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Posts posted by mattt183

  1. If you can't do any of that, you could do an idea that I just thought of, which is make a spell, and make it instantly damage the enemy, so it looks like your firing the gun/bow/projectile/whatever, but it goes so fast you can't see it
  2. Yes, Lordan Online is another one of those medieval games. I know that so many people before me have made medieval games, and many more will. But I will work my hardest to make this game enjoyable, and if you don’t like it, then go ahead, play another game. But anyway, here’s some information about Lordan Online.

    Info about Factions

    >! Humans- very brave beings, fast runners.
    Elf- A species that devote most of there time to nature and helping it, They use only things from nature, and many creatures
    aid them in battle, great with archery, magic, and are intellegent.
    Dwarves- very good with metals, stubborn and will do many things if bribed with riches, slow, and is good with heavy gear.
    Paldreans- people made out of metal and electronics, very strong, very slow runners
    Hovi- Great explorers, curious, yet peaceful.
    Orcs- large creatures, mostly use heavy weapons, slow runners, very strong
    Trolls- huge creatures, strongest of all, use big weapons (like trees), super slow
    Shalos- creatures with black robes, no feet, faces, or bodies (technically just floating robes with weapons), use big shadow
    swords and throwing axe
    Pulnub: Sea creatures, who spend there time on the bottom of the ocean, Many have never seen land, or creatures that inhabbit it.
    Can survive in both land and water, but all live in water.
    Keepers of Time- Very ancient race of elements, these elementals are huge. They are very strong and smart, and very skilled with spells, and can control almost anything.
    Story line

