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Posts posted by Craselin

  1. @Kocho:

    > Does it work if I have a runtime error 9 and the server has a crash?
    > until we find a solution, I always get this error and my game is online

    You might be able to find a way to stop this error from appearing and instead just closes the server and saves the error data to a txt? If I find anything I'll tell you :)
  2. Okay, well, now I see it. I really have to stop being so newbish. And yes I know this topic is old but I am still working on the game. I've got lot's of the source editing done and I remade the grass (currently working on dead grass, if anyone want's to try and do it, please, feel free! xD). So here's the new grass…
    I placed some characters onto it to make it look a bit better (i used GIMP 2.0 so they may not be centred)

    If anyone ever wants to help with this please PM me :)
  3. Like Ryoku and Robin said, (and I'm paraphrasing here) if you convert a mp3 to midi, the program is definitely going to pick up sounds incorrectly, etc. It will end out sounding almost nothing like the original music.
  4. @Anna:

    > Looking through your post history, "pointless" would be an appropriate description.

    I actually lol'd at this xD

    Anyway, more on topic. If you can link to youtube channels then sure heres the pic:
    and the [link here](http://www.youtube.com/craselinplusplus)

    Thanks a bunch, you're awesome! ;D
  5. Let me fix that up for you and point out something

    > I got in trouble for insulting a post :L I have to admit it's nice you've put the effort into this. But really? **On the eclipse forums "MINECRAFT" section**

    Have a nice day
  6. You run a windows Emulator but thats the only way. And even then you would need to actually have windows or pirate it (which i am not telling you to do)
  7. @Ryoku:

    > Nice edit, but not very useful. ^_^

    Truthfully I think it is useful, you could have different types of annoucements in different colours, for example you could announce countdowns to events in blue and advertise new maps in green, etc, etc :)
  8. Hey everyone,
    I am currently using EO 2_0_0 and I would wish to make it so that normal players can take a screenshot by pressing the "Pg Up" key.
    If you don't understand what I mean I want to make it so that they can save screenshots and a .jpg (or other format if it's easier) without having to use alt+PrtScn then paint, etc.
    I've tried looking at the code for mods taking full map screenshots but it isn't helping

    Thanks in advacne,
  9. @Darth:

    > I have the code, I even tried copy/pasting the whole thing, and it still doesn't work :(

    This may seem like a stupid question but many newish people still don't get it. Did you compile the client using VB6?
  10. I’m the one who posted this an yet I agree with Soul (or Encyclopedia Dramatica) on this one because truthfully this stuff isn’t to hard to find using Google or Yahoo or Bing (mainly Google though xD).
    But I guess I should note that soooo many people do not try using these resources or even if they do they don’t look hard enough (that’s why I posted this).

    I’m contradicting myself now aren’t I… -.-“

    > Warning - while you were typing 2 new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post.

    Damn those post ninjas!
  11. Hey everyone,
    For those of you new visual basic users I just found an **awesome** resource of tutorials for it. I've read a few and so far it's helped me to understand VB much better :D
    I hope that this also helps others: http://www.vbtutor.net/vb6/vbtutor.html
    Kind regards,

    (please note I did not write any of these or do I take any credit for them)
  12. This should be in the questions and answers section and you should also be a bit more specific but here are some I found using the SEARCH option:
    Hope this helps (and I also hope you learn to type a few letters into a search bar),
  13. @Jaiden:

    > @Sauros:
    > > This isn't even a source edit. this is just damn common sense. Someone delete this  thread.
    > You'd be surprised how many people on this forum lack it. This is perfectly valid instruction that will actually help someone regardless of if you deem it useless.

    Also you have to take into account that some people are new to Visual Basic and might not know anything about it. On another note, very nice tutorial
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