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Posts posted by Bloodmorphed

  1. @D.J.:

    > If I recall correctly he did say that once he has finished coding the back-end of his site he will be posting articles there for us.
    > Regards,
    >   Dewald

    I'm pretty sure he did. I wrote this when I woke up from a nap so i was a little wacky lol. And now I'm tired as hell so goodnight.
  2. @Robin:

    > How is that a bug? You save a map and it saves the map. It's a pretty integral part of the engine. You know, being able to create maps. >_>

    You didn't read it right or something. BUT let me dumb it down or explain it a bit better then he did, which by the way if your going to report something make it a little more detailed man.

    Say if you already have a map made and you are there, you have a mapper mapping on a different map, IF you port that mapper to you at your already done map. He will save it obviously, its natural, but when he saves it, it saves over the already done map.

    But Why would you port a mapper to you while he is mapping anyways?
  3. @S.J.R.:

    > -snip-

    Stephan I think I love you(lol! :P). I mean you explain everything in detail and quite frankly enough to were I can understand it.

    I think you should write a basics about "C" article/short book. For people like me and many others. I think perhaps you could do better then what I have now. Anyways, when you have time I think you should do that. Or something of the sort.
  4. >! 1>–---- Build started: Project: Asteroidsex, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
    1>Build started 6/29/2011 6:20:21 PM.
    1>  Creating directory "c:\directory".
    1>  Creating "Release\Asteroidsex.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
    1>  core.cpp
    1>c:\directory\asteroids_ex\core.h(27): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'allegro.h': No such file or directory
    1>  main.cpp
    1>c:\directory\asteroids_ex\core.h(27): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'allegro.h': No such file or directory
    1>Build FAILED.
    1>Time Elapsed 00:00:01.48
    ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

    Obviously I know its not there. But isn't supposed to be? I mean I thought VC10 came with allegro.h?
    If not, where would I get it?

    Okay so I got that to work, but now I'm missin "alplatf.h" I downloaded all allegro and put it in my file, now thats the only one missing.
  5. Well I found one I find very hard to figure out the beat to, I KNOW I've heard this eom before…

    Song (remake from mario): http://www.lolflash.com/index.cgi?id=300

    What I think is the "original beat" from the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifIUb9ovsis

    Who knows XD
  6. @Devo:

    > Because game support is so fantastic for macs…

    "fantastic" Nope, I'll agree with you there. It is not. But the my guild leaders in WoW all use macs and they NEVER have had problems gaming with theirs so maybe its not so bad either.

    Although I'll probably never make that switch.
  7. I wouldn't know how to code this BUT for the random you could

    randomize the numbers and then tell it not to go at least 10 numbers close to the one before. *shrugs* sounded good in my head XD
  8. @Gwen:

    > just because something is new dosesnt mean it cant be faulty. That is why companies have warrenties. You could just have a defective device, or maybe you got a power surge that fried something… there are a lot of possibliites. I just had to return my cable modem that was 5 months old because it would no longer connect.
    > say it is your psu.... the one they gave you might not have been enough power to power all your devices... a lot of people/companies try to save money on buying cheap psu's.... trying to power you devices could have stressed it out and overloaded it.

    Its enough to power the computer, as I'm the only who had a problem with it from the people who bought it. :) Reviews can be quite useful when you read them. Unless they messed up and put the wrong one in.
  9. @S.J.R.:

    > I'm sorry to say but "tinkering" can actually break an entire design within one's finger snap. It's not recommended to start off with just changing a few things here and there. It's better to first start with the majority of theory, and then actually do the practice. And sometimes there simply is no theory online for certain concepts, unless I document it (e.g. why certain functions require you to allocate a buffer and why they actually tell you the size to use, which is typically unseen behaviour in most code).
    > Regards,
    >   Stephan.

    Okay so where would I read up on theories and all this stuff? Me reading this book is kinda useless as he doesn't explain WHY its better then that way and ETC. I just need an outside source to tell why.
  10. @Zero-Infinity:

    > Alright bloodmorphed, hope you like :D
    > Preview :
    > ![](http://i1103.photobucket.com/albums/g471/Zero-Infinity0/BloodMorphed-Fixed-Signature.png)
    > Link :
    > [http://i1103.photobucket.com/albums/g471/Zero-Infinity0/BloodMorphed-Fixed-Signature.png](http://i1103.photobucket.com/albums/g471/Zero-Infinity0/BloodMorphed-Fixed-Signature.png)
    > Pain and Gianni, i'll get yours finished soon!

    AH I LOVE IT. Although if you can, could you darken the text just a tad? Its a bit hard to see.
  11. Operating System
    MS Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1
    AMD Athlon II X4 630 33 °C
    Propus 45nm Technology
    8.00 GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 666MHz (9-9-9-24)
    2236 (1920x1080@60Hz)
    AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series
    Hard Drives
    488GB Hitachi Hitachi HDS721050CLA362 ATA Device (SATA) 34 °C
    Optical Drives
    Realtek High Definition Audio

    The Temps are the average running wow and APB (which im doing now) Also running chrome and windows media player.
  12. It is, because it used to not do that.

    Also I do shut down my computer during the night (most of the time) Hell sometimes when I run it over night it doesnt do the auto-restart stuff until I restart it myself. So I'm not sure exactly what it is. I havnt seen it restart for no reason.
  13. It didn't do that until I windows updated everything. Then it started happening. I doubt thats the cause though, as people I know have the EXACT same system (minus the ram I bought for it) And it didn't screw them up.

    I have done spyware and virus scan on safe mode and normal. My fans work perfectly fine and it is always cool to the touch, someit  does get a little warm but thats only when I run ALOT of stuff which doesn't happen very often.

    Would dust build up cause this? As I havn't cleaned it in awhile.

    Also my ram is… Uh... DD3 something. I'd have to find the box if I still have it. But I know its Corsair. Hopefully I still have the box somewhere so I can say which it is. IF not I'll have to shut down my computer and look at the sticks.

    But my computer runs PERFECTLY fine, then BOOM restart. It is kinda weird actually. I think it could be a RAM problem.
  14. @Kusy:

    > In this game cars are a bug. You get into a car and it's like your face, your hands and your guts are burning. Then you get out of the car, start to shoot, notice that the shooting mechanics are so shitty that you wish there was a shortcut for your character to start shooting at it's own head. But there is no such thing, then you are forced to endure that shit for a few minutes before it crashes while your on a mission.
    > APB is exacly what Battlefield Play4Free for Battlefield: Bad Company 2 when compared to GTA4… hell... GTA3 had better driving and weapon mechanics. After the game totaly failed under EA you would at least expect the new owner to change something except the p2p to f2p plan.
    > Also...I am amazed... Robin... your post suggests that in this game you can go off a ramp in any other way than poorly.

    When i played this game, 6 hours a day, mind you. I've never had any of those problems. I think your computer couldn't handle it. And I do ramp off perfectly… most of the time.
  15. Well I'm having this issue of my computer auto-restarting, and rare freezes. Sometimes the auto-restarts can be 15 mins after i start the computer. And it could be days… It will typically restart when I'm watching a show/anime/movie OR playing a big game (WoW mostly is what I play nowadays)
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