    >! Note that the lore is not just for player classes, it is also for NPC's, and that the factions have their own lore, not all bunched up
    >! Keepers of Time- This race of ancient elementals are the ancestors of all the races. They came from raging fires, massive typhoons, and great earthquakes. They are very rare today, yet some still stand. The elementals lived in a crazy world, with many  natural disasters, such as the ones that formed them. The elementals also fought against each other, and lived in chaos. They  fought so hard, that because of the elementals fighting, many holes and canyons were formed. The biggest mountains are just dead earth elementals. The oceans were formed because of a big fight were many water elementals died, fighting fire elementals and earth elementals, forming underwater volcanoes. Over time, the elementals became very smart and learned everything about the planet
    Kurania. They knew about all of the secrets, and how to alter things with the flick of a finger. The battles got much more intense and the elementals were on the verge of becoming extinct. Not all of those elementals wanted to fight though. A group of elementals broke off and were called The Keepers of Time. The Keepers of Time were a peaceful group that was searching very hard for a way to end the world, not so they could use it, but so they could protect it from the elementals that wanted to fight and kill their enemies. The Keepers of Time searched very hard and finally, after many many years, the Keepers of Time finally found it. They, to this day they defend it with their lives, and attack anything that comes close to figuring the secret out. The elementals kept attacking each other as the Keepers of Time went into hiding, taking the secrets with them. The elementals kept fighting and fighting until there was only one left, who later went and joined the Keepers of Time. The Keepers thought that the world of Kurania was dull and weak, so they made life forms to inhabit the planet. It took lots of thinking and revisions, but the Keepers finally found a type of life form. They started with making a life form that had scales to protect itself, can breath underwater, and can move swiftly with a tail and fins to escape from enemies. The Keepers called this life form a fish. These fish were very successful, so successful that the Keepers wanted to make a different, better life form. They made a taller being with scales, smarter, and a carnivore, to survive on the fish. They made this being so they could go on both sea and land, moving on its' tail. The Keepers were very pleased with this life form, and named it Pulnub. This race quickly became a dominate race. It evolved with legs, so they could walk on land, for that had more food to eat. The Keepers watched over them, except stopped when they started war. After that, the Keepers just stayed full time on keeping the races of Kurania from finding the secret of destroying the world.
    >! Pulnub- This is a race, made directly from the Keepers of Time, and rules the oceans. This is a dominate race, and is known most by their famous weapon, the trident. The first Pulnub, named Daseth, did many heroic things for the Pulnub race to survive. At the beginning, when he was first created, and the Pulnub race began, he was sent to the sea to reproduce and survive. He used his
    teeth to make a spear, to use to hunt for fish to eat. He had many sons and daughters to increase the numbers of the Pulnubs. One day the sons began fighting against each other. They fought very hard and were threatening each other that they would kill. Daseth got very worried, and after an attempt of a son trying to kill his brother, Daseth knew he had to sacrifice himself to stop their fighting. After he was dead the sons finally realized that they should have never fought, and they never fought again after that. They started to reproduce and now there are about 50 Pulnubs in the world. One of Daseth's grandsons named Glaenn was in to inventing new better ways of doing things. Glaenn made a new invention, called a trident. This trident was a spear with three points on it. This proved to be very effective in killing fish. Now the Pulnubs didn't have to worry if their first stab didn't kill the fish, for it stabs it three times at a time. The Pulnubs became very excited about this new invention. They began to not have to focus as much on hunting, but could now focus on other things, and started inventing a lot of new things, such as underwater houses, to protect against the terrible hurricanes and typhoons. The Pulnubs began building more and more things, and
    inventing more and more things to improve their race. The Keepers of Time became very proud of them, but kept out of there way, so they could continue inventing and building more things. The Pulnubs began exploring the vast reaches of the ocean, and learned many things, such as huge sea shells could serve as a great thing to protect themselves against other things. They began to carve out sea shells also, and put it around their body, and saw that it protected them from spikes when they are hunting, and started wearing it regularly, and called it armor. The Pulnubs invented some more things, kept building, but after a while the inventions stopped coming and not as much things happened.  They still strive today.
    >! Hovi- The Hovi is a very curious and peaceful race. These Hovi evolved from the Pulnubs, finding better things on land, such as more food sources. The Hovi liked it look at things, and figure out how they worked. They quickly found that killing mammals, could give you more than killing fish could. From a mammal you could eat the meat inside of it, and also you could use the fur, for making many things, such as cloths that they would put on in the cold seasons. They also quickly learned that bark on a tree was very strong, and you could cut some of it down, slowly, and use the hard material to make houses, with fur covering the outside. This was a great thing, for now they could stay warmer in the cold seasons, and the harsh winds would not seam as harsh as before. The Hovi explored the great reaches of land, down to the last pebble. They found out many things, such as farming, and how to plant seeds efficiently. A great hunter named Olalin, figured out how to track different animals, something that was impossible to do underwater. He soon became the king of the Hovi's, also something new. Never before was there anyone ruling above others. One day, a very brave hunter, by the name of Erigolind, stumbled upon a cave while searching for food. He thought there might be something living in the cave that he could use to eat, so he went in. When he went in, he found a Hovi, that had been missing for years. The Hovi he saw was not like any other Hovi, and at first didn't recognize it was a Hovi. The new Hovi had grown green, a little bit taller, and much stronger. This was a mean Hovi, and tried to attack Erigolind, but was too slow for him, and Erigolind went to tell the Hovi people, which decided to let him live by himself, and to not interact with him at all. The Hovi's still are curious and peaceful, and are looking for new things everyday.
