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Posts posted by Kijurika

  1. @SoiWilliamSoi:

    > Seeing that I can read, and I can comprehend most writing, I can understand how you are typing. The way you use it still makes it sound identical to what I pointed out. You lack come backs. You just keep telling me I'm getting defensive. I'm not though, I'm simply discussing in a manner that you find defensive to the subject.
    > And OP means Original Poster, and that is you.

    Well I'm sorry if I made it sound like that. All I was just starting a discussion about people destroying their lives with stupid discussions. To be honest I was in that point at a time but I got myself out. It's the examples people set for youth that gives them concepts that can set them in the wrong direction


    > > Have you ever thought about social life in high school/college? When I take a moment and think it makes me laugh to myself. How did our world come to a point where people who have no interest in life but to get out of school and be a *gangster rapper* become the heart and soul of 74% of youth?
    > There are tons of reasons why people have failed in life all around the world, and for OP to claim that 74% of the assumed worlds youth have no interest in anything else besides becoming a rapper is such bullshit.
    > Overall OP is a possible social reject and can't think of anything else to discuss besides the fact that he most likely can't be "hard" (In more ways that one).

    Cool story bro. I'm the social reject and your the one online trolling people you don't know

  2. @SoiWilliamSoi:

    > They are only around here every 17 years :(.

    Same here. You live in USA?


    > @SoiWilliamSoi:
    > > @Kijurika:
    > >
    > > > I hate ALL bugs. Bugs are ducking annoying. I'm terrified of Sicadas though..
    > > >
    > > > And all stink bugs need to die. If they get into your local area you'll likely wake up each morning with a few in your hair and maybe 1 in your mouth if you sleep with your mouth open
    > >
    > > Cicadas are pimp. I hate the noise but they are so good for fishing. I think everything eats those poor bastards.
    > haha he's terrified of cicada's… an insect that will never bite or attack you in any way :) and if you are stuck in the bush are pretty good to roast on a fire and eat (nice and juicy)
    > They can live for a long time without their bodies... Birds eat the bodies, dump the head/wings/legs, so you get these zombie like cicada's crawling around... without bodies, but everything else still in place
    > mate, I have not had a good cicada run for years... we used to get plagues here every 7 years. I recall me and my sisters gathering boxes and boxes worth of them but that stopped, not sure if it's climate related...
    > But this is the beginning of Summer in Australia.. we should be hearing thousands of them clicking away.. but im here, its 8am and I can't hear one, not one :/

    You should be happy XD I hate those things. Idc if they dont bite or attack xDD i'm less cared of snakes.
  3. @Devo:

    > @Dungoof:
    > > Puh-lease, nigga. Yo, OP, you're just jealous cause you don't got the flow like we do. Try bringing your Wiki statistics up in the eight-one-two. We'll steal your duckin watch, brah.
    > Yo, they do much Vb6 programming in the hood?

  4. @SoiWilliamSoi:

    > @Kijurika:
    > > I hate ALL bugs. Bugs are ducking annoying. I'm terrified of Sicadas though..
    > >
    > > And all stink bugs need to die. If they get into your local area you'll likely wake up each morning with a few in your hair and maybe 1 in your mouth if you sleep with your mouth open
    > Cicadas are pimp. I hate the noise but they are so good for fishing. I think everything eats those poor bastards.

    You can fish with them? :o

    Only reason I don't like them is because they end up all over you when you go outside. (When they're out anyway) And I'm not a big insect fan  :icon_crap:
  5. @SoiWilliamSoi:

    > @Kijurika:
    > > @SoiWilliamSoi:
    > >
    > > > It's really not rap that puts them on the streets. It's the shit they experience throughout their life which makes them addicted to drugs and other things. Why do you think they make this "gangster" rap. This topic makes hardly any sense. People don't just end up on the streets due to someone saying something in a song. Quit being a 12 year old trying to look like you have a future full of golden streets and wine.
    > >
    > > Uhh why the hurt feelings?
    > >
    > > For one you must of not read the topic. I never said rap puts people on the street I said its the moronic nature of people these days. Most would rather put looking good and being "hard" over having a job and a good life. And when these people have kids the kids generally become the same way.
    > >
    > > Please dont get touchy over a discussion topic especially if _you_ don't even know what your getting touchy about.
    > @Kijurika:
    > > Have you ever thought about social life in high school/college? When I take a moment and think it makes me laugh to myself. How did our world come to a point where people who have no interest in life but to get out of school and be a *gangster rapper* become the heart and soul of 74% of youth?
    > Honestly _bro_ I don't know of anyone. and I do mean ANYONE. Who would position themselves in this situation to where they would RATHER live on the streets than make it for themselves. Shit just happens. I took the liberty of quoting you so that you can read what you posted before. And no one said I was getting touchy. I just find it to be a completely idiotic topic to begin with. You got "statistics" off of a website that anyone can edit, plus you have a mindset of a child. Would you rather we be fascists? That would do us some good ;D. That way no one can fail. Am I right?

