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Posts posted by CrAcKeR

  1. Well for starters, I'm french too. (that gives you a +) The story could be a bit more in-depth and longer, but I like how your forum has pictures and videos in it. But maybe later on.. you should get with an pixel artist and design original tilesets and sprites to help your game stand out from others. :)

  2. I read it and I really like what he is talking about. That there are hard parts to games that may not be fun say for instance, if your not an artist and your all alone creating a game and your stuck having to create GUI and other things you didn't give a think about when you started your game. Every newbie should read this thread.

  3. @Liger:

    > I may be misinformed on the games being shut down, I had never really looked into that.
    > I think you should take another look at everything they have done since they're first game.
    > A great company would not alter a dungeon so that every douche on the server can come kill low levels who are trying to do quests even if they are not in PK mode. A great company wouldn't implement pay-to-win to an extent that the game is reduced to idiot levels. A great company would listen to it's customers. A great company would fix bugs instead of leaving a ton of the ones that seriously impede gameplay unfixed for years.
    > If you truly know the people who started that company, which I doubt I think your just bullshitting, you are not exactly an unbiased party.

    Course I was bullshitting with ya, Atleast their games aren't as screwed up as WoW is.. yet.
  4. @Taegan:

    > I think GIMP's too all over the place and some parts of it are just plain weird. Paint.NET looks so neat and clean, and it's easier to use. Opinions.

    I see what you mean for the sprites. But it can help give good effects for tilesets, that is.. if you know how to use it right.
  5. Also, I would add ways to show how to actually draw a simple sprite, like if you do half, flip it, and your result is an equal sprite, that shows that it's easier to do, and less work for you. (That's just my idea though. :)
  6. @Liger:

    > I played it for awhile. It's a good game at first but the way it's run you'd think the whole company is on drugs. In fact I'm 100% convinced the whole company is on drugs, the really ducked up kind of drugs.
    > I played for a whole year and watched while that company drove itself into the ground, in fact they recently were forced to close down 2 of their newer, "successful" games.
    > PWE should be applauded for the best character creator I've ever seen. After that, I want to punch them for every extremely stupid decision they've made since the game's launch, and they'd drift into a coma long before I'm done.

    Umm… well I've been updated on everything Perfect World Entertainment has done since they're very first game was launched. Your very wrong. Perfect World Entertainment NEVER shut down any games. I'll be dead before they do. PWE is the top leading company of free MMORPG's, (Frogster leading behind.. think I might play Eligium when it comes out.) PWE is a GREAT  company and has many games to play on, game achievements, an achievement shop on they're website, they are launching new games all through this year. They are a great company. If you have a problem with them, I happen to know the guys who started it. You can take it up with them.
  7. Since you are some-what new to this, I'll go easy on you. I understand you want a Warrior and Mage, most likely in your game.. but maybe post up the other classes you are going to add. Second, you should have already added a storyline to your forum, if you don't have one, then I don't know what the center base of your game is. To me, it would just be another game out there, Like I say to every game that I don't think will run without it.. you need more originality to it. I don't mean to come off as a rude person. I am just stating facts and trying to help you.
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