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Everything posted by Savents

  1. @iSkweek: > That is rather bizarre. Sorry I couldn't help :S Yeah I know, it's weird, when I try to take away commands from any of the admin status they still get that status, maybe it's not fully a client sided edit, if that was couldn't any of your mods just get a copy of the EO source and edit there access levels? EDIT: I still need help with this, if any one knows.
  2. @iSkweek: > The code works fine for me. My guess is that the access isn't setting correctly. Try setting the access on another account through the admin panel instead of using the server and let me know what happens. That is what I have been doing the whole time, when I duel log I use my Admin to give level 1 Access to a test account, there name changes and I get the "you have become an Admin ect" message, yet they can not kick warp or any of that jazz.
  3. This a question that n00b was helping me with on this topic. http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,69369.0.html Since that topic was about a different question I decided to make a new one about this. I didn't quite understand n00bs method of doing this, so maybe someone else can help. As of rite now, access 1 does nothing for me even though it is set to kick and ban players, what I want access 1 levels to be able to do are. Kick Ban warp2map warp2me warpme2 My question is how would I go about doing that, here is my whole HandleKeyPresses Sub. ``` Public Sub HandleKeyPresses(ByVal KeyAscii As Integer) Dim ChatText As String Dim Name As String Dim i As Long Dim n As Long Dim Command() As String Dim Buffer As clsBuffer ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler ChatText = Trim$(MyText) If LenB(ChatText) = 0 Then Exit Sub MyText = LCase$(ChatText) ' Handle when the player presses the return key If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Then ' Broadcast message If Left$(ChatText, 1) = "'" Then ChatText = Mid$(ChatText, 2, Len(ChatText) - 1) If Len(ChatText) > 0 Then Call BroadcastMsg(ChatText) End If MyText = vbNullString frmMain.txtMyChat.text = vbNullString Exit Sub End If ' Emote message If Left$(ChatText, 1) = "-" Then MyText = Mid$(ChatText, 2, Len(ChatText) - 1) If Len(ChatText) > 0 Then Call EmoteMsg(ChatText) End If MyText = vbNullString frmMain.txtMyChat.text = vbNullString Exit Sub End If ' Player message If Left$(ChatText, 1) = "!" Then Exit Sub ChatText = Mid$(ChatText, 2, Len(ChatText) - 1) Name = vbNullString ' Get the desired player from the user text For i = 1 To Len(ChatText) If Mid$(ChatText, i, 1) Space(1) Then Name = Name & Mid$(ChatText, i, 1) Else Exit For End If Next ChatText = Mid$(ChatText, i, Len(ChatText) - 1) ' Make sure they are actually sending something If Len(ChatText) - i > 0 Then MyText = Mid$(ChatText, i + 1, Len(ChatText) - i) ' Send the message to the player Call PlayerMsg(ChatText, Name) Else Call AddText("Usage: !playername (message)", AlertColor) End If MyText = vbNullString frmMain.txtMyChat.text = vbNullString Exit Sub End If If Left$(MyText, 1) = "/" Then Command = Split(MyText, Space(1)) Select Case Command(0) Case "/help" Call AddText("Social Commands:", HelpColor) Call AddText("'msghere = Broadcast Message", HelpColor) Call AddText("-msghere = Emote Message", HelpColor) Call AddText("!namehere msghere = Player Message", HelpColor) Call AddText("Available Commands: /info, /who, /fps, /fpslock", HelpColor) Case "/info" ' Checks to make sure we have more than one string in the array If UBound(Command) < 1 Then AddText "Usage: /info (name)", AlertColor GoTo Continue End If If IsNumeric(Command(1)) Then AddText "Usage: /info (name)", AlertColor GoTo Continue End If Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong CPlayerInfoRequest Buffer.WriteString Command(1) SendData Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing ' Whos Online Case "/who" SendWhosOnline ' Checking fps Case "/fps" BFPS = Not BFPS ' toggle fps lock Case "/fpslock" FPS_Lock = Not FPS_Lock ' Request stats Case "/stats" Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong