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Posts posted by Link

  1. My project will be the wonder system, It will be hmm my own version of Eclipse and will include, the pet system, and more features and well I haven't thought it all up but it will be another EO or something like that but I will try to make it better.
  2. Kibbelz, learn to read before you post, I can program….I happen to have started a game from scratch so don't try to judge any skills I have what so ever because you don't get to do that on this forum, stop acting like a child and trying to be cool by posting stupid ass things to make yourself look like you have some experience because if you want to do that take that sh** somewhere else either download the programs or not...I didn't ask for irrelevant ass remarks from some kid.

    ~Tousen~ btw you can't program for sh** so you really shouldn't have the nerve to talk, or the balls if you even still have any, you want to act like a smart ass and I will make you feel like in incompetent, retarded idiot.
  3. Honestly I don't dislike any negative comments because I could care less, as I said before I made them in spare time and wouldn't mind to take request.  If you want to try them go on and post on how it worked then go ahead, 'if not one comment about them being useless was enough' so why keep repeating what someone already said? as for those who actually downloaded it thanks, and your right (I make smaller programs just to make sure I'm not forgetting or losing my coding skills.)
  4. These are two programs I took a little bt of time out to make for you guys, one is a text to speech(You enter text click speak, and then the computer says what you typed,still some kinks to be worked out like how the pc says them but hey have fun.)

    (secondly one I like myself is the spammer bot in which you input text press start and click where you want spam spam to be out put and when your  done just click stop.)

    Soon I will be releasing the eclipse origins client with the pet system included in which I kinked up myself just in-case some are having trouble with that.

    Text to speech:[http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GRZVH293](http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GRZVH293)

    [New] Rock Paper Scissors game, thanks to some more tutoring from a friend zesh I have made my first mini game in VB enjoy [http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KQZRJG0B](http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KQZRJG0B)
                  I will add more self-made programs like screen recorders, pianos,calculators, even programs for Eclipse
  5. A recruitment system is where you can have a team of four and it allows you to recruit an enemy after beating them, weather you recruit them is up to the percentage rate at which they can be recruited and after you recruit you can switch to that recruited team member, it would be great if you could at least make an attempt and if you did the pet this should be cake because it's easier.
  6. Hi everyone, I'm ~Tousen~ and today I am posting here in the creation of my new pokemon mystery dungeon mmorpg (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon's United) and it will have many great features and some even better than that of PMU it's self.

    What makes this different from any other (PMD mmorpg) is the fact I am using a system made by lightning a (pet system) for it and (added in my own kinks) so how it works , the second Pokemon you recruit to your team can be (Summoned) to aid you fallow you etc like the cartoon where they actually help each other instead of having to always switch like PMU etc… they will not only be able to help def but also even attack a selected target and it's an optional choice to have your Pokemon team member or in the future hopefully member's(That you recruit) fallow you which no other Pokemon mystery dungeon mmorpg has.

    This will take place in the modern Pokemon world in the Pokemon world, we will start fresh and all on one page.

    Me as the leader I will do mostly some of everything..code in VB,Map,Make npc's,Items etc....but only partially I would like to have a fully dedicated team!

    Team spots:
    Mappers:3 exp needed Medium or High!
    Scripter:1 exp needed Medium
    Coder:1 exp needed-Medium
    GM:1 exp needed-Medium
    GUI artist:1 exp needed-Medium

    Some features:
    Pet system:100%
    Client :Eclipse Origins 2.0!

    About myself:I code in Vb not super great but a nice amount of exp,Great mapper,Good leader,15 years of age,I also code in c++,java,Html, and batch, Ive already made one game(PUN) and hope for this one to be better.

    If you want to apply just post on this topic or message me personally!
  7. No one is spamming for the pet, because a free source has been released by lighting lol but before that this was a sweet deal I must admit what you may want to do is make a recruitment system since there are many pokemon game makers on the forum *Wink*
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