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Posts posted by Dudemo

  1. @'Exception':

    > That'll be the issue. In order to make your changes to a runnable program, you need to compile it.
    > Unfortunately, I can't provide a link to VB6 Enterprise/Professional (as it is technically proprietary software, however old it is), so you'll have to find it. You can find it on DreamSpark (if you're a student) or torrent sites.
    > Here is a tutorial that covers installing VB6 on Windows 10: http://blog.danbrust.net/2015/09/14/installing-visual-basic-studio-6-on-windows-10/
    > Make sure you get VB6 Enterprise/Professional, **not Portable**.

    Oh, I see! Thanks, this is immensely helpful!

  2. @'Exception':

    > Did you compile your source code with Visual Basic 6 Enterprise or Visual Basic 6 Professional?

    Okay, mate, you've lost me there. I've only used notepad for editing the code so far.

    Are you saying I need one of these programs to edit properly? I could use some education.
  3. @'BeNjO':

    > Look for:
    > ```
    > ' Default starting location [Server Only]
    > Public Const START_MAP As Long =
    > Public Const START_X As Long =
    > Public Const START_Y As Long =
    > ```

    Thank you, found this specific string from ModConstants. It does seem to be what I'm looking for, however modifying this value doesn't actually seem to change the spawn location. I've changed it to

    Public Const START_MAP As Long = 1
    Public Const START_X As Long = 10
    Public Const START_Y As Long = 10

    But new players still spawn at X 12 Y 7, even after I've booted both server and client.

    Any idea why?


    > I mean, the default 'paper dolls' don't work.

    I think I had the exact same problem as you do with paperdolls. The default sprites don't match with the paperdoll graphics. The sprites have 12 frames of animation, the paperdolls have 16\. The dimensions also differ. That's why the paperdolls appear broken, they're meant for different sprites.

    I solved it by making new paperdoll graphics with PixelFormer, using the default sprite graphics as a base.
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