    Actually if you can understand any type of writing you would understand I used rapper as an example of people trying to do. It's more of an example people set which potentially ruins peoples lives. It's a discussion no need to get defensive.


    > Puh-lease, nigga. Yo, OP, you're just jealous cause you don't got the flow like we do. Try bringing your Wiki statistics up in the eight-one-two. We'll steal your duckin watch, brah.



    > > Have you ever thought about social life in high school/college? When I take a moment and think it makes me laugh to myself. How did our world come to a point where people who have no interest in life but to get out of school and be a *gangster rapper* become the heart and soul of 74% of youth?
    > There are tons of reasons why people have failed in life all around the world, and for OP to claim that 74% of the assumed worlds youth have no interest in anything else besides becoming a rapper is such bullshit.
    > Overall OP is a possible social reject and can't think of anything else to discuss besides the fact that he most likely can't be "hard" (In more ways that one).

    Who's this OP? your getting me confused.
  6. @Kijurika:

    > I hate ALL *INSECTS*. *INSECTS* are ducking annoying. I'm terrified of Sicadas though..
    > And all stink bugs need to die. If they get into your local area you'll likely wake up each morning with a few in your hair and maybe 1 in your mouth if you sleep with your mouth open

    fixed  ;D
  7. @SoiWilliamSoi:

    > It's really not rap that puts them on the streets. It's the shit they experience throughout their life which makes them addicted to drugs and other things. Why do you think they make this "gangster" rap. This topic makes hardly any sense. People don't just end up on the streets due to someone saying something in a song. Quit being a 12 year old trying to look like you have a future full of golden streets and wine.

    Uhh why the hurt feelings?

    For one you must of not read the topic. I never said rap puts people on the street i said its the moronic nature of people these days. Most would rather put looking good and being "hard" over having a job and a good life. And when these people have kids the kids generally become the same way.

    Please dont get touchy over a discussion topic especially if _you_ don't even know what your getting touchy about.
  8. I hate ALL bugs. Bugs are fucking annoying. I'm terrified of Sicadas though..

    And all stink bugs need to die. If they get into your local area you'll likely wake up each morning with a few in your hair and maybe 1 in your mouth if you sleep with your mouth open
  9. @mattt183:

    > Granted, but then a hobo asked for some, you refused and then the hobo came and killed you  :evil:
    > I wish I didn't have to study for exams

    Granted but you failed them for being lazy and not studying ;D
  10. @Icie:

    > Just continue producing and working on your GUI skills and listen to the guys around here, as blunt as they are. You'll eventually notice your skills getting better. Read some of the tutorials around here as well for GUI's, that should help too.
    > Good luck!


    > @Kijurika:
    > > @Marsh:
    > >
    > > > It looks awesome in some screenshots and odd in others. It seems like some of the stuff is really polished and nice looking while others just look crappy. Not sure whats up with that, but looks like it could be a decent game.
    > >
    > > Thanks Marsh! What do you mean about the different screenshots? Which ones look bad?
    > The ingame GUI looks pretty polished. The text could use a tad bit of fixing but it looks really good. But then the other parts of the GUI just look unfinished and alot simpler then the rest.


    > Thanks for all the feedback guys. I'm doing a new GUI and tiles. To be completely honest I'm 300x better than what I posted. I was just trying a new style. Didn't come out to good though eh? XD
    > _Please_ turn on anti-aliasing whilst handling text in your GUIs.
    > The decent backgrounds you've used clash horribly with your own sub-par work. I suggest you improve your skills considerably before making your GUIs public or get someone else to do them.
  11. @Marsh:

    > It looks awesome in some screenshots and odd in others. It seems like some of the stuff is really polished and nice looking while others just look crappy. Not sure whats up with that, but looks like it could be a decent game.

    Thanks Marsh! What do you mean about the different screenshots? Which ones look bad?


