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Everything posted by MeteorRain

  1. Thanks, do you maybe also know how to make it so when a dialogue pops up (when talking with an npc for example) the player cannot walk?
  2. Where can I change what happens when a player dies? For example to what map he warps etc.
  3. MeteorRain


    Open Client.vbp, go to Frn_Main and edit it. For the GUI picture, go to client, data files, graphics, gui, main, main.jpg
  4. There's a bug with trading, for example if there's a player 1 and 2 Player 1 request trade with Player 2\. After player 1 requested it, then player 2 request trade with player 1. Now they both have a trade request. Then if player 1 accepts the request, and they finish their trade, player 2 still has the request of player 1\. When he presses accept the server crashes.
  5. Works fine for me, and I think difficulty should be 2/5 or 3/5, because this isn't hard to do.
  6. Note: this is a fixed version of this (or atleast how I got it working): http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,75210.msg812308.html#msg812308 **Server Side:** Open **modEnumerations** Search for **Public Enum Maplayer** and replace it with the following: ``` Public Enum MapLayer Ground = 1 Autotile Mask Mask2 Fringe Fringe2 ' Make sure Layer_Count is below everything else Layer_Count End Enum ``` **Client Side:** Open **modGameLogic** Search for **If tmr25 < Tick** in **modGameLoop** Before "If tmr25 < Tick Then" add: ``` If tmr250 < Tick Then If autoAnim < 3 Then autoAnim = autoAnim + 1 Else autoAnim = 0 End If tmr250 = GetTickCount + 250 End If ``` In the same sub, below ``` Dim tmr10000 As Long ``` add: ``` Dim tmr250 As Long Dim Autoanim As Long ``` Open **modGameEditors** Search for **If EditorTileWidth = 1 And EditorTileHeight = 1 Then** Replace it with: ``` If (EditorTileWidth = 1 And EditorTileHeight = 1) Or CurLayer = MapLayer.Autotile Then 'single tile ``` Search for **frmEditor_Map.shpSelected.height = PIC_Y** add below ``` If frmEditor_Map.optLayer(MapLayer.Autotile) Then EditorTileX = (X \ 32) EditorTileY = (Y \ 32) EditorTileWidth = 3 EditorTileHeight = 4 frmEditor_Map.shpSelected.top = EditorTileY * PIC_Y frmEditor_Map.shpSelected.Left = EditorTileX * PIC_X frmEditor_Map.shpSelected.width = 96 frmEditor_Map.shpSelected.height = 128 End If ``` Open **modDirectDraw7** Open **modDirectDraw7** Search for **BltMapTile** and replace it with the following ``` Public Sub BltMapTile(ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) Dim rec As DxVBLib.RECT Dim i As Long With Map.Tile(X, Y) For i = MapLayer.Ground To MapLayer.Mask2 ' skip tile if tileset isn't set If i = MapLayer.Autotile Then BltAutotile X, Y Else If .Layer(i).Tileset > 0 And .Layer(i).Tileset
  7. MeteorRain

    EO Buttons

    Does anybody know what font and size is used for the text on them?
  8. I tried to add the projectiles system from Captain Wabbits tutorial, but I ran into a problem. When I added ProjecTile as ProjectileRec it gave me an error starting with user-type definition or something. When removing it, it gave me Method or Data member not found. And highlights .ProjecTile in sub checkattack. I'm 100% sure nothing is wrong, I did exactly as it told me to in tutorial. Anybody know why?
  9. When I added ProjecTile as ProjectileRec it gave me an error starting with user-type definition or something. When removing it, it gave me Method or Data member not found. And highlights .ProjecTile in sub checkattack. I'm 100% sure nothing is wrong, I did exactly as it told me to in tutorial. Anybody help?
  10. Thanks a whole lot, Scott. I got it working.
  11. And map editing is screwed up now too. The position of the square is at another place than the mouse is. For example: ![](http://i43.tinypic.com/73mrf4.jpg) (i had to draw the cursor)
  12. Changing the size didn't help, or I did it wrong. I changed the size from Admin Panel > Map > Property
  13. I changed the GUI, replaced some things and made the screen bigger. But now the screen is zoomed in. How can I make this normal again? ![](http://i43.tinypic.com/2niwd41.jpg)
  14. MeteorRain


    Problem is, I don't know how to make timer. Can you help
  15. MeteorRain


    Had to stop from trying to make my game because of some important thing, now I'm back, and still stuck with my problems. I'm still trying to figure out, how can you make it so you can't eat while in combat? Would this work if I put, under ``` Case ITEM_TYPE_CONSUME ``` something like ``` If playerincombatcodehere then Exit sub End if Next ``` And how can I reduce the exp gained depending on the players level? For example if a level 1 player beats a level 1 or higher monster he gets the full xp, for example 100\. At level 3 he gets 50, level 5 25 and level 8 0 for example.
  16. MeteorRain


    Would this work if I put, under``` Case ITEM_TYPE_CONSUME ``` something like ``` If playerincombatcodehere then Exit sub End if Next ```
  17. The trading system works, but when someone puts an item in the trading place (picYourTrade and picTheirTrade) you don't see the item's icon. The item is in there tho, and when you both press accept the other player gets the item too. Only problem is the icon is not showing. Anybody know how to fix this?
  18. It doesn't count for this, but noobs who ask you to do everything for them or asking a question very stupidly deserve a no and nothing else, it doesn't only have to be Robin to say it.
  19. I don't think Robin is the only one with permission to say no.
  20. You really shouldn't use Xtreme worlds engine. I prayed to god for him to give me the ability to kill people through my monitor when they said eclipse is a very buggy and unstable engine and theirs is incredible and very very stable.
  21. You should be able to run it if I'm correct.
  22. Behaviour of NPC set to Attack?
  23. MeteorRain


    Guess I'll learn some more VB6 indeed, because if I don't do anything to my current level of VB6 coding, I won't be able to do a single thing to the game I'm trying to make
  24. MeteorRain


    I've been thinking about a way to do this, but even something as simple as this is too hard for me..
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