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Posts posted by Bloodmorphed

  1. Okay so I've noticed a driver I disabled (or service) I reallt don't remember what what or how I did it, anyways this driver/service turned on again somehow and the reason I disabled it was so I could run steam games with their built in community ma-jig. Now that its on I can't, I can't find where I found out how to disable this thing again nor remember how I did this.

    I know I didn't go into the "service" windows had because it doesn't look the same. But I do think that the re-enabling of this thing is causing my PC to auto restart as well.

    I know what stepps I took to do it if this helps:

    I unchecked some services or drivers hell if I know, I think it was on "start-up" actually. And then I had to restart my computer for it to take effect. It showed all the services (I'm pretty sure it is services but it COULD be drivers.) It gave me the option to only show non-windows services/drivers… That why I'm thinking its services.

    So I made it only show non-windows services or w/e and dis-abled and enabled until it fixed, and it eventually did.

    If you know what this is, and how to get to it will VERY much be appreciated.

    I'm running windows 7 64bit.
  2. @Antisora:

    > Are you even hosting your server? -_-"
    > Anyways, i did find a bug.
    > If you warp someone to you thats mapping, and they save the map, it over rides the map you warped them to
    > so put it like this.
    > Player is mapping map A
    > Player 2 warps Player to map B
    > Player Saves his map after he is warped
    > It saves over map B

    Didn't Robin say that wasn't a bug??
  3. Sigh CoD or battlefield isn't AWFUL… its just repetitive. I play CoD still, as much as I don't like it. Why? Because its fun to shoot people sometimes... but not very often :). They are not awful games. But they are not unique either.

    Opinions opinions wrong or not opinions are what give a game a bad rep. Not the fact. Well sometimes.

    I love the shitty games 90% of people hate.
  4. @Kusy:

    > Otherwise I would have to call you a faggot. Because that's what you are when you use those things in actual multiplayer gameplay. Cheers.
    > Seriously brah, cool that you can make one, I understand doing stuff like this for practice and science, but people who use this kind stuff are weird. And if you would use if for FPS games you would be double weird for both using it and playing a FPS game on a console.

    You are a faggot for not reading what he said? He pretty much said he does it with his friends or private matches? "For Fun" Granted I have no clue why you would do such a thing for "fun" but he wasn't really implying he did it in public games.
  5. @Kusy:

    > Slap yourself bro. In the age where you can beat "RPG" games in 4 to 10 hours you complain about a brutal shooter taking 13 hours?

    Beating an RPG is easy. Completing it can be tricky. A significant amount of stuff you can do in RPG's without beating it. In fallout i can sit there for 10 hours just going through stuff, lock picking, and other things. Not that helps me complete stuff. But it can help you now a days get achievements which to me is now a certain aspect of completing a game.

    Shotters on the other hand CAN be the same thing, But then again it can't. You can't just go around shooting random things, you just cant. You can hardly spend 2 hours on one mission because well… they are typically "short" and... well you get the idea.

    Although 13 hours of campaign play on any shooter should be enough to satisfy you. They are not known for lengthy campaigns.
  6. @Robin:

    > No, apparently you're a weird bastard who finds pixels gross. It's just another extreme reaction to something which doesn't really call for a reaction of any sort.

    I don't find "pixels" gross. I find the fact that someone would make "pixels" looks like a naked person. Its not the pixels I'm gross out about. It is the perv who grosses me out.
  7. OKay so here is this one added a border, and added a little purple glow effect to match the mace I was holding.


    Now here is the same signature with different coloring… which one is better?

  8. @Cpt.:

    > Hardly readable text. No Border. Image looks bad for some reason.

    There is a border its black. I know 100% sure there is one because its a separate layer.

    I can read the text fine. I did notice the image quality is a little bad because of one of the contrast layers I put on it.
  9. UPDATE! I took a bit of everyones advice.

    Taking more time on this one, cutting the size down. Followed some tuts and making them my own. Doing this, doing that. And well this is the result of your advice.

  10. Okay, I've got the new, and improved signature. I hope you like it. I think I will actually use this.

    (this one will go into my showoff thread, WITH the psd file, maybe)
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