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Posts posted by RyokuHasu

  1. Hmmm… my other choice was a light Sandy gradient... I did this because I was bored to be honest, I'll go make the smooth tan-ish version now XD
  2. I was trying to resurface some of my GUI and I want some opinion on it.

    I'll redo the items if you think its a good look.









  3. @Boynaar:

    > -Snip-

    Besides rap being just about the lowest form of music, and the fact that it doesn't help and it just makes you look like a jackass typing like that…

    Your solution makes no sense, you spent more time making yourself look like an idiot than working on the problem. No one here wants to read an answer buried in a mountain of cRAP.
  4. Chrome can properly display several CSS/Webkit functions and other things that IE and FireFox are not properly quipped to handle.

    one example is web kit gradient
    background:-webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.05, #cc00cc), color-stop(1, #550055) );
    background:-moz-linear-gradient( center top, #550055 5%, #cc00cc 100% );
    Firefox inverts the gradient and IE Doesn't even make the attempt to display it.
  5. @xLEEMERx:

    > -Snip-

    This may come as a surprise to you but some people read the stories when playing games and its always good to have one. And if you never read the stories you have no room to say they are all the same. Now start reading stories of games or shut up and go grind away and be happy about it.

    Good day sir.
  6. @Mortal:

    > Compile error…
    > Method or Data member not found

    The obviously you are missing that. "Method or data member not found" means you didn't add it is the same thing as "variable not defined", i know you have at least have the ability to problem solve what you are missing.

    This is the simplest error and can be solved by looking at the highlighted part then loiking back at the tut.

    This isn't directed at Mortal Angel, It's directed to anyone asking for others to fix "variable not defined" or "Method or data member not found" ANYONE can fix these, you all are just to lazy to.
  7. @Erwin:

    > Make his behaviour Quest.

    Wrong, that was the older version, this one has a checkbox for quest giver and the behaviour should be set to friendly.

    @ Mortal Angels
    The problem is most likely that you placed the stuff in modCombat in the wrong spot and that is giving you a logic error.

    Post your CanPlayerAttackNPC Sub, its the place most people have the hardest time adding this.
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