CGetStats SendData Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing ' // Monitor Admin Commands // ' Admin Help Case "/admin" If GetPlayerAccess(MyIndex) < ADMIN_MONITOR Then GoTo Continue frmMain.picAdmin.Visible = Not frmMain.picAdmin.Visible ' Kicking a player Case "/kick" If GetPlayerAccess(MyIndex) < ADMIN_MONITOR Then GoTo Continue If UBound(Command) < 1 Then AddText "Usage: /kick (name)", AlertColor GoTo Continue End If If IsNumeric(Command(1)) Then AddText "Usage: /kick (name)", AlertColor GoTo Continue End If SendKick Command(1) ' Warping to a player Case "/warpmeto" If GetPlayerAccess(MyIndex) < ADMIN_MONITOR Then GoTo Continue If UBound(Command) < 1 Then AddText "Usage: /warpmeto (name)", AlertColor GoTo Continue End If If IsNumeric(Command(1)) Then AddText "Usage: /warpmeto (name)", AlertColor GoTo Continue End If WarpMeTo Command(1) ' Warping a player to you Case "/warptome" If GetPlayerAccess(MyIndex) < ADMIN_MONITOR Then GoTo Continue If UBound(Command) < 1 Then AddText "Usage: /warptome (name)", AlertColor GoTo Continue End If If IsNumeric(Command(1)) Then AddText "Usage: /warptome (name)", AlertColor GoTo Continue End If ' Warping to a map Case "/warpto" If GetPlayerAccess(MyIndex) < ADMIN_MONITOR Then GoTo Continue If UBound(Command) < 1 Then AddText "Usage: /warpto (map #)", AlertColor GoTo Continue End If If Not IsNumeric(Command(1)) Then AddText "Usage: /warpto (map #)", AlertColor GoTo Continue End If n = CLng(Command(1)) ' Check to make sure its a valid map # If n > 0 And n 0 Then MyText = Mid$(MyText, 1, Len(MyText) - 1) End If ' And if neither, then add the character to the user's text buffer If (KeyAscii vbKeyReturn) Then If (KeyAscii vbKeyBack) Then MyText = MyText & ChrW$(KeyAscii) End If End If ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "HandleKeyPresses", "modInput", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ```
  4. Yeah, thanks for all the help, access 1 still does nothing.
  5. When I make a new mnu I don't get the little "…." like yours has, does that have to do with anything?
  6. Iam not that much of a retard, haha, I read your post and I tried that, I don't see that option.
  7. I can't find "menu editor" on frmserver.
  8. @n00b: > All that is already programmed, you just need to add the menu code into the server. Right click on the frmserver and click Menu Editor. Add mnuMapper and the menu title in. Then in code look for Sub mnuMapper, paste this in; > > ``` > Dim Name As String > Name = frmServer.lvwInfo.SelectedItem.SubItems(3) > > If Not Name = "Not Playing" Then > Call SetPlayerAccess(FindPlayer(Name), 2) > Call SendPlayerData(FindPlayer(Name)) > Call PlayerMsg(FindPlayer(Name), "You have been granted mapper access", BrightCyan) > End If > > ``` > Access 1 is just a moderator only allowed to kick/ban though (If I'm not mistaking). > You can change that code in Client Side / modInput / HandleKeyPresses > > But following the same routine, you can add all the access levels in. Thanks for the support, I still can't seem to get it working, here's what I did I added in all the commands I wanted the MONITOR access to have. ``` ' // Monitor Admin Commands // ' Admin Help Case "/admin" If GetPlayerAccess(MyIndex) < ADMIN_MONITOR Then GoTo Continue frmMain.picAdmin.Visible = Not frmMain.picAdmin.Visible ' Kicking a player Case "/kick" If GetPlayerAccess(MyIndex) < ADMIN_MONITOR Then GoTo Continue If UBound(Command) < 1 Then AddText "Usage: /kick (name)", AlertColor GoTo Continue End If If IsNumeric(Command(1)) Then AddText "Usage: /kick (name)", AlertColor GoTo Continue End If SendKick Command(1) ' Warping to a player Case "/warpmeto" If GetPlayerAccess(MyIndex) < ADMIN_MONITOR Then GoTo Continue If UBound(Command) < 1 Then AddText "Usage: /warpmeto (name)", AlertColor GoTo Continue End If If IsNumeric(Command(1)) Then AddText "Usage: /warpmeto (name)", AlertColor GoTo Continue End If WarpMeTo Command(1) ' Warping a player to you Case "/warptome" If GetPlayerAccess(MyIndex) < ADMIN_MONITOR Then GoTo Continue If UBound(Command) < 1 Then AddText "Usage: /warptome (name)", AlertColor GoTo Continue End If If IsNumeric(Command(1)) Then AddText "Usage: /warptome (name)", AlertColor GoTo Continue End If ' Warping to a map Case "/warpto" If GetPlayerAccess(MyIndex) < ADMIN_MONITOR Then GoTo Continue If UBound(Command) < 1 Then AddText "Usage: /warpto (map #)", AlertColor GoTo Continue End If If Not IsNumeric(Command(1)) Then AddText "Usage: /warpto (map #)", AlertColor GoTo Continue End If n = CLng(Command(1)) ' Check to make sure its a valid map # If n > 0 And n
