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Posts posted by VBsix

  1. I've noticed we achieved the goal of funding the server this month (hurray!) and a new donation goal has been set for getting this engine on Steam. Which raised two questions (for now) about what is being planned for Eclipse if it is released on steam.

    Is it going to stay free?

    If it is not going to be free will donors get a free copy?

    I strongly suggest it stays free, or, at a really low price (under $5) only because it is an old engine and, in most ways, can't compete with something like Unity or RPG Maker.

    However, there is a lot of opportunity and success for Eclipse were it released on Steam. I don't think there are any other easy-to-use ORPG makers available on the market. I actually switched from RPG Maker to Eclipse because I wanted to be able to create and play a game with my friends. And, through steam workshop, users may be able to sell their pixel art and scripts in the same way people sell similar services for RPG Maker.

    Getting on Steam could gain this engine enough popularity for a successful Kickstarter to fund a much needed update to it's code. But, before I donate I'd just like a little more info.
  2. Great work! will definitely make use of the resources.

    Mind if I ask what you use to create the music? Right now I use Finale which is good for writing classical string/piano music but has low quality when it comes to creating something with a strong beat similar to your Snake Dance techno music.
  3. I find it amusing you start your post saying that, where love is concerned, age doesn't matter. Then when someone talks about a relationship between someone 24 and 17 you find that wrong.

    I don't really see a 7 year age gap being more wrong than an 11 year gap. Unless, of course, it's a 20 year old 'dating' a 10 year old.
  4. Being still relatively new to the forum I might have missed or overlooked something but have you considered adding a monthly donations goal and setting up a graph of sorts somewhere on the homepage for all to see how much is needed to support the site another month?

    I think this would make it easier for people to decide how much they want to donate instead of thinking up a random number, it may also encourage people to be more generous since they will be presented with a goal.
  5. Also I strongly recommend that when a landlord is giving you a tour of an apartment you are about to lease make sure you take pictures of any chips, marks or other signs of wear and tear, preferably with the landlord in some of the shots (with his consent of course) This can save you your security deposit when you move out as some landlords will claim it to pay for damages to the property that was already there.

    Once a landlord claimed $200 from me and my roommate just for cleaning 'dust' in the cupboards, which was nonsense since my roommate was a neat freak by the time I found out that my roommate agreed to pay it was too late :/
  6. _Introducing the newest addition to the (long) list of current Eclipse WIP's._



    _An MMO created using the Eclipse Worlds engine set in a world where fantasy meets steampunk._

    _Main game focus_

    >! The game will be focused around aquiring equipment and skills through adventuring and crafting while trying to complete the main storyline to win the game, a task which will be difficult since perm death is a planned feature (except for PK in which case the character will respawn at their last save point)
    >! There will be no leveling in this world so finding good gear and skills will be key to success and survival.
    >! Health will not automatically regen unless the character is sleeping or sitting by a campfire.
    >! One of my major goals for this game is to create a combat system as close to action combat as I can get it. Right now, I have come quite close, by adding in a short dash skill to let players jump out of range and increasing the attack power of NPC's and weapons to deadly levels this forces players to dash in and out of combat. In the future I hope to add skillshots, untargeted shots and perhaps a dodge mechanic. I imagine players will buy and sell skillbooks to each other to get the perfect skill set for their weapon.
    >! Apart from the main storyline, which is playable by everyone, there will be few quests that can be done more than once. I plan to have them occur in vague ways, a player overhearing a rumour, or happening to find a robbery in progress. Anything, to encourage exploration of the world. As the easy quests close to the start zone are completed players will be forced to travel farther to seek new challenges and, if they run out of quests I, as the developer, can just add new ones.
    >! More info coming soon


    _Please note: All graphics are also currently a WIP I will be fixing and changing a lot of them :)_

    _>! _[![](http://s29.postimg.org/3saup50pj/faeware.png)](http://postimage.org/)
    >! [![](http://s2.postimg.org/yp26q7c6h/steamy.png)](http://postimage.org/)
    >! [![](http://s14.postimg.org/6uven4ro1/dugu.png)](http://postimage.org/)__
  7. Does EW have the option for attack, death and corpse animations? I saw a line of code saying 'check for attack animation' and I think I saw NPC corpses in one of the videos for Nin Online that Aeirex posted.

