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Posts posted by Whackeddie99

  1. I've already started, where do I submit it when I'm done? Do you want me to upload pictures and tell you what it is, or do I just send the source code to somebody?
  2. Write colors on that list on the left, then whenever its clicked link it to a RBGA color code. I'm not sure if that is a table or what on the right, but you'd either need to draw with directx the color and box over the space you click, or just set the color in the grid options to the hex code (instead of RBGA) of the color you have selected
  3. Hello everyone, I've been working on a small game completely unrelated to eclipse recently, it is very simple yet addicting. The basic concept of the game is as follows: one person draws the word given, and the other players have to guess what is being drawn, earning points that can be compared to friends, viewed on leader boards, used for new drawing tools/colors, and entering special rooms or creating your own. About a month ago I tested a very early build with the lot of you guys, but I'm dissatisfied by the ugly visual basic buttons and form design.



    **I need a GUI artist** **to make buttons and a logo for the game!** This isn't really my top priority, but I wont be releasing it until it has a clean look, and I will not be using micro transactions (yes, I plan to sell stuff!) until I have this gui and a website.
  4. > I'm confused, I thought for security reasons, consoles generally disallowed publishers/developers to use their own servers?

    According to engadget this is going to change for the next gen consoles.
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