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Posts posted by Hazzieo

  1. Apparently these were made for a game that was in development but the guy said it was never finished. He found them on his hard drive so put them up for public download. I have Attached a picture of the graphics being used. They are in .BMP format and probably need some converting but im sure you guys are smart enough for that XD
  2. Yep :(


    AH HAH! I clicked to create a character and in the character creation screen it showed the male sprite when I picked female but when I clicked create it made a character with the female sprite. thats fine. Il put up some post on my site about the known bug and tell people im working on it and just never do anything about it XD
  3. OK I changed it to…..


    So when i click female when selecting a warrior is should be sprite 2 but its still sprite 1 :(
  4. Well im not sure if I did set it correctly. Each class info looks something like this…..


    Is what I put above correct? The first number after where it says male sprite is 1 because I want to use the first character sprite in the folder and it has a 1 after it because I want to use the first portrait picture in the folder but when I do this with the female sprite it just looks the same as the male sprite.
  5. Hey sorry for the late reply dude. My laptop is broken and didn't have access to another computer. IM on my Dad's now XD

    yeah basically when you make a character and you click on female / male and the character changes from a boy to a girl? Well if im selecting a wizard it works fine but if im selecting a warrior and I click on female, she looks just like the boy XD
  6. Hey ok so worked out how to change the sprites used when you pick a class but for some reason I cant change the sprite for female warrior? Its strange. I set the sprite of warrior male to 1 and then warrior female to 2 but it wont change! Any suggestions?

  7. Hey just downloaded EO and have to say very nice ;)
    One problem is that I am not sure on how to add my own chipsets to make the maps more interesting. Could anyone tell me how to do it please? At the moment I only have the three chipsets that come with the software. I had a look around the forums but cant see any posts about this so far.

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