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Posts posted by RyokuHasu

  1. ~~I made this in Gimp as a title screen for my RPGXP version of my game and i was sondering if some one could help me turn it into a banner for the online version of my game. Like a banner people put in thier Sig. or on web sites.

    the only extra text i would want on it is to say "Online" under the title.~~

    Ok Not the Most Gracefull Banner… But It will do =P (went ahead and tried to make one myself)
  2. Would you comprimise for several other ideas for a simular Idea?

    since you can have many calsses you could make Sub classes of catsers for spesific elements or such…

    And A simpler way to do somthing semi-like what you want its to use stats to scale certain funcations, like spell scaling (INT and WIL) or taming animals (STR and WIL), this is way simpler way to do somthing like it....

    and if you want i could help you draw up the calculations if you choose to scale more things off the stats...

    As for a TRUE Skills system I would go looking to exactly how the stats system works and use a simular control for skills. you level up and get some skill points to spend, and recalculate all the aproprate areas for those skills. (for an idea of how to use those skill points in spells, see my complex spell scaling)

    and make a new menu and buton to house your skills.

    Hope I helped with a few options for you to look into.
  3. @Xlithan:

    > For anybody who has added Multiple Item Drops and Percentiles, Find:
    > ```
    > ' Drop the goods if they get it
    > ```in NPCAttackNPC sub, and change to this:
    > ```
    >         ' Drop the goods if they get it
    >         For n = 1 To MAX_NPC_DROPS
    >             If Npc(Victim).DropItem(n) = 0 Then Exit For
    >             If Rnd <= Npc(Victim).DropChance(n) Then
    >                 Call SpawnItem(Npc(Victim).DropItem(n), Npc(Victim).DropItemValue(n), MapNum, MapNpc(MapNum).Npc(Victim).x, MapNpc(MapNum).Npc(Victim).y)
    >             End If
    >         Next
    > ```

    =D this goes In your tut more than mine ^_^
  4. O.o I don't get it… I try compileing it In VB6 and it errors on login or regstation, however If i Make exe and then log in It works ......... Wierd

    Thanks, I need this =D

    Edit: Wait where the paper dolls sposed to show, because mine didnt... O.o
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