    >! Orcs- The first Orc, coming from the Hovi race, was named Grunak, and with being let along became crazy in a matter of days. He hunted as all the other Hovi's did and did everything else the Hovi's did, because it was his instinct. After he reproduced some times, he began to learn new ways to do thing, because his new body restrains him from doing most of what the Hovi's do. He liked to built many things, and cut down much of the forest because of his building passion. he built many barricades and big buildings to protect himself from enemies. He learned how to  use tree bark as weapons and armor, and started to attack the Hovi. The Hovi only defended themselves, and never attacked the Orcs back. The Orcs, once had a great leader named Borag, who used many resources
    to make the Orc race very rich. One of those ways was Chopping down wood, selling it to the Hovi's and then attacking them and stealing it back, and then they would sell that same piece of wood, attack the Hovi's, etc. That was the most popular with the Orcs. They also sold things for very high prices to the Pulnubs, who couldn't get any of these things, leading to an alliance between the two races. This was a very profitable in Orc history. Once Borag died, the Orcs still did the same things that Borag taught them to do, and got a bad reputation, but the Orcs didn't care at all, they just wanted to become more powerful, and to overcome their enemies. One day, a Orc named Gogar, began to understand the Hovi ways, and was to scared to speak up about it, but he began to practice the Hovi ways, and became very Intelligent, close to nature, and good at archery. He began to break away from the Orcs, and go his own path. The Orcs, to this day sell, and attack their enemies, and still don't care about what other people think about them, they just want the power.
    >! Elf- The first elf, called Esgalven, was nice, calm, peaceful, and one with nature. He hated all of the Orcs, cutting down so much trees. He fought against the Orcs, with his sons, and killed a few, but almost was overcome, before he found out of his new power. This was an extraordinary power, and was very grateful that he had it. Esgalven had the power to become friends with animals, and
    to get them to help him fight the Orcs. He became close friends with one fox, he named Felyaeth, after his father. Esgalven and his fox friend became very close, and fight side by side at every battle, and would die for each other. One sad day, as Esgalven was exploring, some Orcs ambushed him, killed both him and his fox, and took all of his goods. Elves rarely hunted, and only did if
    it was a life or death mater. They did not want to hurt other animals, but now they were forever enemies of the Orcs, but wanted to hold off on the fighting, for it might hurt some animals. The elves never hunted, and only ate food from plants. One very smart elf named Talren studied plants and how they worked. He found out that little hard shells came off of bushes and trees, and he
    called these hard shells, seeds. He found that if you buried them in the ground, and then watered the ground and gave it sunlight, the seed would turn into a baby plant, which would produce food to eat. Now the Elves didn't have to search for food any more. They grew a lot of food, and never went hungry again. One day, a very heroic elf, named Birmiel, was a short elf, and his ears
    didn't end in a point, instead, his ears rounded. He went on alone, and lived alone, and started a new race, called Humans.
    >! Humans- Humans are very brave and heroic. At first, the human race almost died, but the elves closely watched over them, and protected them. Humans always hated the Orcs from the beginning of their existence. They wanted to fight them, but both the Humans, and the Elves knew better than that. The Human race grew very very fast, and grew very very strong. The first king of the humans
    was named Halamar, did many great things. He went out, first person in battle and never surrendered. He invented this new thing, It was built with this new strong material they found in the ground, and called it stone. This new thing he invented was stacking a lot of stone on top of each other, to make a huge, very very strong, house. He called it a castle. This was very new, and no
    weapon they tried could penetrate the castle walls. This was very effective, and could now start attacking the Orcs. One great general named Adam, knew how to ambush the Orcs, yet be safe. He would send out some scout, which purposely tried to get ambushed by the Orcs, but ran towards the castle, with the Orcs following the scouts. Once the Orcs get close enough the humans ambushed the orcs that tried to ambush the humans and kill the orcs. This worked very well and barely any orcs survived. The human race spread quickly, and humans became the main race in Kurania. One day, a human, was very very short, yet very strong compared to  other humans, especially compared to his size. The small humans name was metalfoot. He went off, after being laughed at for his size, and formed a new race, called the Dwarves.
    >! Dwarves- The dwarves are a very short and greedy race. They all started with Metalfoot. He was neglected as a human, until he ran away. He found minerals, and round that they were very shiny, and he could get lots of money by selling it. He quickly became rich, and became greedy for more. He made offspring, and all of them were very greedy too. They found a rock, and put some wood on it,
