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Posts posted by Link

  1. Not sure if there's a plugin, but should we allow multiple chat channel for different languages? Would this divide the members too much? Or would it create a window for more comftorability?

    Wanted to see what you guys thought, if it's even possible.
  2. Not sure if there's a plugin, but should we allow multiple chat channel for different languages? Would this divide the members too much? Or would it create a window for more comftorability?

    Wanted to see what you guys thought, if it's even possible. With this we'd probably need more moderators or mods who know different languages too.
  3. > I think I'm done. I have nothing to offer to this site, and vice-versa.
    > Frankly, it's been a while coming; I'm checking this site on a much lesser and lesser basis, and I've pretty much just point-blank lost interest.
    > Have a nice life, Eclipse.

    I'll see you around on skype, Carim.
  4. ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11054363_830189863717566_75501106096974221_n.jpg?oh=98fba7f33f732a44d4120b653e922ebc&oe=55B02C62&__gda__=1438272910_64a0847b149dc4c4db485b03735cc521)
  5. > ![](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/public/style_images/master/attachicon.gif)[WP_20150303_004.jpg](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?app=core&module=attach§ion=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=1475)
    > Yup. Finally dropped it.

    Never saw it coming, Cole, never saw it coming….
  6. Hey everyone, it's your good friend Dr.Yukiro. Recently Eclipse partnered with Jump Button Studios, they're game is neck to neck for first place in a competition currently which could mean a big leap for their team and a big leap for eclipse as a community. As a partner I've decided to try to offer them the support of eclipse to help them with their contest.

    So what does this mean for you? Where the hell is the giveaway? Well first I have a favor to ask you! We need you to lend a hand to JB Studios by voting for their game in the competition they're in. You can do this by going here [http://freevi.com/apps/95/Turbo-Finger-Swipe](http://freevi.com/apps/95/Turbo-Finger-Swipe)

    and voting for the game "Turbo Finger Swipe" you'll have to sign up, but no email verification is required, it will be quick and easy.

    The perks of this: When you sign up and vote, message me a screen shot and you'll get early access, in-game perks and more. It will be available on android and iphone (near future but still guaranteed perks).

    To kick this off and give some initiative I'm starting a giveaway, but the giveaway only applies to those who vote and send me a message, only you can be participants. People who participate will be chosen randomly.

    Items to be given at random:

    1.Xbox Live 3 months Gold Membership and or PSP 3 month membership

    2\. 5$ (paypal)

    3\. 10$ (paypal)

    4\. 15$ (paypal)

    5\. 20$ (paypal)

    4\. 5k forum points

    5\. Special Eclipse Rank

    You'll also be encouraged to share this among the social medias it would be much appreciated! The max you can win is 2 items.

    How you'll be chosen? Once you go through everything and send me a pm your name will be put on a list. If you "manage" to vote more than once, your name will be put up more than once and put through a random picker, meaning a better chance for a higher prize.

    There will be three random giveaways on top of all this, should their game come in first there will be an extra special surprise.

    **Edit: The contest is over.**
  7. > If you'd touched the hand of God he'd spit you out like a diasease.  You're lying to yourself.  As it's obvious to everyone with eyes you're still an unwealthy, marginalized, abused, unloved, hearing-impaired, very insecure of himself person.
    > If you'd found love you wouldn't be sharing your feelings on the Internet. If you weren't traumatized you wouldn't think so much about your white trash life and try to rationalize everything lying to youself with fallacies so nothing was your fault. And, if you had any real friends, you wouldn't make such an effort to maintain your virtual relationships nor spend so much time in here.
    > Now keep calling names while you're hiding behind a computer, it's only proof of a-) you doing here what you haven't ever done in real life because you have no balls due to having no father b-) you doing here what step daddy used to do to mommy. Choose wisely, low class scum.
    > Now I'd wish you good luck but you wouldn't know what to do with it if you got it.

    But I like Crest, and if I like Crest you can't be mean to him.
  8. Not sure about copy right here, but if I were you I'd at-least make it a website where you can also watch Pokemon, that alone will probably draw more as well as being able to communicate as a community. It's not the best site, but like everything it needs work. The forums have a dark feel, when I think of Pokemon I think of a joyful and 'bright' world. I'd go with a brighter theme, might be more appealing for that type of forum.

    What's the goal of the site? How do you plan to put it out there? Do you know your competition? What will make people want to visit your forums over the ones already well established? These are some things you could take into consideration. Keep on pushing though. Also, I like the current banner.

