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Posts posted by Bloodmorphed

  1. @Draken:

    > um you can get your GED people :P lol, you dont have to finish public school to go to college

    Hmm… GED yes.. But to get in MIT with only a GED? seems kinda... i dunno maybe I'm thinking of a different college.
  2. Can we request you put some MP3's in there? if so

    Christina Perri - Day Dream
    Christina Perri - Tragedy
    Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts

    I know those aren't in there or wasn't when I looked.

    These I didn't look for.

    Skrillex - In for the kill
    Skrillex - Kill everybody
    Skrillex - Slats Slats Slats
    Skrillex - My name is skrillex


    Pink - Funhouse (Digital Dog Remix)
    Pink - Dear Mr. President


    David Guetta - Memories
    David Guetta - On the dancefloor
    David Guetta - I wanna go crazy
  3. @Anna:

    > LOL feed the enemy's princess so she gets fatter and harder to move!
    > ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v400/annacomnena/avatars/xxrotflmao.gif)

    Its true too. If you dont feed her the speed they can move while carrying her is significant. While shes fat if they pick her up it can take 30 seconds to even get out of the prison cell she is in.
  4. To be honest.. that 20 year old black man not being rape, yeah he probably won't be. BUT chances are he may get jumped or stabbed, But that goes for anyone.
  5. @asdfawefasdf:

    > Imo, there's too many cliffs.  When I said terrace them I didn't mean you should make random cliffs everywhere.  Then take out the grass on the desert, it adds too much contrast and makes it hard to see the overall scene.  Remember, A designer reaches perfection not when there is nothing else to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.  The map just needs to be beautiful and give an impression of the scene.  Basically make it have good atmosphere, look good, and work with your game.

    Too many cliffs? Why dont you go to the grand canyon and yell "MOTHER NATURE THERE ARE TOO MANY CLIFFS HERE!" see where it gets you?

    The cliffs are fine. When I first saw the SS I focused in on the middle and went out… well middle-ish.
  6. @Azure:

    > Best of luck with that. We live a few states away from each other, I'm a legal adult, and I know the right way to do a virtual contract, but you'd still never be able to sue me over this kind of crap. You have fun. If you actually have unique content in your game I'd look into copyrights and trademarks before trying to sue this guy for taking your work.

    And what makes you think I do not know law? I've been on probation sence I have been 12, I'm 19 now… Stupid mistakes can be a bitch yes? Anyways.... I'm a legal adult too, and if the content of the game is unique and you havn't stole. But then he steals you're game and breaks the contract you can sue him, with a good lawyer.
  7. @Azure:

    > This kind of thing would never hold up in court. Good luck with that.

    Actually, Assuming he lives in the US. If he creates a contract and BOTH parties sign it and all that jazz. It can hold up in court and typically will, whether its professional contracts or not. Usually the person who sues from a broken contract wins. I've seen it happen many many times.
  8. @Robin:

    > It's just a generic Asian dungeon crawler (which sounds weird considering it was the first).
    > If you don't like that genre then you won't like this game. Some people like endless grinding of the same floors.

    Some cases I do. But normally they are "fun" not "dull" Battle of the Immortals is a VERY GOOD example of asian dungeon crawlers but it is fun.
  9. I find it funny you have good sentence structure, for the most part, and decent grammar. Then you go off and spell because as becuz.. kinda funny.

    Anyways, on topic.

    The drawings/sketches are good. But not "great". To be honest and blunt. At most I'd pay 2 cents for it?
  10. Actually, every game is a different game all together. Just because there are similarities doesn't mean its a clone… and even if it is a clone its STILL a different game all together. A different name, and it STILL has a good deal of differences.

    Take WoW and RoM for example, RoM is a HUGE wow clone, BUT its still its own game to a degree.
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