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Posts posted by Esmeyana

  1. Hello,

    I have made a sword and wanted and an animation for it.

    I didn't know how to make the sound for the animation, but the Sword3 sound inside the EO2.0 would be good enough.

    Also I was planning to make a code for the sword, just a new weapon type with low critical chance and so if the equiper of the sword walks in the animation, he would get wrapped to an another map, where he can kill a big boss.

    But I didn't, I don't know how.


    > The weapon and the animation are both using the same color string.
    > ![](http://img808.imageshack.us/img808/9207/weaponc.png)
    > ![](http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/4719/greenswordspell.png)


    > You are a legend now, you have saved the world, after doing the final mission, you have found a map.
    > After going on adventure with the map, you came to a place where there is an old man sitting on a big rock on the Green Mountains, having tea in his right hand and with closed eyes.
    > You went to the old man.
    > Suddenly, a conversation between you and the man started,
    > Man: How long have you been on adventure?
    > You: I don't remember, it's like I am on adventure since I was born.
    > You are making some more steps towards the man.
    > The conversation goes on,
    > Man: I know why you are here, I will give you what you were sent for now.
    > You: How you mean?
    > You walked with the man inside a cave to a green light source.
    > After walking untill the old man was close to the green light, the source of the mysterious green light you came for from a very far place became more clearly.
    > Man: Take it.
    > You: Can you tell me please what is going on first?
    > Man: Just take it.
    > You took the sword and because of no reason, you thought the name of the sword was the Green Sword.
    > Man: That's the Green Sword, the only left Green Gate caller. All the other weapons, were left in the Green Mysteria, wich is only accessable through the port.
    > You: How do I open the port?
    > Man: You can't, if the sword feels good, he will open it.
    > You: … How can I make the sword feel good?
    > Man: Fight, if you see a weird appearance after hitting someone or a monster, jump in the weird appearance. Hurry with jumping in it, because the Green Mysteria will send a very small black hole to the port to make the weird appearance disappear. The sword will try to keep the weird appearance on this world, but he will fail.
    > You: Can I come back to this world?
    > Man: I don't know, I can't tell you more then I know, now you know everything I know about the sword.
    > The man walks away, towards the place where he was sitting, you have followed him.
    > Suddenly, the man jumps of the mountain, you ran to see him, you saw him falling dawn and then just disappeard inside a weird appearance.
  2. @Esmeyana:

    > I just made this one.
    > ![](http://img808.imageshack.us/img808/9207/weaponc.png)

    This is the animation for this sword, a good idea if the animation plays if the player gets a critical hit, also if the critical rate is very low. It took me 2 hours to make this animation, so credits would be cool.

    It's all the same colors string.
  3. @Eckhart:

    > Wow, that's amazing.

    Thanks :D

    You know what, because we are meeting April, most of the people are done with schools (like me), I am gonna make an animation you can use for a spell or for this sword…

    A very awesome animation. :D
  4. I don't know if there are football fans here.
    Who do you think is gonna win?

    It would be cool if you reply your favorite player of the team you think/hope is gonna win…

    I think Barca will win and my favorite player is Affelay.
    I hope Affelay will play today, Messi is also my favo.
  5. @Robin:

    > Money can't create happiness which does not already exist. It can boost existing happiness, however.

    More good words, I can use that, thanks.
    Happiness is already existing somewhere, you cant create it, you just can boost it.
  6. @Pete:

    > You still misunderstand me. You're listing a things that have changed in the past 20 years - NOT how happiness has changed. Yes, health, wealth, friends and family change. Conditions change, but criteria for happiness doesn't really change over time.
    > Happiness to one person could be hell to another but it still doesn't change what happiness is.
    > Do you understand?

    Nice words, I understand what you mean now. I just thought, the research I did tells that the happiness of most of the people is based on what is happening around them, like family, financial possibilities, religion and a lot of more things. So I thought, all these things changed through the years, so the happiness level of people must be changed too.
    If I understand you right, you are against the statement that happiness is creatable?
    So what you say is that happiness is from inside, it just depends on who you are and how your character is, is that right?

    Wow I am really excited of the opinion of you people, untill now you are the only who are against the statement that happiness is creatable. Everyone I have interviewed said that happiness is creatable, but you say it's from inside and it's natural, you can't do anything about it. I like that.

    Today I have 5 interviews with very sick people in the hospital, it was so hard to get the hospital over to let me make interviews with sick people, I am lucky those people didn't mind to get interviewed.
    Tomorrow is the big day.
  7. @Pete:

    > You misunderstood what I said.
    > I didn't say everyone everywhere is happy for no reason, which is what I'm assuming you took my comment to mean since your reply was just a list of things that might make someone happy…

    Actually the list was a comment showing that there is a difference between now and 20 years ago.
  8. @Pete:

    > What's different about people being happy now than 20 years ago?
    > Happiness is happiness, doesn't matter when or where you're from..