    Side Note: Peng made me laugh while reading the replies. I guess every forums needs a member who brings the spice, but as stated by Wing try not to come off as offensive. We're still determining if we want this to be a professional and less spoonfed environment or appeal to a younger crowd still.
  9. If you guys are serious we can set a donation goal, I'm not sure how that would be organized and a lot more planning would need to go into it. I have a car so either way I could do it, but it's a matter of where everyone is, how many people would show and how to account for those  people.

    When it would be done, where it would be done, how long it would be done etc.
  10. This has come up long before your time. The furthest we got was some members near each other who might or might not have met each other. We decided most of the anti social people would be too weird for this event. Not that I'd mind.
  11. > Some sort of review system or reputation will definitely be needed. Either way, this was about the only way I saw of making Eclipse make money again so good job!
    > Another idea may be supporting artists, music makers etc as well. Dont just limit yourself to plugins.
    > If the new language is decent I may submit some plugins myself!

    What do you propose on supporting artist @[member="Marsh"]
  12. > I feel like it could go two ways ultimately; for one, instead of writing an engine with a monetized plugin system that likely won't be secure (no offense but security is a very, VERY serious issue and requires professional expertise), you could maybe… write plugins for Unity that bring Mirage functionality to it and sell that? These issues work hand-in-hand. Attract more users, generate money through software and advertisement eliminating the NEED for donation or you could NEED donations to get the software, etc...
    > What about merchandise?

    Merchandise has come up in discussion, and some members agree. I'll actually make a poll about that, but with Merch it's a risky situation where as with the plugin method there's no risk vs work vs reward. However, I'd personally love to see Eclipse merch.
  13. > I wouldn't sell dated technology - before you can make money make suitable software. This is probably the only living Mirage based community that isn't an archive… I wouldn't count on the Mirage legacy continuing on for much longer especially with engines like Unity and now UDK being FREE.
    > In other words, I don't even think this should be a discussion yet... If money is an issue, the source is NOT the lack of member contribution therefore it shouldn't be a focus.
    > Hell, just having members still show up and actively post is a contribution in itself considering they are what keeps this website alive. This place needs to ATTRACT new people and maintain it, rather then focusing on the existing members. People like us have been here for a while and will continue to be.

    While I agree with this, totally, the fact of the matter is members should want to contribute to help the upkeep of the site( and a select few do, thanks). Like previously stated this is incentive for already existing members. Reaching a larger crowd is of course an objective, but I'd like them to have something proper to come to. So I'm getting the site together now first. Otherwise I'm throwing out an empty line with nothing for the fish to wan to cling to. The donation bit and getting members on the site are two different situations.

    I'd love this to be a happy go lucky site that ran on love and hard work, but it isn't. My focus for now is the upkeep of the site, otherwise new members will just come to a site that might go down eventually. Hence monetizing to a point where the site can pay for its self. Trying to do what my predecessors couldn't, but hopefully in a different and more reasonable fashion.
  14. Just to clear things up, I have no intention of forcing members to buy into anything. Also there's some discussion about the percentages as it's agreed that it's irrational to have much less go towards the site. The site would make the sales more possible to begin with, next bit is that still I want a percentage to go towards EW (a.k.a) Seth as more incentive to work on the engine as he's putting a lot of time and effort into it.

    Don't be mistaken, that's temporary, most of this is trial and error. Nothing can grow without trial. A new engine is in the works and I'd be upset if we charged members for something in vb6\. Really it's just a rough draft but the idea is to offer more perks to members who donate as well, instead of just a user group. 

    It gives some people more incentive to donate and everyone is happy. Amish wanted people to overpay for an outdated engine, this is nothing like that. We're asking you to donate to help evolve, but not forcing this on you. There is no closed source, and for the most part everything will run the same.

    However I'll be totally honest, while looking for ways to monetize the plugin system we're working on seems to be the best option. Of course not in vb6, rather VB.Net with an engine that's actually worth it. This site will be more of a member economy, we'll just claim a percentage for offering a trading centre, I don't think this is wrong. Tons of money flow through my site and I ask for nothing at all from the talent centre, but I have to pay for the site in which people are using to offer their goods, is it fair to ask for a percentage and look out for myself as well?

    My goals have not changed as far as offering the members what they want, but I need to take care of myself too. I have a kid on the way and I blew money on this site, to be blunt I'm going to turn this into a business, but my objective is to keep the spirit of the site the same, not force people to pay for an engine and have everyone be able to offer their talents for free or for money.
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