    > _Please_ turn on anti-aliasing whilst handling text in your GUIs.
    > The decent backgrounds you've used clash horribly with your own sub-par work. I suggest you improve your skills considerably before making your GUIs public or get someone else to do them.

    Uhh.. I made the backgrounds o_o. And can you tell me which parts aren't good? I know the Main Menu needs work but I thought the others were pretty good.
  12. @Jeff:

    > Evolution.  How the duck do you think it works?  The people who are too lazy to learn, or don't learn, end up dead.  Thats how the world works, I do believe.

    Yeah. The only problem is when they don't end up dead and have kids. That's when more people become like this it creates a cycle that grows and grows. And eventually 2x-3x more people die that don't have to.


    > One of the few ways natural selection is working in 1st world countries is when the druggies and criminals are killed off and put into prison before they have a chance to reproduce to much. Plus dont take anything you find on wikipedia to seriously. Its not known for having the most reliable information, better to just use it to get a brief overview.

    Ahh I see. Thanks for that i'll remember it next time im using a source XD
  13. Have you ever thought about social life in high school/college? When I take a moment and think it makes me laugh to myself. How did our world come to a point where people who have no interest in life but to get out of school and be a *gangster rapper* become the heart and soul of 74% of youth?

    I got a few percentages off of Wikipedia

    87% Of people who are considered "hard" end up on the streets,dead, or in a ghetto neighborhood surviving off of welfare.

    93% Of people who are raised in families like this are at a 5th grade education level and become drug addicts, drunks or dead.

    12% of people in America are considered these (not including dead) It goes to show what kind of society we will be living in , in the near future.

    Do any of you have feed back on your opinion of this?
  14. ![](http://i52.tinypic.com/2rqlvdz.png)

    Introduction to Ever Wind

    I could sit here and bore you with generic facts about typical RPGs. Especially ones made with Eclipse. But I'm not here to do that. I'm here to hype up about a huge project I am working on. And to do this I'm going to have to seperate old generic RPGs from Ever Wind.

    ~~ Ever Wind is a 2D MORPG. While Ever Wind holds up most of the typical values of almost any MORPG, Ever Wind is quite a bit different. The goal of Ever Wind is to create a community where players can freely do as they please. so the game isn't like most others, it's not about getting the strongest weapon and being over powered. It's about interacting, if you wish to play the game as a generic RPG that's one option among competing **_fun_** events that will be hosted by a hosting engine that will have special instances. These include Gravity Races, Chance Games, and many more. If events don't appeal to you, you can create an online life where you can cut trees and collect lumber to build a house, fish to sell to local merchants and collect money, make a public or private community with a Governor, taxes, player owned shops, ect, ect.
      If none of these appeal to you then Ever Wind probably isn't the game for you. Come try Ever Wind. Because reality is over-rated.

    What is Being Done?

    As you should know Ever Wind is not completed. Mainly because of it's custom engine being created as we speak by our very talented programmer, Puppet, or Joshua (from Mirage Realms). While the engine is being programmed, I have the honor of doing everything GFX wise for the project. Also, while both of those are being accomplished our Web Master, Kilonox, is creating and hosting the Ever Wind site.

      Below is a progress tracker. I will _regularly_ update it to the current situation of development.

    >! ~Sprites- 20%
    ~Tiles- 15%
    ~Engine- 30%
    ~Website- 10%
    ~GUI- 100% (Completed  ;D)
    ~In Game Content- 0%


