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Posts posted by iSKweek

  1. Robin would be the only one that knows. You can try changing the save function,thingy for player stuff to save in .txt format and check, or you can just try changing the names in the source and see if it works. Pretty sure it is just numbers though.
  2. I'm on my phone so it is hard to see the picture, but if I am correct you want to change how big the game screen is on the gui. Basically you just need to change picScreens size. Sorry if this is wrong.
  3. Haha, well at least everything is good now. Did you learn your lesson though? :P That is, to not start work on a game or anything until you have the engine finalised? :P
  4. Sorry, calm down. We can never be sure unless you specifically state that. Anyway, try downloading a fresh copy of EO and add your maps and NPCs one by one (running the game and server after adding each one) until it stops working. Then you can figure out which map/NPC is causing this problem.
  5. Look for```
    ' ********************************************
    ' Default starting location [Server Only]
    Public Const START_MAP As Long = 1
    Public Const START_X As Long = 5
    Public Const START_Y As Long = 5
    ```in modConstants (server side) and change the values to what you want.
  6. @William:

    > I actually ate some yummy yummy pie today at my grandmother's. I didn't even know it was Pi day. I'm sure glad the coincidence happened ;).

    Coincidence, or fate?

    *dramatic background music*
  7. Sorry I was kinda rude before lol, I was having a bad day and was in a hurry when I read it.

    Basically when you send packets to the server or to the client you need to use writelong, writestring etc. You use ReadLong, ReadString etc when you are receiving a packet. If you let me know exactly what the packet is supposed to do I will help you write it out as an apology for being rude.
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