    If so is there a tutorial for how to enable these features?
  8. I would like to know if global server wide switches and variables would be possible and how difficult it would be to implement.

    My goal is to have quests, mobs or NPC's that will complete an action once then the server switch is flipped and no one, not even new players just starting the game, will be able to complete the same quest or action again.

    Global variables would also be another nice feature to have, It could create possibilities for adding some strategy gaming elements.

    So is it possible with this engine? What level of complexity does it have to implement such a feature?
  9. Thought I could easily create a skill that temporarily increases a players speed by editing the stun code a little bit.

    I thought I could do it something like this:

    In Sub PlayerMove just under the 'stop them from moving if stunned' I would add

    If Spell.DashDuration > 0 then

        player movement = (RUN_SPEED + DashSpeed)

    That would be followed by the select case for each of the movement directions.

    Dash duration and dash speed would both be modifiable in the in-game editor same way the stuns are modifiable.

    Problem is it seems nothing is using the RUN_SPEED variable.

    How and where would I add something that can change temporarily the movement speed?
  10. Not too sure what the problem your having is. But if it's similar to the problem I had, try adding one NPC spawn, then saving the map before opening the editor again and adding the next NPC spawn attribute. Takes awhile but it fixed the problem I had. Resources are the same way, you have to add each one by one saving in between.

    Sorry if I didn't explain this correctly,, pretty late at night and I'm tired .-.
  11. The test map that comes in EW (I believe it is map no.1) gives an error when you try to resize it.

    I fixed this by deleting everything in the map then saving the changes. After that I was able to resize without any errors.
  12. Because I have a rather long list of features I need/want I decided to create my own thread and have anyone interested in working on these features reply to my thread.

    First some information you should know before I get to the list.

    I am using the newly released EO 4.2

    I have very basic knowledge of programming, I understand variables, functions and constants but really just the basics so some of the features I am requesting may not even be possible in this program. Let me know if that's the case.

    I can only pay through paypal. The prices I have written out is just an estimate based on how difficult I think the task is. If you are interested in working on the feature let me know your own estimate and we will work out a deal.

    I'm not expecting the work to be done in a week. I know people have school/work and whatever else.

    If your interested In working on a feature give me some references or a link to your programming shop here on these forums. Let me know which feature/features you want to work on, how much you want for it, how long you think it would take and any other information.

    So without further ado here's my list of features, starting with the most wanted, I would like to buy :)

    1\. Dash skill. Allow the player to use a skill to dash/warp in the direction they are facing. Allow me to customize the distance of the dash and, if possible, allow a short animation to be played between the start and end positions of the dash. I know theres a tutorial by Akash on how to implement this, but either I really messed things up or it just wont work with EO 4\. Since theres a tutorial and it looks fairly simple I don't think this feature is very difficult so I estimate the cost to be 15$?

    2\. Hunger. Theres a tutorial for this one as well and, again, the tutorial won't work when I try it on EO 4\. Basically a system where you gradually gain hunger as time progresses and, if you don't consume anything, your character dies. I would like to be able to customize how much hunger the consumable would decrease. ie. a sandwich will fill you up more than a slice of bread. I do not want any visual indication of how much hunger you have but I would like a message to pop up saying for example 'you feel hungry' or, 'your starving'. Considering this is fairly complex but also considering theres a tutorial for this I think the cost would be 20$

    3\. Remove HP recovery and the EXP bar from the GUI. I don't want you to passively gain HP and I am not using EXP so I would simply like those removed :) I think 10$ would be enough

    4\. Attack animations/death animations for players and NPC's. Not so sure if this one is possible. Just looking for each character to have a two frame attack animation and 2 frame death animation. Each sprite sheet would have 8 columns to accommodate this. 50$

    5\. Paralyze skill. Same as the stun skill but the paralyzed condition would allow no movement or combat even within range. 20$

    6\. Face target when using a spell. Pretty straightforward 20$

    7\. NPC's use skills and give them the ability to use more than one if I choose. 50$

    8\. Animated tiles such as waterfalls, pools of water, ect. 20$

    Over 6 months I hope to get all these features :) Again my prices are not set in stone, just my preference/estimate. Let me know yours.
  13. I'm having the same issue.

    I changed the 2.1 thing to 2.0 with no positive change. Tried reinstalling Eclipse Worlds and its runtime files, with still no fix.

    Attached is the frmServer log hope you can help me fix this problem. :)
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