    >! *Advanced Event System
    >! >! This system is a automated NPC which hosts events when an Event Team Admin is offline. This bot can be turned on and off from the server and makes Event Calls which come up on screen as a sleek ,semi transparent notifier. If the player wishes to go to the effect he clicks "Warp". When enough players are in the Event Waiting Room waiting for the Event to start a Warning Call is made as 1 last shot to join. When that call is over the event starts. Whoever is declared winner of the event is rewarded the default reward for that event. This reward is usually Event Coins which can be saved up for a long period of time to buy holiday rares, and collectibles.
    >! *Community System
    >! >! The Community System is a very powerful system. It allows for a player with enough money to send an application to own a community. When this community is created the player receives 10 blank maps, and a editor (somewhat like the admin panel) where they can admit a player a member of the community, assign a player as a judge, police, or store owner. They can also assign houses that they can map and attribute to a certain player. These 10 maps are only editor by the owner of the community and they can only open their editor while in bounds of their community.
    >! *Fun Combat
    >! >! Is it just me or are you tired of the same old crappy vb6 ORPG combat system? I know I am, so in Ever Wind there will be a fun and indulging combat system where particles are used for spells, not ugly 2d frame animations. There are fun effects for spells and weapons. There is rare armor and weapon buffs that you get from defeating **_hard_** bosses in event raids in which you need atleast 5 players to aid you on. This also includes a 8 directional movement, pixel movement system. Sprinting skills, arrows that automatically shoot at the direction of your target. Magic that isn't overpowered. And last but not least, legitimate wars. These wars are explained below.
    >! *War System
    >! >! The War System is Ever Wind is another way for players to interact and have fun at the same time. When your Nation's Emporer wages war on another Nation a capture point is activated. This capture point is usually on a pretty tall mountain, or in a deep cave that requires getting through obstacles to get to. To win the capture point 4 Nation members must be in the capture point and, well capture it. To do this you defeat the capture point's statue (Doesn't move or attack but has a good amount of health). When the statue is defeated you must hold your capture for 3 minutes. If the opposing Nation kills the players controlling the capture point the statue is reset and the opposing nation must do the same and hold it for 3 minutes to win the war. Winning a war gives your nation a large spending budget that the Emporer divides into the Nation's members for better war equipment. If you take the money and leave the nation for another nation it is called Nation Hopping and you can be jailed for it.

    Those are all of the major features that are going to be added. There are many more but those are the major ones that I think catch the most attention.

    Sneak Peaks!

    Here are a few sneak peaks of the GFX. The maps are made in ES, I just randomly found a copy on my PC and threw together a map for tile examples.

    Tile Examples:

    >! ![](http://i55.tinypic.com/1zz3qde.jpg)


        Main Menu:

    >! ![](http://i55.tinypic.com/2q1s85v.jpg)

      Character Creation:

    >! ![](http://i54.tinypic.com/2q2h92x.jpg)

      In Game

    >! ![](http://i53.tinypic.com/2zhqfzk.jpg)


    I would like to thank and credit the following people~

    Half Kaizer~ For his sprite template which we are using to base our sprites off of.

    Joshua/Puppet~ For offering his amazing programming and support through Ever Wind's progression.

    Robin~ For inspiration from your avatar/signature, for the color scheme of the GUI.

    Mirage Source~ For a great, stable source to base our engine on.

    Kilonox~ For offering his great HTML and hosting services.

    The Eclipse Community~ For inspiring many aspiring game developers as myself, to pursue a project.


    No news at this time. All news will be put here, so check back regularly!

    Thanks For Reading!

    ~From the Ever Wind Team.
  15. PS:This is not for unexperienced Eclipsers and/or unexperienced ORPG developers. If you don't understand it, either: 1) You should't be reading the topic. Or 2) I messed something up in the tutorial that you should post.

    How To Make A Professional GUI

    Okay. In this tutorial I will be using Photoshop CS3\. Paint.net should work too.

    Step 1: Aquiring Size~

    Okay so you don't want your GUI to be too big or too small right? A way to not let this happen is first determine the number of buttons on your GUI. If you only need 3 buttons, it's a good idea not to make a 600x600 GUI.

    To make it the size you like, click: File>New

    This should appear:

    >! ![](http://i55.tinypic.com/ws5rp2.jpg)

    Make sure where it says "pixels" on that image that it says pixels there on your new image. Now, change the 300's to whatever your sizes are going to be (I'm going to create a 300x300 GUI)

    Click "OK" and you should have a image with a bunch of white and gray squares on it like a checkerboard. This means it's transparent, you need this.

    Step 2: Making Outlines.

    In any GUI you dont want a just plain flat edging image. You always want a border in a GUI no matter how small the border is. To get a good shape for a border select the "Rectangular Marquee Tool"

    It should look like this:

    >! ![](http://i53.tinypic.com/2ztlnbq.jpg)

    Now click the bottom right corner of the first white square you see in the top left corner and drag your mouse to about the same distance from the edge on the opposite corner

    It should look like this:

    >! ![](http://i56.tinypic.com/2eclxj5.jpg)

    Now click Select>Inverse.

    It should look like this now:

    >! ![](http://i54.tinypic.com/i44fw1.jpg)

    Now make a new layer and select the color,blending properties, and effects of the border and fill it in.

    I will make more tutorials to correspond with this one soon.

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