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Posts posted by RecoStar

  1. [*RESOLVED IT*]

    Thanks Benjo. Yeah there must be another relation to "El Reino Dorado Translated" some where in the code as I have checked both the client, server and updater code. I will have a good search today and let you know if I manage :)

    Thanks again mate

    * * *

    Sorry for double post!

    I have found my issue! It seems to be these lines of code, in which I have commented out the MsgBox and Destroy Game and the launcher runs then the client:

    If GetVar(Filename, "Options", "RequireLauncher") = 1 Then
    If InStr(1, Command, "-launcher 1") <= 0 Then

    'MsgBox "Please launch the game with the Launcher." & vbNewLine & _
    '"This keeps your client on the latest version!", vbCritical, "Launcher Required"

    frmMain.Caption = Options.Game_Name & " - Official Server"
    End If
    End If
    The bit I don't understand if someone can illiterate for me is this bit of code (-launcher 1):

    If InStr(1, Command, "-launcher 1") <= 0 Then
    Removing the MsgBox statement, destroygame and just letting it run the frmMain works. But It don't really want to remove it as I wish to us the updater in the future. I have done what you said Benjo and replaced every showing of "El Reino Dorado Translated" in all source. But it still runs that above MsgBox , until I commented it out.

    Thanks in Advance
  2. Thanks for swift reply as well mate. Got the IP side of things working just this updater is a bit of a pain. Even tried removing it to no avail.

    * * *


    > Edited the post to add code tags,
    > ```
    > Options.ip = ip
    > ```
    > where does 'ip' equal?

    Ip =

    But it is read from the option input Options.ip.

    Which is local host for testing purposes.

    I have managed to get it working… well to a certain point. It was the way the updater was looking at the old client name: "El Reino Dorado Translated", as when I compliled client I changed the name. Now my problem is when I change the way the updater looks for the client being called "El Reino Dorado Translated". When I change client name in the updater code to point at my new name of client then run updater after compiling, it just does not like it, It keeps stating "Please launch the game with Launcher." Ive kept the URL for the updater to trollparty.org as I haven't yet sorted a repository on my website... but that shouldn't break it or make a difference. I have change the name of the client in both the client code and update code, but still doesn't like it, which doesn't make sense to me lol :(

    The code for the message "Please launch the game with Launcher." is with in the client itself, and I cant see to get it working with a different name other than its original. lol... Any Ideas?

    Thanks in advance.
  3. Hey All,

    Ive been working on this for a bit now and ready to release as a free public game (mainly for my firneds to blast on). But I am having an issue with the IP / Ports. In other words it always defaults to trollparty.org. I have edit the code (removing troll server where everyone is an admin) and change the IP to my local address for testing but each time I load up the client it always resolves back to trollparty.org. The Config.ini has also been change to local IP, but on each load of the client is changes back to trollparty.org. I know a bit of VB coding and this does not make sense to me… I have also checked the launcher code thinking that was changing before loading the client and I cant find any relation.

    Any ideas will be helpful, and thank in advance :)

    Private Sub Command1_Click()
    Options.ip = ""
    Options.port = "4000"
    frmMain.Caption = Options.Game_Name & " - Official Server"
    End Sub

    'Private Sub Command2_Click()

    'If MsgBox("The 'Troll Server' is an evil place where everyone is an admin" & vbNewLine & "However, kicking/banning is disabled." & vbNewLine & _
    '"You may edit maps, items, spells, quests, whatever." & vbNewLine & "You can even kill other players." & vbNewLine & _
    '"type /admin in chat, or press the Insert key to open the admin menu." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
    '"Would you like to play on this server?", vbYesNo, "Play on the Troll Server?") = vbNo Then Exit Sub

    'Options.ip = ""
    'Options.port = "4001"
    'frmMain.Caption = Options.Game_Name & " - Troll Server"
    'End Sub

    Private Sub Command3_Click()

    Dim ip As String, port As String
    ip = InputBox("Please enter a custom server's Address..", "Server Address", "")
    If LenB(ip) <= 0 Then Exit Sub
    port = InputBox("Please enter a server port..", "Server Port", "4000")
    If LenB(port) <= 0 Then Exit Sub

    Options.ip = ip
    Options.port = port

    frmMain.Caption = Options.Game_Name & " - " & ip

    End Sub

  4. I am still getting Run-time Error 429 ActiveX component cant create object.

    I have re-reg both dx7vb.dll and dx8vb.dll in multiple areas from system32, C:\ and zelda folder on desktop to no resolve. This issue happens when I try to open either the server or client.exe. It also seems to happen when I open any .exe from the Zelda folder, such as Transedit,exe or Starter.exe

    I have no idea why this is occurring. Tried it on my laptop and same issue. Tried other engines and work fine, even the original version of this engine I found on a foreign site worked fine.

    Any Idea's?

    Screenshot attached.

    Thanks in advance
  5. @'Jaxx':

    > I've tested it and it's working. Make sure you are in a Craft Tile and have the appropriate tool.

    Crafting is done like so:

    Open Map editor and go to attributes and place a "Craft Tile" on map.
    Open Item Editor and create items needed for crafting: "Item1" and "Item2" are items you want to take from player to craft the "result". Tool is also needed for what tool player needs to have to craft the end result.

    Example: Iron Ingot from Iron Ore

    Item1 = Iron Ore
    Item2 = Iron Ore (In this case just going to use another Iron Ore, can have up to 5 mixers Items)
    Tool = Hammer
    Result = Iron Ingot

    So what will happen here is when we stand on the crafting tile and have the correct tool and items in inventory, the item will be crafted.

    So best to place the craft tile infront or next to the crafting station. In this case with it would be a smelter for smelting the ore into a ingot.

    Hope his clears that up :)

  6. Hi not sure if this is the right place, but just want to say I cant log into the site at all with my old account: Thor7

    Tried a password reset like suggested (done twice) but I still cant log in. I've had to create this account just to let you guys know, and ask what is the next best step? It cool to get my old account back / with stats or should I just crack on with this one? (would be cool if you guys could transfer my stats from Thor7 to this one as this is more up to date with my details).

    Either way thanks :)
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