excellent for moderating :)
  9. nope, well be making a new server.  also,  the main menu is nearing cmpletion. ill post something soon so you can play around with it, suggest improgements etc. Everything has been written from scratch and is self-contained (less files than eclipse) apart from the graphics.Thanks.

    Nearly finished Menu: [https://www.dropbox.com/s/9zhlw3efkukwuna/EpicRealmsRemake.zip](https://www.dropbox.com/s/9zhlw3efkukwuna/EpicRealmsRemake.zip) Enjoy and please comment! Updated OP
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