    Of cource it matters where you are from, I am sure I am more happy then a poor kid in Afrika.
    In the past 20 years, there have been found a lot of solutions for a lot of diseases, also a lot of diseases came wich maybe made people less happy.
    Not only health, the economic crisis, if money is an important source of happiness, then I am sure there are a lot of people who are now less happy then back in 1990.
    The coming of the Euro is one big thing, that made a lot of people less happy.
    I can tell a lot of things, just remember it's 20 years, not 20 days, 20 years is a big number.

    EDIT: I found this good research, now I have to translate the most important things in dutch ZzZZzzz... http://www.princeton.edu/~deaton/downloads/deaton_kahneman_high_income_improves_evaluation_August2010.pdf
  9. @Pete:

    > Do your own research instead of asking us.

    I own researches, but they are from 1990, I couldn't find newer, if you have newer researches I would be very thankfull.

    Edit: Also yesterday I went to the city with my friend to do researches, we managed to interview 20 people and 3 of them allowed us to make a video of them.
    So, every vote counts.
  10. Hello everybody,

    I have a speech on 16 march for my school about happiness, I have to convince the class that happiness is not createable.

    I am going to say that money and whatever goes on around you make happy.

    But I want to ask them a question to choose between money and somethin they think it makes happy, like love or something, but love is not very good. do you have suggestions? please help…
  11. Is it possible to subscribe on a topic in this forum?
    I have seen forums, you can push a button so you get a message on your msn if there is anything posted on that topic.
  12. Lightning did that in the pet system, so your pet follows you, he actually copied the code that makes the npc follow you when he is going to attack you when you get in his range. So what did he do? remove the attack, keep the following and make a button.
    Be creative, find the following-code of the npc, and do the same code but for player now.

    It's not as hard as you think, actually I think it don't need a lot of code.

    About the maximum range to follow a player, I don't know if there is a function like that in Eclipse, but you can make it using the select case statement. Like,

    Private Function checkRange(ByVal target As Long, ByVal myIndex As Long) As Boolean
    Dim rangeX As Long
    Dim rangeY As Long
    rangeX = getplayerx(target) - getplayerx(myIndex) ''Calculate the x difference between the players
    rangeY = getplayery(target) - getplayery(myIndex) ''Calculate the y difference between the players

    Select Case rangeX
        Case 1, 0, -1 '' When the difference on x equals to "1", "0"(wich must be impossible expect an epic lagg, or a no-block system in your game) or "-1"
            Select Case rangeY
                Case 1, 0, -1 '' Check if the difference on y also equals to 1, 0 or - 1.
                    If GetPlayerMap(Target) = GetPlayerMap(myIndex) Then ''Check the player map is the same, or, you know what will happen if the maps are not the same.
                        checkRange = True '' Make the value of checkRange "True" when x and y are in range, so you can start the following system with an if statement on the other side of the code.
                    End If
                Case Else
                    checkRange = False '' Make the value of checkRange "False" when x and y are not in range.
            End Select
        Case Else
            checkRange = False '' Make the value of checkRange "False" when x is not in range.
    End Select

    End Function


    This is the maximum help you can get, specially on this forum.
    I hope this helped you.

    EDIT: forgot to check if the maps are the same in the code.
  13. Very nice work, thanks.
    Just some little things for the next release:
    All client side.

        -  In frmEditor_Item there is a scrlItemEditor(0) that have to be deleted.
        -  In frmEditor_Resource change the "Min" property of scrlResourceEditor(5) to "0".
        -  In frmEditor_NPC replace the scrlNpcEditor(6) inside the fraCustom.
  14. It's stereo, I don't know about sound things etc..
    But 2 days ago I just could hear the right sounds on the right side of the headphones and the left side on the left side of the headphones, now I hear all on both sides…
    I am using the same headphones btw...
  15. Hello all,

    First of all, this is not about Eclipse but I searched a lot on the internet untill I became hopeless and thought maybe you can help me.
    Well I listen a lot of music, but as you know, music with only centered sound or without any sound effects is just boring.
    So yesterday my cousin of 6 years was here and I left him on the computer so he don't make me crazy, bet I have seen that even when he is quiet, he make me crazy.

    Idk what he did, but I can't hear 3D sound anymore, I mean all sound is centered.
    I mean you can't hear left and right sound anymore, but now left plays in both sides, also right does the same.
    And I have tried it on another headphones and it's the same.

    My computer is the Acer AX3950, WIN7 64bit.

    Please help if you can help me.
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