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Posts posted by Link

  1. Things around the forums have been running fairly smoothly, there have been no bans that I know of and little to no warnings have been needed. This is good news. The staff team has also been doing a smooth and good job, thanks for that…you guys are the best.

    Recently I've been speaking to the developers, you should all know Eclipse might be taking a new direction in the near future. The new official engine will be Vb.Net probably and we're discussing monetizing the site with a plugin system. Some of you were apart of this discussion before when it was just a draft, but now we're trying to make it happen.

    It will be a system where players can create plugins, sell their plugins an a percentage goes to the site. What does this mean for the staff? At this stage not much really, it just means there might be new rules in the future, expectancy of a bigger member base including more user activity hopefully. I'll be reaching out to more publishers soon. After advertising and doing as much as possible, we'll leave the rest to word of mouth and just plain old google.

    Before advertising though, I want to make sure we have a solid foundation, goals and a base to go from. With this being said this information is to be kept between the staff team of course and you can add your own suggestions if you'd like them to be taken into consideration.

    That's about all for now, also I typed this within 15 minutes on my lunch break so it's not well plotted ahahaha. Thanks.

    - Link
  2. Hey eclipse users, as you know once again I pay the server monthly bills to host the site myself which runs me about 130$ Would be really helpful and much appreciated if the members could pitch in the keep the site growing and be more involved.

    These donations will also help towards member of the month awards and more. The donation page can be found at the top in the navigation bar, thanks to all those who have and who will donate!

    - Link
  3. > I just got this…
    > ![](http://www.ultimarc.com/images/ipac2_top.jpg)
    > +
    > ![](http://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/lack-coffee-table-brown__57540_PE163122_S4.JPG)
    > =
    > ![](https://blog.adafruit.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/LackArcadeCoffeeTable.png)
    > I haven't built it yet… but hopefully this week! :)

    That's just damn cool.
  4. I was never kicked out, but I moved out at 18\. Maybe you could get a small job (for now) and roomate with someone. Stay away from fast food because it leads to a dead end, but places like FedX have nice pay rates with flexible hours with proof of highschool diploma. You could work a job like that and manage college, but most important over all is to always plan ahead since things will be a little tough now.

    Financial management will be pretty important. Other than that, you could always join the military. Be sure to stand strong, don't lose track of any goals you had, create a solid foundation that way your life isn't all over the place. Personally I had started planning to move out at the age 15, so I was already throwing plans and such together, laying out what I'd like my life to have been like.

    The only obstacle for me was money for college, which I now have through the military and then some. So it's a pretty set path. Just remember not to be frustrated or confused, remain calm and think smart. It might sound greedy but the best advice I received around 14 was to look at everyone around you and how they can benefit your success, are they an asset to your plans? Also, make sure you're not doing things alone or cutting yourself off from everyone.

    Then again, I'm only 19 I haven't lived much. People like  [OmegaXtc](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/user/86413-omegaxtc/) or Agora and even Marsh have been around the block more than me.
  5. Here's another video I made, playing some more realm of the mad god. You can skip to around 5:35 if you want to get past boring talking. If you're wanting to play the game and are new then I suggest not skipping.

  6. ![](https://scontent-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10998876_814909578578928_346933153793869088_n.jpg?oh=19af4b2cc7106c46f5f45d9035772cc0&oe=5585BEC6)


  7. Relaxing on my car.

    >! ![](https://scontent-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10998876_814909578578928_346933153793869088_n.jpg?oh=88341905238fd95d1a549c4e817cad9c&oe=555E31C6)

    Working on the dual screen setup.

    >! ![](https://scontent-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10980707_815169348552951_2369061284574633838_n.jpg?oh=09914fe840f06b291b2fb8b499c7f12c&oe=558E60FD)

    Working on my room, got xbox ? Add me. ZmurcYDC

    >! ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10896899_815020468567839_7708617233332952489_n.jpg?oh=dda540c481d508f79ea33ae181eea1f5&oe=555616A0&__gda__=1432387530_1a7f87534abeca18c0c624648501b356)
  8. > The intention is good, but this might not be the best way to go about it.
    > - Duke

    Okay, I'll work with you here. How do you think is the best way to go about it then?

  9. How come everytime an attempt is made to boost the community there's always so much hate? From the same people. I think that's the only problem with egos…a few select members just discourage or try to discourage everyone else. I think that's the funny part, you guys try harder to discourage members than anything else.
  10. Hi guys! So, we're trying out something new. It may not be exciting and it may not be all that, but I was at home thinking about how to best reward the good members of eclipse and the future members. So we, the eclipse staff, will be choosing one member every month who has shown passion towards the site and or community, been helping around the site, been interactive with other members and or even the staff and have been showing that they deserve some recognition.

    I've taken it upong myself to not only offer this member with a custom user group "Member of the month" but also even more juicy rewards to reap. This will include cash payments of 5-10$. Forum points ranging from 1k-3k. A banner on the site dedicated to the member as well.

    Why am I doing this? I'm hoping it will encourage a positive attitude from the community. We have even more updates coming your way, for now that's about it. Note: This may be changed a little as it is a draft. Everything is being worked out.


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