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Posts posted by Dungoof

  1. Love the style. The limited colors gives it a nice cartoony feel, but it's still very nice looking. You certainly know your way around the pixels. I somewhat agree on the comments about the cliffs, but in a way, I really like them. Overall, very nice job.
  2. The art itself isn't too bad, but a palette change might help. The transition from grass to dirt looks flat, likely because of the high contrast between the colors. Instead of flowing into the road, it just looks like the road is sitting atop a flat grass-pattern fabric or something. The trees, bushes, and dirt have a nice style to them, but the colors of the grass doesn't fit with the duller colors used in the foliage. The same happens with the house as well. The perspective of the house makes it look flat, due to the back of the roof being just as thick as the front, despite the angle taken for the doorway and standing pose of your sprite. The colors of the house seem a bit too vivid for the palette as well.

    All in all, the line art and such isn't too bad, it just suffers from a bit of too many styles in one screenshot.
  3. Well, if you really want to learn how, I suggest you check into some http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/board,70.0.html, or just look at some example codes in the Script Database. If you have a knowledge of Algebra, it helps a lot to understand the concepts. In EE 2.7, scripts are executed from the Main.txt file, which is in your server/scripts folder. You'll find all the server's scripts in there.

    There's so many parts to scripting that it's hard to just answer "how to script" in a few sentences. Just check into the various boards, and there's always a scripting question section to ask help in if you get stuck on a certain concept.

    If that seems like too much work, you could always just ask someone to make quests for you and work on your game with you as a scripter or something. I'm unsure how many out there are willing to do something like that, but it never hurts to ask.
  4. It depends on what you want the quest to do. There's many options to go about making a quest. Most quests are scripted, though simple quests can sometimes be pulled off without scripts, though they'll surely be lacking, so I'll just focus on the scripting side.

    Within scripted quests, there's mainly two types of scripts to run: quest systems and custom quests. A quest system accepts a few inputs to create a quest of a specific type. This usually takes less than 10 minutes to set up the whole quest. A custom quest is one that is scripted from scratch. This would have a lot more freedom, but will obviously take longer.

    If you're interested in premade quest systems, I suggest checking out the Script Index in the Script Database board. If you want to make your own quests, I suggest studying up on Sadscript in the Sadscript Tutorials section.
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