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Posts posted by sherwin

  1. at BltPlayer
    find this code

    ' Check to see if we want to stop making him attack
    With Player(Index)
    If .AttackTimer + attackspeed < GetTickCount Then
    .Attacking = 0
    .AttackTimer = 0
    End If
    End With

    add this below it

    ' Running
    If Player(Index).Moving = MOVING_RUNNING Then
    Anim = Anim + 4
    End If

    also find this code on BltPlayer too
    With rec
    .top = spritetop * (DDSD_Character(Sprite).lHeight / 4)
    .Bottom = .top + (DDSD_Character(Sprite).lHeight / 4)
    .Left = Anim * (DDSD_Character(Sprite).lWidth / 4)
    .Right = .Left + (DDSD_Character(Sprite).lWidth / 4)
    End With

    replace it with

    With rec
    .top = spritetop * (DDSD_Character(Sprite).lHeight / 4)
    .Bottom = .top + (DDSD_Character(Sprite).lHeight / 4)
    .Left = Anim * (DDSD_Character(Sprite).lWidth / 8)
    .Right = .Left + (DDSD_Character(Sprite).lWidth / 8)
    End With

    find this at bltplayer again

    ' Calculate the X
    x = GetPlayerX(Index) * PIC_X + Player(Index).XOffset - ((DDSD_Character(Sprite).lWidth / 4 - 32) / 2)

    replace it with

    ' Calculate the X
    x = GetPlayerX(Index) * PIC_X + Player(Index).XOffset - ((DDSD_Character(Sprite).lWidth / 8 - 32) / 2)

    The Sprite image formation will be like this

    Stand | Walk | Stand | Walk | RunStand | Running | RunStand | Running > Down
    Stand | Walk | Stand | Walk | RunStand | Running | RunStand | Running > Left
    Stand | Walk | Stand | Walk | RunStand | Running | RunStand | Running < Right
    Stand | Walk | Stand | Walk | RunStand | Running | RunStand | Running < Up

    This is the basic idea i can think of
    Didn't test, but it will work
  2. Oh, the problem is the pet location that goes out of map boundaries

    for example, the map only have
    x = 0 to 15
    y = 0 to 15
    and the x or y goes below 0 or greater than 15

    This is my hint, sorry can't help at the moment
  3. @'Dr.House':

    > There are many other places, far better and with many experienced users, eclipse has little of them, most of them being kids or just hitting 18, who learned some stuff and think they're good enough to give advices on how to do some shit.
    > I find that funny, and this is just my opinion.
    > I just hit 18 yay!! and I'm acting like I'm a good developer even if not, yay!!
    > I do think it's okay to let them create their own ideal game, it may help them improve their creativity, a stair always have its first step
    > OnTopic
    > Still VB6?
  4. Making a Seamless Map System is quite a pain
    I asked Genusis to help me do the rendering part since i don't really understand how to render it at that time, but now i think i understand it a little bit

    I'll say what Genusis told me to do when loading maps
    when you are going to make a seamless map system, do not reload all surrounding maps every time you switch map, you'll just have to move them so they don't need to be reload from the cache file or the server
    load only the new maps like
    if you are moving upward, load only the top left, top, top right maps.. and just move the rest

    good luck on your game~
  5. @'James':

    > I still think the first art style was fine I dunno why you changed it…

    I lost the first graphics that i've made because my pc broke last month

    Also Topic closed

    No need to recruit members, I do think that i can handle this alone for the meantime
  6. @'Abyss':

    > Yeah that doesn't change the fact that you dropped your Pokemon thing.
    > Not trying to be an asshole or anything, but if I was a talented pixel artist I wouldn't work with you just because I know you're not going to finish this. It's a shame because you are pretty talented.

