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Posts posted by ToshiroHayate

  1. @Yukiyo:

    > Am I the only one who doesn't use antivirus .. and has only ever been infected by one virus?

    I seemed to get an EXCESSIVE increase of "viruses" from Avast and Norton way back on my old computer. So I just stopped using anti-viruses altogether. Don't download suspicious things and you'll be just fine. (Been 7 years since I used an anti-virus on multiple PCs, no viruses. :D)
  2. @Pete:

    > Yay, a poorly coded game has been ported to 8 year old technology! WOO!

    Doesn't support modding, skinning, or map importing/exporting! You also can't play on the same servers as PC! HOWEVER. GRASP YOUR MIND AROUND THIS SHIT.


    And that is way too much shift-holding for my liking..
  3. @Pete:

    > Got bored after a week.

    How did you last that long? Even with my massive free time, I only lasted a few hours. It was a decent game, just lacked things to do, besides well, grind. Which is bad for someone like me, I need multiple things to do.

    However, as far as the classic arcade styled game play of it goes, it was nice.
  4. It's a pretty decent game. It has a ton of mods to offer, that you can download from the game itself. They have some interesting RPG mods, where you select one character, and upgrade him through a storyline, with mass waves of enemies.
  5. @SuperSake:

    > I just say S.Q.L., H.U.D., and G.U.I.
    > Halo 4's executive producer said "hudd".
    > [![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/d8f31cc917e47f51e902eeaab1e81d24.png)
    > ![](http://gifrinth.com/vocabulary/1292211739129.png)](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/#d8f31cc917e47f51e902eeaab1e81d24.png)
  6. I voted for L and PhoenixWright.  I voted for L because he/she showed great detail and palette choice. The shading was really well done. My other vote went to Phoenix because he chose an interesting and unique figure. It wasn't just a weapon with a simple effect. It was also very well-done.
  7. @Marsh:

    > Before you try to shade just get the basic shape and look of the sword down.

    This. You need to get an outline done. Then add in your color palette. Once you have those down, you can worry about shading, which is nothing but adding detail and more color to your base. Start out small.
  8. Honestly, there's a lot wrong with this picture. The G.U.I is really plain and stands out. It doesn't fit well with the game at all. Though that's most likely a W.I.P, so I'll ignore that for now.

    Next is the charset and the tileset. The charset, is okay. I've seen worse. However, the tileset does not fit at all. It doesn't go well with the character, or it's surroundings. Like, look at the tree and the house. Since when is a one-floor house two times the height of a tree? The fence and the grass/stone tiles look alright. Just get those houses and trees fixed more to fit better. Dynamic sizing is your friend.

    I'm not really sure what to say as for the charset. I've always lacked in that department as well.
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