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Posts posted by shadowdeath

  1. Hey mate, as someone who owns a business (and started it at 16/17), if you're going the route of selling the game on other platforms such as Steam, Humble, etc. I'd highly recommend incorporating, possibly as an Inc. (that's what I did), to give yourself further protection and more monetary options before releasing a product. However, you have to keep in mind that starting a business is going to be a bit expensive initially because you're going to have to hire a lawyer or tax accountant to compile and fill out the necessary forms for your state. It's really up to you, but the more money you make the better it is to incorporate. If you're not making very much though, then I guess you should probably ignore everything I just said.
  2. ![](http://i.imgur.com/8U6rSUH.png)

    _Because single is too little_

    _**Links**, or things 90% of people won't click_


    _[_Visit our site_](http://tophatentertainment.us)_



    **Intro**, _or how to completely bore everyone within the first paragraph of a post_

    So uh, hi everyone. Double Death is my first real project as an Indie Dev, and up to this point has been a crazy

    experience for me. I'm creating the game mainly in GM:S, although I've had to do some additional coding for

    GM Extensions to extend the capability of the engine. Double Death is a zombie (_yes, another zombie game)_ beat'em/shoot'em up

    which I created with the original idea in mind of being a 2D Killing Floor. Since then I've added a lot more from many inspirational sources,

    including L4D, TF2, and older games like Metal Slug. Not only have a learned a ton from Double Death, but it's also been the source

    of my motivation for the last three years (even after a complete hardware failure) and an experience which has lead me to incorporate

    as a business and get in touch with a publisher to bring the game to Steam in the future.

    **Features**, _or what actually makes the game worth playing_

    * Wave-based Survival Modes, both with a classic survive 10 wave mode and an endless mode
    * Infection Mode, similar to Versus in L4D
    * Player Customization with hats,etc similar to TF2
    * Weapon Customization. There are around 8 weapons and 30 or so mods to customize these weapons
    * Co-op Multiplayer + Singleplayer
    * Dedicated Server Support
    * Modding. Allows for players to make custom game modes, maps, weapons, zombies, mods, etc.
    * 8 Maps on release
    * Arcade (Story) Mode which acts as an Objective based mode taking place on custom maps
    * Backpacks, which are instanced per match and increase player carrying size and such. Can be traded.

    **Screenshots_,_** _or the only thing people really care about when opening a thread_

    _Warning: There's ALOT here_

    _>! ![](http://i.imgur.com/BGqTKpa.png)
    >! ![](http://media.indiedb.com/cache/images/games/1/34/33328/thumb_620x2000/screenshot12.PNG)
    >! ![](http://media.indiedb.com/cache/images/games/1/34/33328/thumb_620x2000/krakendemonstration.png)
    >! ![](http://media.indiedb.com/cache/images/games/1/34/33328/thumb_620x2000/forestwalkthrough.gif)
    >! ![](http://media.indiedb.com/cache/images/games/1/34/33328/thumb_620x2000/mockup2.png)
    >! ![](http://media.indiedb.com/cache/images/games/1/34/33328/thumb_620x2000/deathanimzombiem.gif)
    >! ![](http://media.indiedb.com/cache/images/games/1/34/33328/thumb_620x2000/backpackmockup.gif)
    >! ![](http://media.indiedb.com/images/articles/1/176/175623/auto/utXL4y6.gif)
    >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/DELxbCu.gif)![](http://i.imgur.com/COreA4L.gif)
    >! So yeah. The game's still in development and should be released on Steam, among other platforms, in a few months or so. There's a lot
    >! more screenshots on the IndieDB and Devlog pages, so if you're interested be sure to check those out.
    >! Thanks everyone,
    >! Bonesy_
  3. @Scrooge:

    > He's that kid who spammed up the Minecraft section with his shitty videos and went around the Show Off & Website sections telling everyone they suck.
    > He was here for like a few months. No one knows him.

    I had like 3 posts. Is that spamming? And yes, they sucked. I deleted the,.
    Second of all, most people did suck. Are you going to deny it, Mr. Perfect Master of Life and the Universe
    And third, I was here for more than a year, but I was always on and off.
    Get your facts right.
  4. I agree with these statements.
    Due to this, I have left the community Many times and come back to see if it has changed.
    It has changed over time.
    In my opinion, it's been getting worse every time I come back.
    It's gone from a solid game development forum to one based around 9 years who complain how hard it is to put any effort into a game.
    It's harder to have actual conversations now as well, and the community has steered in a shitty, off-topic direction overrun by personal views instead of reality or topical facts.
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