    and named it a pickax. They used this to cut other rocks, and started to make many things from it. They sold very much of these rocks to the humans, which mainly used it to make castle, but not all of it. The dwarves, themselves like to use it for their buildings, if they were not selling it. They became very close to the humans, after centuries of trade. They would help them build things, and also, would sometimes fight some battles with the humans. One dwarf, named, Bronzejaw, was just going through his normal routine, mining day and night, when he came across a mineral no one had come across before. It was yellow, and shiny. He showed this to many other dwarves, and they said they would pay him for it. They used it for decorations, which they showed off to others, which were jealous of the fancy new decoration. This gold quickly became very valuable, and Bronzejaw became very rich, very fast. This gold, quickly became the main type of currency. They used it to make many different things. They were fascinated about how much people would do to get their hands on some of this, and quickly became very very greedy. They not only wanted gold, but also wanted to make something that would help them fight wars, this would make it so they didn't lose, and their riches were not stolen. They quickly made a man made of metal. They called it a Paldrean, and quickly went out to make more, to defend their homeland.
    >! Paldreans- The Paldreans all started with the Dwarves making them. The dwarves kept on making them, and making them. They would not stop. Most of the Paldreans don't have names, and are thought of only as robots, not having a conscience, but they would be wrong, very wrong. The Dwarves accidentally made them so advanced, it would be easy to rebel if they wanted to, but the
    Paldreans didn't want to, because they would not be able to survive without the Dwarves, and so they "played dumb". They were very happy with the dwarves, and never wanted to leave. One Paldrean liked the Dwarves so much, that he stopped playing dumb, and showed how smart Paldreans can be. After that, most Paldreans came out too, and began to fight so well, that they were higher in rank than most of the dwarf army, and was making many battle plans. They would fight, and die side by side with a dwarf any day.
    >! Trolls- Trolls are huge creatures, that like hitting people with trees. It started with a bear, who got shaved by the humans, yet escaped the slaughterhouse. He grew very big, and he ate a sick deer, and turned blue. The bear almost died, but some miracle allowed him to live. He was so different than any other species, he had to become a new species, which they called Trolls. These Trolls were not very smart, originating from bears. They were very strong though, and liked to uproot trees, and swing them at people. They were not liked by many people, but the Orcs saw them as an opportunity. They negotiated terms with the trolls for an alliance, which the trolls didn't understand, but agreed because they thought the orcs look funny. They afterward also got to do their favorite thing, swing trees at people. they destroyed many human castles, until the humans found out what the trolls like, and what killed them; fire. They threw fire on to the battlefield, which distracted the trolls, while the threw fire at the trolls to kill them. The trolls new favorite thing, which only some trolls had, was whacking people with a flaming tree. When they do this, they think that they are in heaven. They would give anything for this. Sometimes, they would even whack other trolls with
    a flaming tree. When the troll that got whacked dies, they still are on earth. They turn into a strange creature called a Shalo.
    >! Shalos- Shalos are invisible, yet what they carry is not. Shalos are dead Trolls, that are shrunken a little. At first they still carried around trees, and didn't know that they died, But after a while, they liked capes and big weapons, which they got whatever they could from the orcs, which provided them with the weapons and the capes. The Shalos liked to fight, but more things could
    kill them now, and this time it would be forever. They would die if any water hit them, and also if they were exposed to too much sunlight. They could only fight in the night, when it was not raining at all. They were easy to kill, because if you threw fire everywhere, the light from the fire would kill them. The orcs were smart though. They would hide the swords and cape, until the Shalos needed them, and then at the last moment gave them to the Shalos the kill their enemies. This did not always work, for sometimes the Shalos would accidentally get to close to a fire, and would just disapear, without the orcs knowing. Shalos, over time, grew smarter than the trolls. They were still close allies with the orcs, but created their own empire, with their own king. They still did not like names though, for it was to complicated for them. They started to learn magic, but only knew enough to enchant their weapons with permanent poisons.


    >! Hunter – a ranger, using his ambush and pet abilities to his advantage
    Warrior – A class depending fully on brute strength
    Priest – a class which mainly heals, yet also has a few damaging spells
    Mage – a wizard the uses all their intellect to cast spells


    >! I currently only have one Screenshot, but I will add more in soon


    >! Me(mattt183) - Project leader, developer, and does a little bit of everything, mostly mapping though
    I also have two friends (not on this forum) helping me out with the game, one of them does graphics, the other does programming


    >! The website is still under construction, but you can view it here
  3. Ok, sorry for the time it took, (gotta think more about homework than this) but I figured out the name I'm going to use for my game, if you could please do this, that would be awesome:
    Text: Lordan Online
    Look: The look should be featuring an archer with his bow strung, and ready to shoot, at a warrior, with his sword up, running at the archer, and about to engage. If you could make a forest around them, and them in a small clearing, that would be great! all the rest of the details about the forest is up to you.
    Size: One size of the eclipse at the top of the website, one sig side, and one avatar size

    Thanks! :cheesy:
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