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Posts posted by sylaess

  1. The combat system is highly inspired of a link to the past.. (Play [here](http://www.letsplaysnes.com/play-the-legend-of-zelda-a-link-to-the-past-online/?play=true) for examples of the character behavior and movement behavior)

    Main Goal: Movement in diagonals keep original position. Typical knockback and animation system possible.

    Note: This is for eclipse worlds (Willing to change engine if all the features that I have in eclipse world such are ported over, I can discuss this)

    0: More fluid movement, giving the illusion that a grid is not present. (Maybe by quadrupling the tiles and making each tiles smaller 4x4 tiles.

    1: Monster Knockback; attacking a monster with a strong attack (weapon or ability checkbox) will cause it to stagger backwards.

    2: Player Knockback ; Same as above

    3: Sprite Animation ; when you attack or cast a spell that the sprite will use another sprite image say (1.png (movement); 1a.png (animation on attack); 1b.png (misc), where instead of it being movement frames, it would be 4 attacking frames for each directions 

    4: Making sure that when you set an animation on a weapon, it respects the position which your character is facing to rotate itself properly. 

    5: Diagonal movement around trees makes your character [glitch](http://i.gyazo.com/eae904bf15ab6381576c7b7bf34516cf.png) thru trees. if you place the bottom portion as roof it makes you have a treehat.. Which needs a code edit most likely

    6: Diagonal movement should keep it's original sprite direction rather than moving.. Try moving on the link to the past above to see how the game interprets it.

    7: Elemental attribute on weapon//mob//armor ; Adds a new stat in the game which selects an element. If the equipment or spell has (+5 water) it would add +5% damage to water spells and deal +5% on fire attibuted mobs or player. The way the player element would be selected would be the highest total of a certain element (+10% water hat, +10% fire sword, +15% wind armor, +10% water shield would make you a water character.) Naturally, it being able to be simply selected in the editor would be a must.
    Fire -> Wind -> earth -> water -> fire

    8: Remove dodge from agility (should be simple)

    9: Add dodge and crit rates to equipments rather than agi. Able to be selected in the equipment UI

    10: Death animations on npcs//players

    11: Flags on characters that can be given thru events which could be used for titles or triggering other events. (Eligible for class changes at certain levels)

    12: Stats on titles with the same choice an equipment would have.

    13: Achievement able to be granted on 100x kill of a monster.

    14: Mob respawn tile so if a mob walks on it, it respawns itself to it's spawn point preventing endless kites.

    15: Events that would allow stat resets for respecs.

    16: Logout in options.

    17: Projectiles.

    18: Serial item system. (As seen in some of the tutorial threads to redeem store elements)

    19: Remove levelup prompt in the chatbox

    20: Make menu items transparent such as trade, chat etc… so I can use "see thru" png's as seen in Eclipse odyssey

    21: Instance based dungeon for your party like in WoW. (Raids)

    22: Able to pick a native stat increment on each class. (+1 str per level +2 agi per level +3 int per level for a mage)

    23: Able to modify stat formulas for each individual classes, so wizards gain less out of strength than a warrior does.

    24: Talent system for each class which would increment upon level up that I can simply edit and branch the way I want with normal game stats such as +agi or +crit or other perks (Would have to be discussed), a class change would give you the amount of points you would have nomrally.. IE: A level 50 warrior would have 50 points to place, if they change to magician, they have 50 points refunded ready to place. (See world of warcraft wrath of the lich king) [http://wotlk.openwow.com/talent#j](http://wotlk.openwow.com/talent#j)

    25: Simple playerbag shop.. When players enter the shop mode they are unable to walk and are currently treated as a shop where people can buy their items. 

    26: Fixing unknown lag issues even as localhost.

    I know it's a lot but I want an appraisal of the price.

    I am serious about this. Individual pricing or bundled.. I would pay half in advance if the price seems right. Deadline would be in a 6month delay.

    I wouldn't even dare insult a developper with a price under the 3 digits for this. I am really serious. If you need more information please contact me on skype. I will only accept work from trusted developpers and would provide half of the payment in advance.

    Skype: Selthiathea
  2. I figured out the main cause of so many crashes, features not starting, lag and problems with animations.. Even if your client/server starts without the runtime installed.. Make sure you do install it. (I'm not sure thats what fixed it but it worked!)
  3. > Not too sure what the problem your having is. But if it's similar to the problem I had, try adding one NPC spawn, then saving the map before opening the editor again and adding the next NPC spawn attribute. Takes awhile but it fixed the problem I had. Resources are the same way, you have to add each one by one saving in between.
    > Sorry if I didn't explain this correctly,, pretty late at night and I'm tired .-.

    Tried that =/
  4. Sorry for the doublepost. 

    I think that the npc spawner is most likely broken.. With a fresh install and the help of Colonello on teamviewer, he tried to place them properly (with the block method) making sure the map info and the npc were setup properly. Sometimes only one npc spawns (Even if there is multiple spawners set up properly).. Most of the time none spawns.

    It seems to have logical pattern behind it other than it being able to spawn a unit at random in the map proprieties when it feels like it.

    If anyone wants to test and confirm it would be pretty cool and productive to know if it's a setting issue (Unlikely, fresh reinstall) on my end or if it's a bug.
  5. Hey I have an error and want to make sure it's not only on my side, could someone make a map 100x100 and tell me if they get a subscript out of range which breaks any clients that try to open admin menu afterwards requiring a server reinstall?
  6. I'm highly confused, the main tileset that comes with eclipse worlds seems unusable for the most part.. It seems to be ripped from rpg maker but unable to blend in the textures.. So the textures that would previously round itself doesn't.

    Is this the way the program works or am I blind and missing an option?
  7. > Nope. I am using Win8.1\. I just cleared both Chrome's and Firefox's cache, same error on both. I even downloaded and installed Opera and the same error happens at the same links.
    > The Forum Shop automatically shows me this:
    > www.eclipseorigins.com Driver Error
    > There appears to be an error with the database.
    > If you are seeing this page, it means there was a problem communicating with our database. Sometimes this error is temporary and will go away when you refresh the page. Sometimes the error will need to be fixed by an administrator before the site will become accessible again. 
    > You can try to refresh the page by clicking [here](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?app=ibEconomy#)
    > ? [Return to the index](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?app=ibEconomy)

    Same thing happens to me on Opera win7 64bit, and the same thing happens when I try to submit scores in the arcade.
  8. Is it normal that when I make the list of items//spells//animations or anything of the sort past 255 the graphics become erratic? Such as wide white letters and numbers appearing on the screen as if it was an arcade romtest.

    Is there a chart that says what the engines limits in terms of each?
  9. I know that I'm probably necroing a dead thread but I have a peculiar problem. While my files are placed properly, it says that my rar file is not a RAR archive.. 

    (Precise wording: version1.rar is not RAR archive)


    By clicking this link, you can clearly see that the archive is indeed a RAR.

    I changed the source to look for update.ini because my host doesn't like .txt files.

    Maybe it's my winrar config that has an issue?
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