  9. @n00b: > Client side source, modText, DrawPlayerName, Thanks just what I wanted, I would also like to know where I can change what admin access level 1 can do, rite now I think it does nothing I would like this access to be able to warp to maps, and warpme2 and warp2me commands.
  10. How would I go about changing the access colors in EO?
  11. @Rainbow: > … of course it fucking does. Turning on debug mode causes all errors to be logged and ignored. Do not use it when programming. > > The error seems to be caused by the music not being seen. Do you have any .mid files in your music folder? Yeah, it was the music. I deleted all the music files before removing them from the map, it's fixed now.
  12. @Sirsk8aton: > L0l you broke it. > > No, you need to go to edit map and then map properties to get the angel off the map. For the other problems, I have never encountered them. yeah I think I actually did break it some how! I just made another copy and started from scratch, seems to be no problems, so weird.
  13. When I go to make a new item, or a new spell I can type in the name the description mess around with the sliders ect then I save that item or spell. When I go back to it all the name, description, sliders and anything else I set is all blank, it applys everything I have done to the item, but it shows as if I have done nothing, I don't know if this was intentional, but it's very annoying when you have to go back and edit an items stats description name ect. Also this is the same with NPCs and on a side note, I can't delete that damn Angel NPC it just wont go away, I delete it and it just comes back next server boot.
  14. @Chuchoide: > I just said the line in my post. Yeah, that fixed it, thanks a lot.
  15. @Rainbow: > RTE 9 has nothing to do with the runtimes. Post the line it errors on. What do you mean the "line it errors on" I am not scripting anything.
  16. When ever I try to click on the proprieties option in the map editor I get a "Runtime error 9 Subscript out of range" message, I was searching the forms and came up with nothing other this this. > You can resolve your error by using The Eclipse Origins Runtimes. This will fix most computers immediately, if it doesn't for you, read on. > > * If you are using x64, otherwise known as 64 bit, then you must run in compatibility mode for XP SP3 or XP SP2. > * If you are using Vista or Windows 7, you need to Run as Administrator (right click installer > Run As Administrator). If this persists, disable UAC as a whole. > * Trying reading the Installation section under Downloads. It is more clear than this. > * If you continue to receive errors, please don't be afraid to post in the forums, we'd be glad to help! I am in fact running in windows 7 and I have tried all the options listed above.
  17. @NightmareX91: > Happened to me LOADS of times. Use a different username. Character name can be the same as last time. That's kinda, not very good, what if you have a live game going, and this happens to one of your players, or many players, sorry out of luck?
  18. When ever I make an account and character I can log in just fine, when I log out and try to log back in again I get a "Incorrect Password" message, I read in a another topic that this can happen if you have opened up the .BIN character file, I have done this but I didn't know I would get an error from it, now when ever I make a new account I log in, but once I log back out again I get incorrect password well trying to log back in.
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