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Posts posted by iSKweek

  1. Personally I think we need a list of most (or all) of the functions with an explanation of the parameters and what it is used for. Just something to possibly add to your to-do list.
  2. > ![](http://www.speedtest.net/result/2182704813.png)
    > Same, I'm paying $65/month. This thread depresses me so much.

    Well Dodo is your issue…

    Although I do pay $90 a month for mine.

  3. Now if only Australia can follow suit, not that it matters because I don't leave my house much. It'd still be nice knowing I could get married if I really wanted to.
  4. Kony was indicted in '05 and has been hiding since then. The video was made in '06\. Why is everyone caring about this crap now? The worst of it is over.
  5. Honestly the first sentence is silly. Don't try and build an engine if you are just learning a language. Build a small game. Use that game base to continuously add more and more to, eventually getting to a 2d single player game. You don't have a huge chance of success with building an engine from scratch from the beginning, trust me, I've been there.

    Either way, here is a site that can help you lay down something simple. It isn't the best of code but it will guide you through creating a 2D sidescroller base. http://www.sdltutorials.com/sdl-tutorial-basics
  6. As much as it would make Robin cringe, why not just open up EO as something everyone can actually add to. I know that it will result in bugs galore, but IIRC from lurking years ago, everyone had stuff to add and there was a lot more content posted. I think Soul was working on something like this a while after Robin retired. Could've been someone else though.

    Also, ignore any fail sentence structure, I just woke up.
  7. Nobody was making fun of being gay in a serious sense…

    And if you give up just because some strangers on the internet say you can't do it then you probably can't.

    And you can lock it yourself.
  8. @Gwendalin:

    > You can tell most gays just by talking to them, or even just watching them. They dont have to tell you they are gay or not. Their mannerisms, tone of voice, and so on give them away just fine.

    I disagree with that. Unless you have met every homosexual person in the world it is unfair to say that most people fit the stereotype.
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