    I didn't drop the pokemon thing, first of all, it's not my game
    I'm a programmer and developer on that game

    I just want to create my own game
  7. ![](http://i.imgur.com/42uS8t3.png)
    Recruiting Members

    Spiral Mech is still being created on Visual Basic, I'm just trying to improve the features on it. As much as possible, all graphics that this game will use are Custom Made, which is why i required to hire some Graphic Artist/Pixel Artist to help me on this game. The engine is pretty much the same as Mirage Source Engine but it is highly modified, or should i say, I built it on scratch from what i know how function/logic works on Mirage Source

    The features will just be a simple RPG game that you can see on the searching site, like Ragnarok, Maple Story, etc.
    But most features that will be built on this engine are unique features (that most likely, you won't see on any Mirage Source Engine made) like:

    I won't spoil more Features on the game, I might give too much ideas to everyone =D

    The engine is still being built on Scratch, So most of the stuff that I've made so far is on the Menu
    (note: I made the GUI but not the Background)

    Some of you may know this (Yep, I copied Crystalshire a little bit)
    As you can see, The game will have a Sound Volume control and Control Mapping Editor (which are rare to see it on Eclipse Game Made)

    Just add me on my Skype
    Skype ID: hisherwin

    The Current Position that is available are:
    **Graphic Artist**
    **Pixel Artist**

    Examples of your work will surely be asked when your joining
  8. Tips:
    * Inspiration

    find random maps on google
    google "RPG Maker Maps" and check for yourself
    then try to copy it, if you succeed (even if it's not 100% copied)
    try one on your own using the same style

    this is the easy tips to improve mapping skill, and it's really effective
    probably most people here will deny it, but you won't know unless you tried it..

    also, try to know how to use layer wisely
  9. Do a Roof Layer tile

    When player is inside the roof tile.. The roof will not be rendered

    The easiest way to do it is
    On RenderMapFringe (or whatever the name of the sub)

    Before (note; check if the layer that is being rendered is roof)
    Rendertexture blahblah

    Add a if condition like
    If player(myindex).x <> x and player(myindex).y <> y then

    And thats how it solve your problem
  10. ![](http://i.imgur.com/eVFv9On.png)
    (The Sci-Fi style Logo represent "The new style of Pokémon Game")
    Do you wish to join PokeNew staff team and help improve the game? But before you proceed. You should ask yourself, "Are you qualified to join the staff team?". If you think your qualified, then you can apply for any of the available staff position listed below

    **Available Positions**

    * Mapper
    * Graphic Artist/Pixel Artist

    Here' are the certain requirements before you apply


    * You must be 15 years old or older
    * You must have a decent knowledge about Pokemon Games
    * Requirements for Mapper:
    You must create a sample maps (minimum size 30x30) in each for this theme
    - City
    - Route
    - Forest
    - Beach
    - Cave
    - Mountain
    Sample of each themes
    Warning: Large image

    >! ![](http://image.prntscr.com/image/3857eaeb35214bb8a46273652e344fff.png)

    **What does it mean to be part of PokeNew staff team?**
    Being part of PokeNew staff team doesn't mean that you will not be able to play as a normal player anymore, You will just have to do the job that was given to you by us or the by the head of the position you applied for. There's a required play time each week for staff members. If you went off without sending a notice to us, we will mark you as Hiatus Staff, and will be demoted within 3 days.
    In case that you got reported from breaking the rules or abusing your position, after we confirmed it on the game logs. You'll be demoted immediately.

    **How to apply**

    * Create a resume using the same format below:
    * Submit your resume to [SherwiN](http://forum.pokenew.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3) or [Wolf](http://forum.pokenew.com/index.php?action=profile;u=1)
    * Wait for a response for 2-4 days, We will add you on your Skype after you cleared all requirements and we will start a chat interview
    **Note:** If you did not receive any response within 2-4 days, that means you got rejected


    >! * Full Name (Required):
    * Age (Required):
    * Position that you are applying (Required):
    * Previous experience related to the job that you are applying (Optional):
    * Why do you want to apply for this position (Required):
    * Tell us about yourself (Optional):
    * Sample of your work (Required):
    * Skype ID (Required):

    Q: I was rejected, can I still apply again?
    A: You can still re-apply, but you can only send your application once every month, use that time to hone your skills

    Q: I was a staff member before but i got demoted, can i still re-apply?
    A: Ye
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