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Everything posted by lordphrozen

  1. I was just about to post about this… hey robin, care to lend a hand? This one goes out of my area of expertise...
  2. Yes. Yes it is. Fairly good looking blood if you compare it to other projects ;) The game has the cute of maplestory, the items of diablo, and the boss mechanics of wow, all mixed together in a to 2d rpg to set the bar a few notches higher for the rest of the lot =]
  3. You're being reaaaaally stupid :P the -1 is to make sure the indexes are right. take a look at the path man the path! XD its checking the gui folder :P
  4. You're gonna kick yourself. haha, everyone is going to have this problem, and it has nothing to do with the pngs :P, its a small whoopsie in the code, and it took me 5 minutes to find, so I'll share with everyone. Check out "EngineCacheTextures()" [ in the client obviously ] ' Animation Textures Count_Anim = 1 Do While FileExist(App.path & Path_Gui & Count_Anim & ".png") ReDim Preserve Tex_Anim(0 To Count_Anim) Tex_Anim(Count_Anim) = SetTexturePath(App.path & Path_Anim & Count_Anim & ".png") Count_Anim = Count_Anim + 1 Loop Count_Anim = Count_Anim - 1 take a goooooood look in there….
  5. I'm sure you're very well aware of how much work making a sprite for everything would be :P
  6. I actually like their pixelated goofyness. Besides, having separate sprites for different scales, would be a little overkill… there are 50 different scales it can be. Just a color change doesn't work, as size represents the difficulty increase. I understand some may think it looks ugly, its something I may revisit it again later. There's just too many core systems that still need attention.
  7. 1) the procedural items are based off of a core item in the item database. that will define armor type, or weapon type, defence or attack scaling%(and weapon speed), and, if i care to, the bonuses added to all items of this generated type. The engine then decides its name out of the current 71 prefixes and suffixes, picks random stats based on the items level required, then drops it to the map. 2) NPC champions are done like this, npc sprites are divided into 2 seperate sprites, the non-colored base, and the white-out'ed part that gets colored by the engine. When i create an npc i define what color that npc should be, and then the engine slightly modifies that color, per spawn, so all npcs arent EXACTLY the same color. Now when a champion gets selected, it becomes a scale between its current scale and 6.0, and then increases its hp, attack damage, drop rates, and exp given accordingly. 3) the blood looks fine, you have no idea the size of the creature i was fighting in that screenshot XD, blood sprites also have a slight size randomocity, 16 different sprites, and scales with the source of the blood. Killing your everyday mobs, only leaves a small, noticeable bloodstain. ![](http://www.cybermancygaming.com/forums/uploads/gallery/album_1/gallery_5_1_438625.png)
  8. hahaha, the hairs are composed out of 2 seperate hair styles, one for the back, and under hair, and one for the bangs, or over layers, 33 choices for each. 33*33 = 1089
  9. Hehe thank you :P Though I love how out of all of that, you picked that to be impressed by. Go register and find out what's really in there, for example : 1089 Different Hair Styles.
  10. Yeah the name isnt set in stone, im not SUPER into the name myself, but its what the dice rolled that evening.
  11. ![](http://i.imgur.com/SAo8i.png) Alure: The Awakening (Formerly Fantasy LYF) is built with a heavily modified CS:DE engine. For those of you who remember my name in the history of the mirage source story, howdy ;) . For those who don't know me I'm Tony "LordPhrozen" Abbate, 29, I work marketing for a computer company, and i like short walks directly to my computer chair. PM me if you'd like more information? i guess? lol Anyways Alure is a medieval fantasy rpg roguelike tower crawl MMORPG, and has some wicked fun features. **Procedural Equipment** - All Equipment is randomly generated. There are no set equipment items in the database, only rough prototypes. **4-piece Armor** - Armor sprites are actually 4 separate sprites, Primary section, secondary section, optional neck piece, and optional cape. All pieces are colored randomly and separately. Each section also has drops for Dye's to manipulate the colors after it drops. **Customization** - Players are fully customizable from hair, to voice, to ears, skin tone, accessories, all with RGB sliders to customize your colors. We sport over 1000 possible hairstyles.( No, I'm not shitting you ) **Distance based audio reduction** - The farther away you are from the source, the quieter sounds are **Working Fog** - Not that this was hard, it was 90% already coded **Instance System** - Yeah, I went there. Instanced dungeon maps with loot in instances for each player(not party loot). only one player needs to enter the dungeon, all other party members are warped in. **Threat and Aggro** - Each npc has its own threat table, and both payers get warnings when aggro is switched. If you're in a **Minimap** - With party support. Honestly it's a little laggy with our 100x100 maps, and kind of a dog on the 140x140 town map. thank god it toggles? **Dynamic Stats** - Stats do different things for different classes. **NPC Champions** - Randomly colored, randomly sized, player-wrecking machines with better loot drop chances **Temp Buffs** - Stacking to max stack, Conlifct-Able, buffs / debuffs for players. **Resizeable Client** - though noticeable graphics artifacts can be seen when doing so, sorry, that's the nature of a 2D game written in dx8. **Class Archetypes** - Only 3 classes, but the ability to grab skills from each class, allows for true class customization, [Brute], [Acrobat], and the [Scholar]. **Equipment Comparison** - When mousing over items, it will show you details for both the item, and your current equipment for ease of use. **Blood** - Buckets of glorious blood. And I mean buckets. Blood generated scale with the size of the target. **Obscured Translucency** - You are stil semi-visible behind objects(this is coded, not mapped) **Visual Weapons** - Weapons are now