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Posts posted by Ranqe

  1. If you're so worried about the fact that 3 minutes of your labor went into exporting PNGs from a PSD, I'll go and re-export them quickly. Also you shouldn't be talking about us being liars due to the fact you lied plenty of times when it comes to "your" game Division of Life.
  2. You don't have the rights to display or use that interface. You shouldn't even still have that on your computer; due to not having the license to use or modify it.

    Here, you can buy it if you want to continue using it: http://graphicriver.net/item/rpg-user-interface-bundle/5253229
  3. You don't have the rights to display or use that interface. You shouldn't even still have that on your computer; due to not having the license to use or modify it.

    Here you can buy it if you want to continue using it: http://graphicriver.net/item/rpg-user-interface-bundle/5253229
  4. John didn't lie to you at all. You're the one who started acting brash against him for not "speeding things up". You spliced the old user interface for an entirely different engine/project. He didn't ditch this, this is another project and the project you tried assisting him with was ditched a long time ago.
  5. No, John is still currently working on it; I just wanted to share the project since it's been going strong for the past couple of months and I've been helping with it. It really looks promising.
  6. **Quick History**

    I'm sure most of you have seen threads made by me about this project these past few years. I've been working on this on and off for quite some time now, and a lot of radical changes in direction have occurred. It started of as a project Murdoc and I were working on which was supposed to be a simple single-player dungeon crawler with randomly generated maps. Over time, that idea began to change. Eventually Murdoc and I ceased communication due to a personal quarrel, and the project was binned. Eventually I decided that I wanted to work on something again, so I dug up this old project, made a new game plan, implemented multiplayer functionality, and started drafting out how everything was going to function. This is the result.

    Please note that this is a very early work in progress. Things may change radically at this point. The graphics used are not reflective of the end result, as they belong to Murdoc, and I do not wish to use them without his explicit permission. I am currently in need of help, so shoot me a PM if you're at all interested.

    **About the Game**

    **The Jist**

    Ruinic is a competitive multiplayer dungeon crawler – CMDC for short. The objective of the game is to farm loot, hone your skills, discover ancient and forgotten secrets, and compete with other players via a comprehensive ranking system. In addition to this, Ruinic will feature a strong social element, as guilds will also be able to compete with each other. 

    **Gear and skills**

    Unlike most other dungeon crawlers and RPGs, your character will not be locked to any one class; rather, your characters skill will be determined through a combination of how much time they've put into utilizing that particular skill and the abilities of the gear they're using. The skills in Ruinic will be centered around four different types of game play: Damage, Tanking, Healing, and Necromancy. All of these game play types will have to work in harmony in order for the players to survive the harsh environments in which they find themselves. Players may also create unique gear builds in order to hybrid between these roles and secure all the treasures of their adventures for themselves. The first three types of game play are pretty standard in most games, but the fourth is unique to Ruinic. More about these skills can be found below.

    * **Damage** - As should be obvious, the purpose of damage builds is to unleash as much destruction upon foes as possible. It is vital that enough damage is done in order to assure that the Tank is not overwhelmed and that the Necromancer is able to fulfill its role.
    * **Tank -** The purpose of the tank is to concentrate the wrath of enemies upon itself and soak up as much of their damage as possible.
    * **Healer -** The purpose of the healer is to, as simply put as possible, ensure that everyone stays alive
    * **Necromancer -** The Necromancer plays an extremely important role. The purpose of Necromancy is to harvest the life force of dead foes and channel it into forms of energy usable by other roles. Without the Necromancer, the Tank, Damage, and Healing roles cannot effectively perform their jobs.


    The dungeons, caverns, and other maps within Ruinic will be randomly generated. This ensures an infinite level of replay-ability. Never again will you have to play through the same level ad ad nauseam – unless you want to of course!

    **Screenshots and Details**

    Below you may find a collection of updates that I will also post as replies in this thread. 


    **Website:** [www.Ruinic.com](www.Ruinic.com)
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