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Posts posted by Rawrwus

  1. I find it a bit difficult to answer this question because I am not sure that I fully understand what your asking.

    What I think your saying is you want NPCs to slowly regenerate their Vitals and your trying to find an efficient way of having the server update the clients with the data. 

    Though if that were the case then I imagine all you need to do is insert the regeneration script in the Server side game loop and the updated HP should actually filter down to the clients as normal. 

    I believe I am miss interpretting what your asking for though so if you are able to clarify a bit more that would help.
  2. ok for both client and server side what would be best to do is open the modTypes module, then scroll down to the

    Private Type PlayerRec

    at the bottom of it just under the: Dir As Byte add this

    Skill(1 To 5) As SkillRec

    now scroll down some more and just place this somewhere in the modTypes Module

    Private Type SkillRec
        a As Byte
        b As Integer
        c As Long
        d As String
    End Type

    Now the a,b,c, and d can be changed as you like, each one was set to a different type of variable.  I don't know what kinds of data you will be storing yet or how many but basically what this entire script does is it installs an Array into the player data.  You can later go back and call for the variables by typing in something like this

    MyVar = Player(X).Skill(Y).a
    MyVar = Player(X).Skill(Y).b
    MyVar = Player(X).Skill(Y).c
    MyVar = Player(X).Skill(Y).d

    Replace the X with the players index number.  and Y would be a number 1-5.  If you understand how arrays work, each Y is a different storage slot of data.  So for example:

    MyVar = Player(X).Skill(1).a 'equals one thing
    MyVar = Player(X).Skill(2).a 'equals another thing

    You will also beable to set these variables easily by reversing the variable call:

    Player(X).Skill(Y).a = MyVar
    Player(X).Skill(Y).b = MyVar
    Player(X).Skill(Y).c = MyVar
    Player(X).Skill(Y).d = MyVar

    You are going to have to take a bit of time to study how these custom object files work as well as how packets are sent and handled.

    As far as creating folders and saving data to them in their own text files, just look Server side under the modDatabases.  Search for the Save functions and study how they work. 

    As an added note, being a technician is to your advantage as it requires understanding of logical gates and other similar structures that programming entails.  All you have to do now is learn the syntax.
  3. @Ashley:

    > Hey there, I'm Ashley. Im a newbie to the community however I have toyed around with VB6 and Mirage in the past. I have recently just been trolling the forum and taking a look at EO which I must say is absolutely gorgeous. A little bit about myself, I love writing, conceptualization, as well as drawing. I am a very creative person and I figured if I could draw, write, and create worlds on paper, why not learn to create them through coding. I have been working on a series of stories under the name of The Last Bible, I want to make them into my own little manga project. Anyways I hope to expand my knowledge through this Forum, make some new friends, and begin production on my own original game.

    Did you draw the pics in your sig yourself cus if so its some good work.
  4. I would like to take a moment to say hello.  I am actually not a new person to the Mirage source community.  I have been around them for nearly 8 years now.  I spent my begining years in the playerworlds community and then moved onto Elysium back before it became an open source. 

    Though there are a lot of you who have come from the same source communities as me, I think the majority of people here do not know me which is why I have decided to just start new.  There are many talanted builders within these forums and as a programmer I hope to both learn more here as well as add to the forums.

    At the moment it will be the Eclipse Origins source that I will specialize in.

    Happy holidays.
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