on your back when you're not fighting **RGB Weapons&Swings** - Weapons are now RGB randomized, and melee swings have an animated swoosh(different per direction) and uses the color of your weapon **RGB Icons** - Icons now reflect actual Weapon. **No Grief** - Players can now walk through each other. **Ground Effects** - NPC's (mainly bosses) can now create "fire on the ground" type entities. **Traps/Ground Effects continual** - Continually take damage for standing in bad things ;) **Missing by weap Level** - if your weapon is 5 levels below the npc's level you get a 10% miss chance, if its 10 or more below, its a 35% miss chance. **Spell Personalization** - Weapon color now effects spell color, eventually this will be moved to your "spell color personalization" color. **Improved AI** - NPCs will no longer get stuck behind obstacles, all npcs havea frustration level, and if an NPC gets too frustrated, it will warp closer to its target. so plaeyrs can not infiantely kite mobs into a corner of obsticles and fight with no danger. **Further Improved AI** - NPCs will no longer congregate at the map edges from following players. If players were not partied, they will just respawn themsevles **Further Improved AI 2** - If an NPCs target leaves the map, or dies, it will search the party for other players on the map, and target them, if there are no other party members on the map, it will respawn itself. **Advanced Item Stats** - Items can now be found with "advanced effects" on them. Example : "+3% SoulShielding" Soulshielding is a pvp stat, and reduces damages given to you by other players. or "+4 MagicFind" To aid in the finding of higher quality items. **Armor and Weapon Dyes** - Colorize your equipment as you see fit! **NPC Call to Arms** - Npcs can now summon other npcs into combat **Customizeable Skills** - Players can now choose what skills they learn, and can swap them out for other skills. each odd level, you get a choice between 4 skills, can only choose one. **Threat Display** - While in a dungeon, you will get messages about your current targets Hate of it's current target, if that hits zero, its going after whoever last hit it, and pulled. **Gems** - Randomly colored Gems that increase stats based on the color of the gem,(comingSoon!) **FEAR** - Death is real. Dont screw around. Dieing gets your inventory wiped, and your level dropped to 1. **Item-based Skills** - I can now tie a spell to an item for a single use casted item, for example our escape crystals that get you out of the tower. **Multi-spell** - I can Tie up to 3 spells to a single spell. especially helpful if I want to have something like "Vampiric touch" where it deals damage to the target, and heals the caster. Latest Screenshots >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/JeJE8Hk.png) >! Comparing my items >! >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/nNvh0Nk.png) >! Customizing my toon >! >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/JnsJMJ9.png) >! Just entered the tower. Video >! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Gn9QQzHBQ3U Public alpha test soon as well. :]
  12. Sorry to necro post, but theres a bit of an issue with this and scrolling maps. in drawtileoutline use this sub instead Public Sub DrawTileOutLine() Dim Tileset As Byte ' find tileset number Tileset = frmEditor_Map.scrlTileSet.value ' exit out if doesn't exist If Tileset Count_Tileset Then Exit Sub If frmEditor_Map.scrlAutotile.value = 0 Then RenderTexture Tex_Tileset(Tileset), CurX * PIC_X - (Camera.left + (TileView.left * 32)), CurY * PIC_Y - (Camera.top + (TileView.top * 32)), shpSelectedLeft, shpSelectedTop, shpSelectedWidth, shpSelectedHeight, shpSelectedWidth, shpSelectedHeight Else RenderTexture Tex_Tileset(Tileset), CurX * PIC_X - (Camera.left + (TileView.left * 32)), CurY * PIC_Y - (Camera.top + (TileView.top * 32)), shpSelectedLeft, shpSelectedTop, PIC_X, PIC_Y, PIC_X, PIC_Y End If End Sub this gets rid of the wandering tiles when you start moving around on a large map.
  13. I derpped this morning, go ahead and lock/delete the thread. Issue: Image wasn't POT. i was off by a pixel, i blame late night editing.
  14. You can use hamachi…. but sweet lord, please dont.
  15. Alright so this happens on a vanilla copy of CS:DE, as well as my edit, made sure before asking. What on EARTH is the engine doing to the tiles before blt? seems like most tiles are getting their left and top most pixels replaced by the right and lower line of pixels form adjacent tiles. the blue section is the best demo of whats going on, as that tile has no tiles around it. One might say"But look at that white thing… there's no breaks there!" Yes. yes there is. but you're not seeing them due to the tile next to it, being the same color, thus you dont notice the 1 pixel wide discrepancy. Any light to shed on this would be massively appriciated. In return I'll post some tutorials. *pegs Robin with a ball of crumpled up paper* ;)
  16. For those who even recall who I am, know its pretty rare for me to ask for help. Though at this point in time I'm pretty lost in terms of weather or not this is possible, and figured it'd be a massive time saver to just ask. I'm using an older source project with directX7 calls. What I'm curious about is scaling the entire picscreen to 2x zoom on render. Easier solution : Make the game full screen, change screen resolution. While yes, this is an easier solution it isn't something I want to add. Any help would be appreciated :]
  17. Been a loooong time scince I've been in the 2d mmorpg game. Some of you older older users will remember me and xPC's dealings with Kael after he refused me credit for my [ even though it was garbage, I still made it. ] GUI. Wonder if any of the old school dev's are still around….. Some of you may remember our orginal games under Silent Shadows, Rilphia Saga, and Twilight Saga. ah the days of me and psychoboy doing Sielnt Shadows.. anyways... I'm pondering coming back to the development scene, to release either a new game, or a anew engine, undecided so far. I'll be around :evil: [EDIT] Sorry for not using the general hi/bye thread. Figured this deserved it's own thread.
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