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Posts posted by Bloodmorphed

  1. @Zero-Infinity:

    > I'll try to get them done as soon as possible, If i take a while, i apologize. Just busy atm D:
    > @Bloodmorphed - I'll finish yours first, sorry for the wait.

    No problem man, you already made mine, the next one you make should be on your own time. Do his first. you can do mine whenever you have time.
  2. @Peteyyy:

    > Shit loads of commercial games use the Unreal Engine.

    Yes, and if you want the full list:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unreal_Engine_games

    (note this wikilink may or may not be REAL, I KNOW MOST OF THE GAMES ARE, however I'm not sure about some of them, keep in mind they are all unreal engines history too.. 1, 2, 2.5, and three.)
  3. @Zero-Infinity:

    > Thats the render it linked me to :D Believe me, i checked it several times because i couldn't see you using it.
    > I'll give it another go if you give me the link again *Make sure it's the correct one too :D*

    How odd, It was a Death Knight from wow.. or supposed to be.. let me look for again.
    The link I linked took me to what it was supposed to… how werid

    Here is the direct link to it though: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pid=37280&fullsize=1
  4. @Zero-Infinity:

    > @Bloodmorphed
    > Preview :
    > ![](http://i1103.photobucket.com/albums/g471/Zero-Infinity0/Bloodmorphed-Signature.png)
    > Link :
    > [http://i1103.photobucket.com/albums/g471/Zero-Infinity0/Bloodmorphed-Signature.png](http://i1103.photobucket.com/albums/g471/Zero-Infinity0/Bloodmorphed-Signature.png)

    Looks good, thanks :). Just a question though… how come you didn't use the render I gave you?
  5. I would like a signature please. Also take your time on it, as it could be a little difficult.

    Size : 450x180
    Render? : [HERE](http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?album=search&cat=0&pid=37280&message_id=ee34b603921a8dda892f122e84fc27e6&message_icon=success#cpgMessageBlock)
    Text : Bloodmorphed
    Sub-Text : Purgatory
    Scheme : Bloody Ice if you can, or just normal ICY
  6. @K722:

    > Off-topic, but, there's this thing called Moodle, and you can set assignments, courses, etc up.
    > Easy to use, and it's a nice system.

    I'm pretty sure thats not free.
  7. I'd agree too. But people have better things to do then teach you. As Admiral said up there Stephan will be the lead programmer and Admiral helping. So there really isnt much time in teaching students here.

    I do like the idea of it don't get me wrong. But realistically it probably wont happen.
  8. @dxxknight:

    > Well its pretty flexible the server is up 24/7 and only need to map about 30 mins-a hour everyday. :P

    Sorry havnt been mapping much. I did finish that map btw (22) I don't want you to use it because that is not the best I can do though. Just an example.

    @Axis, you are running a game. Try to stick to that. You have lots of work to do on it.
  9. Okay so here is my first ATTEMPT to clothe a VX sprite Base, I KNOW ITS UGLY SO DONT SAY IT IS>

    I'm looking for tips and stuff like that, thanks!

  10. You know, I believe any language can do what you want it to do. But being experienced enough to do it is one thing. I've seen a lot of people say "Oh doing that in VB6 is impossible" and seen many people prove it wrong.

    The three C languages are a bit more complicated yes, and maybe could achieve want you want it to do a little easier (perhaps) But, I think any language can do what you want it to do…
  11. @Jesseg2:

    > Yes and no… I'm just saying why aren't they any ? And yes I would like one if someone could make one.

    No one is going to make you a tile sheet. At least for free. If you want one I'd suggest you work hard on making it yourself.
  12. You are not a writer are you?

    "When I was little child, my mother would often tell me tales of great heroes, the Syndication, they would go from town to town, village to village doing favors for the citizens, no matter how ridiculous the request."

    Run-on sentence… Fix it, Also an A between was and little. I didn't read the whole thing. But proof read it and fix it. Sorry if this sounds a bit rude but I havnt slept in 48 hours and I meant this as constructive crit. not bashing.
  13. I will join as a mapper.

    I have no past work so if you want me to make you an example (well i do have past work but i never did save it etc etc) SO if you want an example send me a tileset and tell me the theme (and specific please).

    As for a little about me, if this is actually necessary for you I'll PM you the full template of the your application in PM if you're interested.
  14. Portforward Right: http://portforward.com/ find your router.

    Some routers: Some routers you have to reset after a portforward.
    Modem: If you use a modem I can't help you.

    After you portforward make sure you give an exception to it on your firewall. For the program AND the ports if need be.

    If that doesn't work, your ISP is blocking you from opening that port.

    OH, make sure when you portforward MAKE SURE you put your internal IP EX. Mine is
  15. @Anna:

    > 1\. Install APB: Reloaded
    > 2\. Play it.
    > 3\. If you can run that unoptimal game, you have a good gaming rig! xD

    Well the first few times I played it like you said above. I had no lag problems at, no stuttering, it ran as smooth as a fish swimming down stream.

    But then it just stopped and started stuttering, idk if their patch made it do that or what.
  16. @Cyprien:

    > Problem with gaming computers is they are limited by Windows XP.
    > There are very few games which support direct x10 and fewer which support direct x11.
    > (Assassin Creed uses Direct X10… Assassin Creed 2 & Brotherhood uses direct x9.)
    > Windows XP is limited to only using 3.5gb of ram.
    > I hope when gaming has stop trying to support Windows XP that we will see more games use more ram and see more games use Direct X 10 & 11 as well support more cores.

    True. If IM not mistaken Crysis 2 is DX11 or has support in it. I knew I read somewhere about it, just no sure which it was.

    Unfortunately ALOT of people still prefer XP over Vista/Win7 EVEN Linux which I did until I fell in love with Win7, and its really not because I'm a microsoft fan-boy I actually hate microsoft, but I like their products… Stupid right?

    So I don't see that happening within the next 5-10 years... But it will happen. Especially once Win8 comes out I think it will start to change some. or the IPv6 (or w/e it was) or this point is just void cuz i have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to IPv's and shiz haha.

    it will come eventually.
  17. You will probably actually never need a SIX core for gaming. HOWEVER I may still get one eventually. You kinda dont need 4 GiB RAM either, 3 is pretty good as well. I chose 8 for hell I don't even know why. But I ALWAYS seem to only have 3 left over (even before I play games) aNd this I don't know why.
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